Late of Freshwater, NSW
On 3 September 1936 there is mention of a Sgt A.E. LOSEBY attending the funeral of Sgt 3/c William Albert STUBBS, NSWPF # ‘Q‘ 8773 ( “possibly” related ? )
There is mention of Sgt 1/c Roy Albert WHYBROW, NSWPF # 6402 ( ” possibly ” related ? )
“Possibly” related to Karan LODGE ( nee WHYBROW ), NSWPF # 28821
NSW Police Training Centre – Redfern – Class # ? ? ?
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # P/W 0048
Rank: Commenced Training at Redfern Police Academy on Monday ? ? 1954
Probationary Constable- appointed ? ? ?
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Detective – appointed ? ? ?
Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank: = ? ( Resigned )
Stations: ?,
Service: From ? ? 1954 to ? ? 1957? = 3.5 years Service
Retirement / Leaving age: = ?
Time in Retirement from Police: ?
Awards: No Find on Australian Honours system ( under either surname )
Born: Wednesday 13 September 1933 in Wombat, NSW
Died on: Sunday 13 February 2022
Age: 88 years, 5 months, 0 days
Cause: ?
Event location: ?
Event date: ?
Funeral date: Tuesday 1 March 2022 @ 10.30am
Funeral location: Graveside – Rookwood Cemetery, Anglican Remembrance Lawn 2
Tea & Coffee afterwards at the cafe’
( click here to see Cornona19 Virus Pandemic rules – this will be a limited numbers Funeral )
any Future Wake location: ??? TBA
any Future Wake date: ??? TBA
( Due to current Govt. restrictions on ‘Gatherings’ due to Corona19 Virus Pandemic, some families may wish to have a Memorial Service / Wake with friends and family at a later date )
Funeral Parlour: ?
Buried at: Rookwood Cemetery, Anglican Remembrance Lawn2
Row: ?, Plot: ?
Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?
Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( February 2022 )
WILMA is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance * NOT JOB RELATED
May they forever Rest In Peace
Australian Police YouTube Channel
Late of Freshwater NSW
13.09.1933 – 13.02.2022 88 yrs
Anglican Remembrance Lawn 2

Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 – 1954),
Wednesday 29 September 1948, page 4
Weeks of careful preparation by the Young Anglicans of Wombat and Kingsvale culminated in the Y.A. Ball, held at Wombat on Friday night, when a record crowd attended from all parts of the district. Buses arrived from Young, Harden, Cootamundra and Wallendbeen, besides numerous cars, and it was soon evident that comfortable dancing would be impossible. Two car loads of patrons arrived later, and, on seeing the crowded conditions, decided to save their feet and return home immediately. The dancers already in the hall made the best of it and took all the inevitable pushes and bumps in good part, with just one object in view and that was to enjoy themselves as well as conditions would permit. The door-keepers, J. Hall and A. Lemon, and ticket sellers, Jas Hall and J. Warner, had a busy time, but evidently did a good job, for the door takings amounted to about £96.
The hall was tastefully decorated, being latticed with red and white, with balloons to soften the effect, while the stage was adorned with an archway of flowers. About 9.45 the official party, consisting of Rev. Guy Julian, Mrs. R. Hall, Rev. F. M. Hill and Mrs. B. Minehan, Mrs. Julian, and Mr. R. Hall, made their entry, and the ball was officially opened by Rev. Guy Julian, of Harden.
The five flower girls then proceeded up the hall along a lane that had been formed towards the stage to the strains of ” Rendezvous, ” played on the piano by Mrs. J. Hall, and Maureen Prothero presented a bouquet to Mrs. Julian.
Little Maureen wore a frock of blue marquisette.
Pam Winbank in a pink net frock came next, and was followed by Helen Molloy and Janet Prothero in their frocks of white net.
Then came Elizabeth Hall, in a frock of white crepe, followed by Marion Bailey in pink net.
The eleven debs, in white, with their partners, then made their way towards the stage where they were in turn presented by Mrs. R. Hall to Rev. Guy Julien.
The debs, and partners were as follows:
Betty Oldfield, partnered by Mr. Jos Gabriel, wore a frock of white flat crepe, full skirt, tight fitting waist, sweetheart neckline, mittens to match.
Marie Nicolls, partnered by Mr. Worner, frock of silk net and lace over taffeta, full skirt, with peplum and tight-fitting bodice, mittens to match.
Marion Nicolls, partnered by Mr. M. Oldfield, frock of silk net and lace over taffeta, full skirt, with peplum and tight fitting-bodice, mittens to match.
Jessie Gehrig, partnered by Mr. F. Eastlake, frock of lace and water wave taffeta, full skirt, sweetheart neckline and mittens to match.
Merle Turton, partnered by Mr. C. Scott, frock with lace top and full water-wave taffeta skirt, and mittens to match.
Dulcie Parkinson, partnered by Mr. M. Williams, frock of whit’ satin, very full skirt, square neckline, and mittens to match.
Betty Parkinson, partnered by Mr. E. Parkinson, frock of white satin trimmed with sequins, full mittens to match.
Kathleen Ellison, partnered by Mr. J. Munro, frock of white organdi over taffeta, full skirt, sweetheart neckline, and mittens to match.
Wilma Whybrow, partnered by Mr. R. Whybrow, frock. of Brussels net, three-tiered skirt, with lace applique, mittens to match.
Gwen Hewson, partnered by Mr. R. Andrews, frock of spotted marquisette over taffeta, with three-tiered skirt, sweetheart neckline, and mittens to match.
Clare Lemon, partnered by Mr. M.Whybrow, frock of embossed marquisette with three-tiered skirt effect, heart-shaped neckline, and mittens to match.
The debs, and their partners then completed one round of a special dance, comprising a waltz chain step to the strains of, ” When You Were Sweet Sixteen, ” and on completion of this, ” The Blue Danube Waltz ” was the signal for all hands to join in an old time waltz. The dancing then commenced in earnest, for which music was supplied by the ‘ Rhythm Rascals, ‘ of Harden, consisting of piano, trumpet, saxaphone, accordeon and drums.
The floor was controlled by Mr. Perce Fitzpatrick, who, as M.C., did a very creditable job, and saw that all the dancers’ requirements were adequately catered for.
Supper arrangements for almost 400 people had to be on a large scale, and in this connection a large marquee had been erected to substitute for a badly needed supper room.
The supper itself was excellent, and it was quite obvious that a great deal of extra work had been involved. While on this subject, it would be appropriate to devote a special word of praise to all those people who worked so untiringly in the preparation and serving of such a supper for so many, not forgetting the able workers who kept the water boiling and ready for its various uses.
Secretary Mrs. Minehan was certainly fortunate to have such a capable and willing committee.
At 2 p.m. it was decided to engage the orchestra for another hour, and so dancing was carried on till ‘ 3 a.m., when tired, but happy people wended their way homeward, satisfied that they’d seen the largest crowd at Wombat Hall since its erection, and still wondering where all the people came from.
Nothing further, than what is recorded above, is known about this person at the time of publication and further information and photos would be appreciated.
18 February 2022