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Alan Percy RUGLESS

*** GET WELL ***

Alan Percy RUGLESS

aka  Ruggo, The Black Duck

“possible” relation in ‘the job’:  Wife:  Lynette Margaret RUGLESS ( Administrative employee )

Son:  Brad RUGLESS, NSWPF # 21927

Father to Kellie RUGLESS, NSWPF Clerical Officer # 2001808


New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # 10236


NSW Police Academy – Class 089


Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 26 February 1962

Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Constable 1st Class – appointed 1 April 1967

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 4 April 1978

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 9 November 1984

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed 29 July 1986

Inspector – appointed 20 July 1988


Stations?, North Coast District ( 1967 ), ?, North Sydney STP, ?, Canterbury HWP, ?, Traffic Adjudication Section HQ, Kings Cross ( 1989 )


ServiceFrom  ? ? pre February 1962  to  ? ? ? = ? years Service


AwardsNational Medal – granted 6 November 1980 ( Sgt )

1st Clasp to National Medal – granted 2 November 1988 ( SenSgt )

2nd Clasp to National Medal – granted 28 May 1999 ( retired Insp )


Born:  Thursday 11 September 1941

Age:   80 ( 2022 )     74  ( 2016 )

Injury / Illness:    Dementia     Influenza & pneumonia

Hospital: Nursing Home     St George Hospital

On behalf of those of us that care, we extend our best wishes to this member for a speedy recovery.



Alan Rugless, circa 1960.
Alan Rugless, circa 1960.


NSW Police , Alan Rugless on a Triumph. This would have been taken in 1964, at Ulmarra, when Alan was stationed at Grafton.
Alan Rugless on a Triumph. This would have been taken in 1964, at Ulmarra, when Alan was stationed at Grafton.  On Allen’s lap is his son, Paul – who also joined the NSWPF.


Alan’s wife, Lyn, passed away on Friday 6 May 2022 from the effects of Lung Cancer ( diagnosed only two months prior ).

Alan is currently in a Nursing Home and a sufferer of Dementia and would not be aware of the death of his wife.




As of Tuesday 26 July 2016:

Update on Allen Rugless who is currently in St George Hospital. He has been moved into an Intensive Care Ward. Suffering from Influenza virus A and pneumonia. His condition at this time is the same has made no improvement so neither stepped forward or back. Is getting the right treatment so lets hope he continues to battle on.
Bunny Warren


As of Friday  29 July 2016, Ruggo is now in a Critical condition but stable.

Some good news people, just got information that Allen Rugless is on the mend he is 100% from what he was from admission to the hospital. Lyn says that the improvement from last night to today is remarkable. He has most of the machines taken off him is giving cheek to the nursing staff this morning.

Lets hope he continues to improve but it looks at this time that he is over the rough part of it. I asked if he is able to have visitors and she said he can but only two at a time. So there you go people latest update on the little bloke.


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  1. You may already know about it but I believe Allen’s wife Lynn has passed away and her service is at Woranora tomorrow 19/5/22 at 9am to be streamed live. Lynn was also an administrative employee of the NSW Police Force in the early 90’s at the City of Sydney (fomerly NO 1 Division) when I worked there. Allen was also there at that time.

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