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Lawrence Blake LEONARD

Lawrence Blake LEONARD

aka  Larry

Late of  Hill St, Queenscliffe, Manly
Brother to William Blake LEONARD – NSWPF #  ‘Q‘ 5928
Brother to Joseph Blake LEONARD – QldPol #  ???

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ‘ Q ‘ 6949

For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )

Rank: Is mentioned as a Senior Constable on 16 Jan 1907 being transferred from Enngonia

Is mentioned as a First Class Sergeant at Taree on 28 January 1918

Sergeant 1st Class – Retirement

Stations: ?,  Enngonia ( 1901 – 1907 ), Pilliga ( 1907 ), Nyngan ( 1913 ), Taree – O.I.C. – Sgt 1/C – 1918

Walgett ( from 10 June 1923 ? ) – Retirement

ServiceFrom  21 April 1896  to  ? ? ? = ? years Service

Awards:  Imperial Service Medal – granted 11 July 1924 – Citation:  NSW Police

Born:  10 November 1872 at Jerrara Creek,  Bungonia, NSW

Died on:  Sunday  15 April 1928 at home

Age:  55

Cause:  Paralytic Stroke

Event location:  Hill-street, Queenscliffe, Manly

Event date:  Sunday  15 April 1928

Funeral dateTuesday  17 April 1928 @ 11am

Funeral location:  Private Mortuary, 92 Corso, Manly

Buried at:  Catholic Cemetery, Griffiths St, Manly

Section R Plot 50

 Memorial located at?

[alert_yellow]LARRY is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO






May they forever Rest In Peace


Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), Monday 16 April 1928, page 10


LEONARD. – April 15, 1928, at his residence, Hill-street, Queenscliffe, Manly, Lawrence Blake Leonard ( late of Taree Police ), dearly beloved husband of Catherine Leonard, and loved father of Mollie, Valerie, and Vincent, aged 55 years.



Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954), Monday 16 April 1928, page 9


LEONARD. – The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. CATHERINE LEONARD, MOLLIE, VALERIE, and VINCENT LEONARD, of Hill-street, Queenscliffe, Manly, are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her late beloved HUSBAND and their FATHER, Lawrence Blake Leonard ; to leave our Private Mortuary, 92 Corso, Manly, TO-MORROW MORNING (Tuesday), at 11o’clock, for the Catholic Cemetery, Manly.

T. WAUGH and CO.,

Funeral Directors.

Tele., Manly 42.

Catherine LEONARD – wife of Lawrence ( Laurence in the Grave Register of Roman Catholic Section of Cemetery ) appears to be buried in the same Plot.  Catherine was buried on 8 December 1950, aged 77.

Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 – 1938), Thursday 3 May 1928, page 1


GOULBURN, Wednesday

The death is announced of Mr Larry Leonard, 54, of a paralytic stroke.

Mr. Leonard was a native of Bungonia, and some years ago joined the police force, being later elevated to the rank of sergeant.

Failing health necessitated his retirement from the force. A widow and three children, the eldest of whom is 18 years and the youngest 11 years, survive him.



Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 – 1940), Wednesday 2 May 1928, page 2


The death is announced of Mr. Larry Leonard (54), a one time resident of Bungonia.

Death followed a paralytic stroke.

Mr. Leonard was a native of Bungonia and some years ago joined the Police Force, being later elevated to the rank of sergeant.

Failing health necessitated his retirement from the force.

A widow and three children, the eldest of whom is 18 years and tile youngest 11 years, survive.

Mrs. G. Broadhead, of Inverary, is a sister.



Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Friday 26 October 1923 (No.129), page 4830


NOTICE is hereby given that Sergeant Walter John Moroney, of Taree, has been appointed an inspector under the Cattle Slaughtering and Diseased Animals and Meat Act, 1902, within the Manning Shire, vice Sergeant Lawrence Blake Leonard, transferred,— such appointment to take effect from 10th July, 1923.


Shire Office, Taree. Shire Clerk.

20th October, 1923.

1553 6s.



Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 – 1940), Thursday 9 August 1923, page 4

DISTRICT NEWS Bungonia (From Our Correspondent.)

Sergeant Larry Leonard, brother of Mr. Jim Leonard, Jerrara, and Mrs. G. Broadhead, Inverary, is dangerously ill in a Sydney hospital, and no hope of his recovery is entertained.

His complaint is hemorrhage.

Mr. Leonard has been ailing for some considerable time.

Lately he was in charge of the police station at Taree.

From there he was transferred to Walgett, and it was expected that a change would do him good. Instead he gradually became worse.

His last hope was to proceed to Sydney to undergo an operation.



Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Friday 29 June 1923 (No.73), page 2871

[ 7866 ] Office of the Director-General of Public Health, Sydney, 29th June, 1923.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that the undermentioned persons have been duly authorised by the Board of Health as Inspectors under section 50 of the Cattle Slaughtering and Diseased Animals and Meat Act, 1902: — As from 19th June, 1923 —

Sergeant Lawrence Blake Leonard, Walgett.

Sergeant Claude Montague Kemp, Armidale.

Sergeant James Thomas Manns, Bogan Gate.

Sergeant William Loftus, Campbelltown.

Sergeant William John Poidevin, Casino.

Dr. Eric William Beresford Woods, Government Medical Officer, Hay.

Dr. Arthur John Mollison, Government Medical Officer, Molong.

