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Wayne John EACOTT

Wayne John EACOTT

Australian Federal Police

Retired Federal Agent

Died  10 May 2014 at home

58 years

Funeral:  Memorial Service, Tuesday 20 May 2014 at Seasons Chapel, Cnr Armitage & Albany Hwy, Kelmscott, W.A. @ 3pm

Wayne Eacott
Wayne Eacott

EACOTT (Wayne John):
On behalf of the Australian Federal Police Assoc, friends and former colleagues from the AFP policing family, we offer our condolences to the family of Retired Federal Agent Wayne John Eacott who passed away on Saturday 10th May 2014.


Published in The West Australian on May 17, 2014
Memorial Service:
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Wayne Eacott

Anti Money Laundering and Financial Intelligence and Analysis expert.

Perth Area, Australia
Law Enforcement
  1. Australian Federal Police
  1. Charles Sturt University
Wayne was a sworn member of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) from its inception in 1980 until his retirement in 2010, reaching the rank of Team Leader. He has 32 years policing experience with a background in community policing, intelligence development, narcotic, fraud and Proceeds of Crime investigations.From 2002-2010, Wayne was the Team Leader, Perth Financial Investigations Team and was responsible for Proceeds of Crime investigations and prosecutions within the AFP Western Region Office. Whilst in this role, members of his team successfully restrained and had forfeited millions of dollars in assets. Wayne also developed extensive criminal intelligence holdings that were utilised to disrupt and dismantle international criminal syndicates that were involved in Money Laundering, Illicit Drug Trafficking and People Smuggling.He developed an extensive network of contacts within the law enforcement and business communities in Australia and overseas including senior members from various Commonwealth Departments, Perth Business Community, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong and German Law Enforcement.During 2006–08, while performing the above Team Leader role, Wayne as part of the AFP’s United Nations obligations relating to Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing was the law enforcement expert on the Financial Action Task Force/Australian Pacific Group (FATF/APG) evaluation teams conducting the Mutual Evaluation of Mongolia and Singapore. He successfully presented the Law Enforcement component of the report to the APG Plenary in Perth in July 2007 (Mongolia), FATF Plenary in Paris in February 2008 (Singapore) and the APG Plenary in Bali in July 2008 (Singapore).Wayne has a Bachelor of Policing (Investigations), Graduate Certificate in Police Management and Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training. He holds nationally accredited (Australia) qualifications in Intelligence and Proceeds of Crime/ Money Laundering investigation.


BMW Motor Cycle Club of W.A.

Wayne Eacott

15 May 2014 10:17 PM | Anonymous
Sadly one of our number Wayne Eacott, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday 10th of May. Wayne had been a member of many years and some will remember him from the first Desert Raid run to Carnegie which he attempted on his Red R1100GS.

Or later at the Vintage Stomp, Voyager Estate after he completed  and exhibited a stunning restoration of a red and white R100GS PD. Most recently with some assistance from Dave Munro he had just completed his latest project a R80G/S PD which had been a few years in the process and of which he was rightly very proud.
Our condolences have been conveyed to his wife Sharon. While we only saw Wayne occasionally, his energy, enthusiasm, good nature and friendship will be missed.
Published in The West Australian on May 17, 2014
EACOTT (Wayne John):
On behalf of the Australian Federal Police Assoc, friends and former colleagues from the AFP policing family, we offer our condolences to the family of Retired Federal Agent Wayne John Eacott who passed away on Saturday 10th May 2014.
– See more at: http://www.westannouncements.com.au/obituaries/thewest-au/obituary.aspx?n=wayne-eacott&pid=171042608&eid=sp_ommatch&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.M37r22Bg.dpuf
EACOTT (Wayne John):
On behalf of the Australian Federal Police Assoc, friends and former colleagues from the AFP policing family, we offer our condolences to the family of Retired Federal Agent Wayne John Eacott who passed away on Saturday 10th May 2014.
– See more at: http://www.westannouncements.com.au/obituaries/thewest-au/obituary.aspx?n=wayne-eacott&pid=171042608&eid=sp_ommatch&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.M37r22Bg.dpuf

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