Class 157 - Redfern Academy photo 1 - original
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Class 157

Class 157

New South Wales Police Force

Redfern Police Academy

Regd. # 17765 – 17831

Join Date:  Monday 26 September 1977

Attestation Date:  Monday 5 December 1977


Class 157 at Redfern Police Academy.

Class 157 at Redfern Police Academy.

( L-R)

4th ( BACK ) ROW 
1.   BOB SULLIVAN                              # 17777
2.   WARREN JOHN TAYLOR     # 17794 ( R.I.P. )
3.   BRENDAN RUTTER                     # 17813
4.   MALCOLM PRIOR                        # 17812
5.   MAX McKINNON                          # 17772 ( Resigned early – Appears in 1987 but not 1988 Stud Book )
6.   COLIN TRITTON                          #17778
7.   STEVE ROBINSON                       # 17771   ( Worked at Fingerprints for some years )
8.   KEN McKAY                                   # 17787
9.   GRAEME O’DONNELL                # 17798
10. STEVE MOORES                           # 17826
11. E.Z. RADZIETA                              # 17816


3rd ROW

1. DUNCAN McNAB                          # 17769
2. BRENDAN McNAMARA              # 17795
3. JOHN PIENING                            # 17811
4. KEN McSHANE                             # 17821
5. JOHN ENRIGHT                           # 17807
6. GRAHAM KING                            # 17768
7. ASHLEY COOPER                         # 17803
8. LESLEY GREEN                            # 17823
9. RICHARD ARMANSKI                 # 17827
10. GRAHAM AMERY                      # 17814
11. DAVID LAIDLAW                        # 17809
12. BRUCE COFFEE                          # 17806
13. TREVOR KIMBER                       # 17775
14. ROSS CLOTHIER                        # 17820
15. BOB DEPEAU                               # 17789
16. ROBERT MITCHELL                 # 17831
17. TIM APPS                                      # 17830
18. MICHAEL O’DONNELL             # 17767


2nd ROW
1.   GEOFF SHEPHERD                    # 17783
2.   PETER MAXWELL ( P.F.)         # 17793
3.   PETER MACZI                            # 17828
4.   MAURICE RIVET                       # 17810
5.   DEAN MAGUIRE                        # 17802
6.   JOHN OUTZEN ( I.J.)                # 17797
7.   DEREK IRVING                           # 17819
8.   GEORGE ELAKIS                        # 17785
9.   STEVEN JOHNSTONE               # 17780
10. RICHARD DUMSA                      # 17818
11. DAVID BROWN                            # 17781
12. GEOFF AITCHINSON                # 17796
13. PHILIP GASPERT                        # 17804
14. ROBERT CHECKLEY                  # 17801
15. HARRY BOTTRELL                    # 17822
16. STEPHEN RUSSELL                   # 17815      ( R.I.P. )
17. PHILLIP McCLOSKEY               # 17808
18. PETER DOVERN                         # 17766 ( appears in the 1987 ‘ Stud Book ‘ ) – Rejoinee but resigned again early in 2nd term.
19. DENNIS RYAN                            # 17782


Front row
1.   GLENN PHILLIPS ( GJS )         # 17786
2.   STEVEN YORK                            # 17800
3.   TONY STACKHOUSE                 # 17790
4.   GARY CLARKE                            # 17779
5.   BRAD COX                                    # 17784
6.   GRAEME HOPE                           # 17824
7.   LARRY HINDS                             # 17799  ( Does Appear in the 1988 ‘ Stud Book ‘ but not the 1989 issue)
8.   KAYE WHITTY                            # 17773
9.   PAULINE BELLEMORE             # 17788
10. SANDRA CUNDY                         # 17774
11. LEANDA PAGE                            # 17805
12. TERRY CAVANAGH                   # 17776
13. RON DAWSON                            # 17792
14. PETER HARRIS                          # 17829
15. GLENN BOURKE                        # 17817 ( Does NOT appear in the 1979 ‘ Stud Book ‘ ) ( His father was also in ‘ the job ‘ )
16. KEVIN LEWIS                             # 17825
17. ED O’MALLEY                             # 17770


NOT mentioned in the photo is:

Wayne Raymond GEORGE    # 17765 ( R.I.P. )  This person did Attest on the same date as the rest of Class 157 ( 5 December 1977 ) but was Confirmed as a Constable the day BEFORE the rest of the Class.  He was Confirmed on 4 December 1978 ( his birthday ) whereas the rest of the Class were Confirmed on 5 December 1978.  Started as a NSW Police Cadet but died as a SenSgt on 8 June 1995.

NOT mentioned in the photo is:

Henry F. JOHNSON  # 17791   This person did Attest & was confirmed as a Constable.  He later Resigned.




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  1. I am Philip Gaspert, a graduate of Class 157, registered number 17804. I am listed as ‘Peter’ Gaspert, which is obviously wrong. Is there any chance this error can be corrected?

  2. Great to see the old photo, but at the same time sad to see some members of the class 157 have passed on. I resigned in 1980 reluctantly but due to personal reasons. Regards to all from class 157.
    Peter dovern

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