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Allan SHAW

Constable Allan SHAW

Regd. # 9181

Age:  24

Motor Vehicle Accident


11 May, 1964


Allan SHAW - Woonona Cemetery

Allan SHAW - Woonona Cemetery

Woonona Cemetery - Police Memorial

Woonona Cemetery, Sutherland, NSW - Police Memorial

About 9pm on 10 May, 1964 Constable Shaw was a member of a Police Wireless Car patrolling the Belmore area when they received a message regarding a break and enter offence. Whilst they were travelling along Reginald Street a vehicle drove through the intersection of Drummond Street, failing to give way to the police vehicle. The vehicles collided and all three police were thrown to the roadway. The injured were conveyed to the Canterbury District Hospital where Constable Shaw died of his injuries at 5pm the next day.


The constable was born in 1939 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 17 November, 1958. At the time of his death he was stationed at Redfern.






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