Ernest Bain YOUNG
Ernest Bain YOUNG
New South Wales Police Force
Joined New South Wales Police via New South Wales Police Cadet system on 1 April 1937
Cadet # 136
Regd. # ?
Rank: ?
Stations: ?
Service: From 1 April 1937 to 1 April 1953
Awards: ?
Born: 16 December 1919
Died on: ? ? 2008
Cause: ?
Age: 90
Funeral date: ?
Funeral location: ?
Buried at: ?

[alert_blue]ERNEST is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_blue] * NOT JOB RELATED
Funeral location:

Gilgandra Weekly and Castlereagh ( NSW ) Thursday 30 January 1941 page 2 of 6
The engagement has been announced of Miss Veronica Mary Burton, eldest daughter of the late Caleb Burton and of Mrs. E. A. Bulton, of Orange and Glebe Point, to Mr. Ernest Bain Young, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Young, of Drummoyne. Miss Burton is at present holidaying in Gilgandra as the guests of the McKechnie family, of ” Inglewood. ”
[alert_red]This may NOT be the same Ernest Bain Young. Obviously the engagement to Veronica Mary Burton is not the woman he married in July 1944[/alert_red]
The Southern Mail ( Bowral ) Friday 28 July 1944 page 1 of 4
St. Jude’s Church, Bowral, was the scene of a pretty wedding recently when popular Bowral telephoniste Miss Marie Phoebe Webb, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. L. Webb of Mittagong and Moss Vale, was married to A.C.1 Ernest Bain Young (formerly the popular Constable Young of Moss Vale).
Rev. L. A. Pearce performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charming in a gown of cream embossed satin, with a veil loaned by her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Webb of Moss Vale, caught in a coronet of orange blossom, and she carried a bouquet of white carnations, camellias and hyacinths. Mrs V. C. Bradman, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and was attractively garbed in white tulle and lace, with a tulle cap headdress and bouquet of red roses.
Mr A Sutherland a friend of the bridegroom, was best man. During the signing of the register, the bride’s cousin,. Mrs. A. Harrison, sang ‘Because,’, with Mr. Geoff Beavan at the organ. Scouts formed a guard of honor as the happy couple left the church, as a tribute to the groom’s services as Scoutmaster at Moss Vale. At the reception at Springett’s Hall, about seventy guests were received by the bride’s mother, wearing a pink woollen frock with short fur jacket, matching accessories and posy, and the bridegroom’s mother, in an aqua blue woollen suit with fur cape and black accessories. The bride wore a tailored brown striped suit trimmed with cerise, and carried brown accessories, when leaving for the honeymoon, which was spent at Kurrajong Heights.
The Courier Mail ( Brisbane ) Tuesday 22 December 1953 page 3 of 14
PORT MORESBY (by radio) —
Two police officers were committed for trial in Port Moresby Supreme Court yesterday for perjury arising out of their testimony in reply to a claim that they had assaulted a man.
Mr Justice Bignold said:” I am sure the evidence as to the wicked malpractice by police officers will come as a great shock to the community”. The committal followed a surprise turn in the trial of John Theodore Mumford. 38, meter reader, who was charged with assaulting a native woman on November 9. Mumford was to have appeared for sentence yesterday but the case was reopened to admit fresh evidence from a native policeman, who said he had seen Sub-Inspector Ernest Bain Young and Inspector Colin Edgar Evans bash
The Judge acquitted Mumford after hearing the evidence and committed Young and Evans for trial. Mumford had maintained early in his trial that Evans and Young had bashed him to make him confess to the charge.
Four witnesses gave evidence that Mumford was marked on the face and body when he returned from the Criminal Investigation Branch after questioning. Mr. Norman White (for Mumford) submitted that because of Mumford’s claim that he had been bashed his confession could not be admitted Mr justice Bignold said, however, he did not believe Mumford’s story.
But, in a surprise turn yesterday, the judge acceded to the defence request to reopen the case.
Coro, a native police constable, then told the court he had seen Inspector Evans and Sub-Inspector Young bash Mumford on the night of November 9 at the CIB office, Konedobu. He said he saw Evans hit Mumford four or five times on the face with his clenched fist. Young then hit Mumford over the head with a heavy book, knocking him to the ground.
Through wire
To the Crown Prosecutor Sir Colman O’Loghlan Coro said Evans had found him looking through wire mesh around the CIB office while the bashings took place Evans had called a native detective, Bagita, and ordered him to send Coro away. Later Evans had asked Coro if he had seen what went on and told him not to say anything about it, Coro said.
Bagita (called by the Crown) said he had not heard Evans tell him to send Coro away. He said he was about 10 feet from the CIB office at the time, and he heard no noise or anything which suggested an unusual occurrence there.
Later, Mr. Justice Bignold inspected the CIB office and called Coro to detail how he had seen the alleged bashing.
Great shock
After discharging Mumford, the Judge said: ‘I am sure the evidence as to the wicked malpractice by police officers will come as a great shock to the community. One redeeming feature of the case is that the exposure by the production of witnesses, was made possible by the diligence and honour of Acting Police Commissioner Normoyle, who took the trouble to see that members of his own force were shown in their true colours. His actions may allay the public uneasiness.
Committing Young, who entered the dock in civilian clothes, Mr. Justice Bignold said: ‘It appears that you have knowingly given false testimony against Mumford.
He allowed Evans and Young £100 bail.
[alert_blue]FURTHER RESEARCH TO FOLLOW UP:[/alert_blue]