IT is hereby notified, for public information, that the undermentioned person has been duly appointed by the Board of Health as Local Authority under section 17 (1) (b) of the Public Health Act, 1902: — As from 19th June, 1923—

Sergeant Lawrence Blake Leonard, Walgett.





Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Wednesday 16 July 1913 (No.112), page 4377

[181] Department of Labour and Industry, 48 Young-street, Sydney, 9th July, 1913.


HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned Police Officers to be Inspectors to carry out the provisions of the Shearers’ Accommodation Act in the districts specified in connection with their respective names.


Acting Sub-Inspector Peter Joseph Nies; Station—Walgett

Police District — Walgett.

Sergeant Lawrence Blake Leonard ; Station — Nyngan ; Police

District — Nyngan.



Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 – 1940), Thursday 24 May 1894, page 4




In the second innings of Bungonia, Larry Leonard played a stylish game for his quota of 18 (not out); also the veteran, C. R. Styles, made some nice strokes.




Manning River Times and Advocate for the Northern Coast Districts of New South Wales (Taree, NSW : 1898 – 1954), Wednesday 19 January 1921, page 5


On Thursday morning Mr. G. B. Morris (coroner) held an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of the late Frank Leonard, son of Sergeant L. B. and Mrs. Leonard, of Taree police station, which occurred while bathing at Shallow Island baths on the afternoon of Thursday, December 30 last.

Lawrence Blake Leonard ( Sergeant of Police at Taree, and father of the deceased ) said deceased was 13 years of age. Deceased and his younger brother had been In the habit of going swimming for some little time prior to his death. They always left about 3 p.m. and returned about 5 p.m. They were very punctual in this.

They informed him that Frank could ‘paddle.’ Witness last saw him alive at 2 p.m. on the 30th ultimo.

The same afternoon, at about .3.30. Mr. A. T. Saxby came and informed him that one of the boys had been drowned at Shallow Island baths.

Witness immediately went to the baths and there saw deceased. He was lying in the dressing shed and efforts were being made to resuscitate him.

Dr. Muscio arrived a few minutes after and pronounced life extinct.

Cecil Manning Shoesmith, fisherman, said that between 3.30 and 4.30 on the afternoon of the 30th ultimo some boys informed him that Frank Leonard had been drowned at Shallow Island. They said he had been under water about ten minutes. He searched for the body and felt it with a pole. He held the pole against the body and a boy about 16 years of age climbed down the pole and brought the body to the surface. Witness thought the body had been in the water for about 15 minutes.

Where the body was found was some 30ft. from the steps of the baths and at a depth of about 7ft. At the steps the depth was about 4ft., and gradually deepened as it went out.

Witness and his father immediately took steps to resuscitate the deceased, and continued to do so until Dr. Muscio arrived, about 20 minutes later, when he pronounced life extinct.

Constable Alford then took the body to deceased’s home.

Dr. Muscio said be was called to Shallow Island about 4 p.m.

Witness attempted artificial respiration, but on closer examination he found that life was extinct. The cause of death was drowning.

Deceased appeared to have been in normal health.

Gordon Vincent Clune, schoolboy, eight years of age, said he remembered the 30th ultimo. He was at the Shallow Island baths and saw Frank Leonard there, in the water, near the steps of the baths. He kept climbing up the steps and diving into the water a lot of times. The last time he dived in he put his hands together and speared a long way into the water, and he went under again. Witness saw him go under three times, and then he did not come up again. Witness thought he was trying to swim under water; but when he did not come up again, witness called out to the other boys, who were swimming there. They dived down but could not find him.

Mr. Shoesmith then dived in, but as he could not find the body he got a pole with which he found deceased, and he was brought to the surface. Frank was under water ten minutes or more. Witness could only swim a little ; he did not think Frank could swim.

The coroner found that the cause of death was asphyxia, from accidental drowning.



Thank you for the page on Lawrence Blake Leonard.  I thought you might be interested to know he had a brother in the NSW Police & another in the Queensland Police.  I understand William was posted to Moulamein, Broken Hill and then Albury.  The following is copied from Trove : Western Herald 1 July 1903
Constable William Leonard, brother of Constable J. B. Leonard, of Enngonia, died on Friday last at the Hospital, Albury, from pneumonia. Deceased was a married man and about 37 years of age. Very general sympathy is extended to both Mr and Mrs Leonard, who have each lost a brother within a few days, and also to the young widow and remainder of the family.
William had married Emily Theresa Stevens in Moulamein.
A third brother, Joseph Blake Leonard, joined the Queensland Police.  This is from the Daily Mercury, Mackay (Trove) 1939
Many friends will regret the passing of Mr. Joseph Blake Leonard, who was a retired Sergeant of Police, death taking place in Brisbane on Monday last. The late Mr. Leonard spent many years in Mackay, and after serving a short period in the North, went to Gayndah. After his retirement Mr. and Mrs. Leonard built a home at Ashgrove, where Mrs. Leonard died in 1938. Their son, Blake, survives them.
The three were the children of James Leonard, (an assisted emigrant from Woodford Galway in 1850) and his wife Catherine Blake.  All three were born at Jerrara, Goulburn, New South Wales.  James was a farmer.
I can send further family details.
Kind regards
Wendy Meredith

Mother:  Catherine BLAKE     Father:  James LEONARD

Family History document.  184 pages

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