Thomas Ernest WAIBEL
Thomas Ernest WAIBEL
Late of Dubbo, formerly of Goulburn
Husband to Sgt Mandy Trindall # ?????
NSW Goulburn Police Academy Class # ? ? ?
New South Wales Police Force
Original NSWPF Regd. # ?????
AFP Regd. # ?????
Rejoinee Regd. # 35490
NSWPF Rank 1st time: Probationary Constable – appointed ???
NSW Constable – appointed ???
NSW Constable 1st Class – appointed ???
NSW Senior Constable – appointed ???
Final Rank = NSW Senior Constable
AFP Rank: ???
Also Served, for a short time, with AFP, Canberra
Apparently Tommy left NSWPF around the 1990’s and joined the AFP ( Australian Federal Police ).
He apparently spent a few years stationed at Canberra City Police Station on GD’s and also as an Intelligence Officer.
Tommy enjoyed his time with the AFP and it is believed he was commended by his superior officers due to implementing new systems to combat stolen goods being sold in Pawnbrokers stores within the ACT.
Tom left the AFP due to personal reasons and rejoined the NSWPF
NSWPF Rank 2nd time: ???
Stations: ?, Canberra City Police Station – AFP – ACT, Liverpool GD’s, Goulburn HWP, Tarago GD’s ( one manner ), Police Academy ( Weapons Instructor, Police Rescue Squad, Goolgowi, Leeton, Griffith, Dubbo – Traffic and Highway Patrol Command – Death
Service 1 – NSWPF: From ? ? ? to ? ? ? = ? years Service
Service 2 – AFP: From ? ? 1990’s? to ? ? 1990’s? = ? years Service
Service 3 – NSWPF: From ? ? ? to 13 January 2019 = ? years Service
Awards: No find on It’s An Honour
Born: ? ? 1958 – 59
Died on: Sunday 13 January 2019 @ 6pm
Age: 59
Cause: Cancer – Prostate
Event location: Dubbo Base Hospital
Event date: ?
Funeral date: Friday 25 January 2019 @noon
Funeral location: St Peter & Pauls Old Cathedral, cnr Verner & Bourke St, Goulburn
Wake location: Goulburn Workers Club
Funeral Parlour: R J Sydney Craig, Goulburn 48212122
Buried at: Goulburn Lawn Cemetery, Sydney Road, Goulburn
Memorial located at: ?

[alert_yellow] TOMMY is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow] *NEED MORE INFO
[alert_pink] TOMMY IS NOT YET mentioned on the Sydney Police Centre Memorial Wall[/alert_pink]
May they forever Rest In Peace
Goulburn Phone (02) 4821 2122

Published in Goulburn Post on Jan. 21, 2019
On the 13th of January, surrounded by the ones he loved, the world lost a gentleman. A kind soul that filled everyone who ever had the honour of meeting him with happiness. His infectious laugh and his mischievous pranks were like no other. The way he would jump around the room, wake us up with a cup of ice then run away giggling… it’s a memory I will never forget.
His dedication to his job, and his unwavering loyalty to his colleagues, who he considered family, earned him the respect of hundreds of people across the world.
The love he shares with his partner will last until the end of time. An unbreakable bond between two of the kindest souls that gave me hope for the future. A woman I respect and will forever be grateful to for everything she ever did for him and for loving him so deeply.
I had the honour of calling this man my Dad. My hero. My protector. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for me or my siblings. His gentle voice, his patience, the way he protected us so fiercely.
My children and my nieces and nephews had the honour of calling him Poppy Tom. He was always wrestling with them, laughing with them, watching cartoons and laughing harder than anyone else in the room. Watching his strength and love while he carried my baby boy in his coffin had me in awe.
Fly high Dad, and watch over my boy.
Until I see you again. I love you.