William Smith McKIE
William Smith McKIE
Late of Merewether, N.S.W.
NSW Penrith Police Academy Class # ? ? ?
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 4203
Uniform # 2570
Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 7 May 1938
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed ? ? ?
Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank = Sergeant 2nd Class
Stations: ?, Windsor, Robertson ( Friday 25 September 1942 – June 1945), Newcastle ( June 1945 – ? ), Cardiff – Death
Service: From 7 May 1938 to 30 July 1965 ( Discharged Medically Unfit stemming from Assault ) = 27+ years Service
Awards: No find on Australian Honours
Born: 6 June 1916 in Scotland
Died on: Friday 8 July 1966
Age: 50
Cause: Injuries from violent arrest 2 years earlier
Event location: Main Rd, Boolaroo, NSW
Event date: Saturday 5 September 1964 ( Assaulted )
Funeral date: ? ? ?
Funeral location: ?
Wake location: ?
Funeral Parlour: ?
Buried at: Newcastle Memorial Park, Anderson Dve, Beresfield, NSW
Grave location: Rose P 13/5
Memorial located at: ?

WILLIAM IS mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance

Grave location:
May they forever Rest In Peace

On the night of 5 September, 1964 Sergeant McKie attended a store in Main Road, Boolaroo where it had been reported an alarm was ringing. The sergeant entered the store with the manager and after turning on the lights they saw two offenders who had broken in. One of the offenders approached the sergeant who then prevented his escape. The man resisted violently, punching and kicking Sergeant McKie until he was subdued and handcuffed. Following the assault the sergeant’s health deteriorated and he was discharged on 30 July, 1965. He died the following year.
The sergeant was born in 1916 in Scotland and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 7 May, 1938. At the time of his injury he was stationed at Cardiff.
National Police Remembrance Day ceremony in Lake Macquarie
David Stewart
- September 29 2017 – 4:27PM
POLICE from Lake Macquarie Local Area Command have unveiled plans for a memorial wall at Belmont to honour the seven local officers killed in the line of duty since 1863.
Plaques commemorating the seven officers were dedicated to the wall in a ceremony at Belmont police station this afternoon, National Police Remembrance Day.
Chief Inspector Murray Lundberg of Lake Macquarie LAC presided over a private ceremony attended by police, local high school students, and the families of the fallen officers.
“This is a time for reflection on the ultimate sacrifice that police officers can give in the execution of their duty,” Chief Inspector Lundberg said.
The fallen officers honoured were Constable Henry Rucker (who died in 1863), Constable Frederick Martin (1953), Sergeant 2nd Class William McKie (1965), Senior Constable Douglas Eaton (1977), Sergeant 3rd Class Keith Haydon (1980), Sergeant 1st Class Rhoderic Lindsay (1984), and Sergeant 3rd Class Ross Jennings (1986).
Acting Assistant Commissioner Brett Greentree, the Northern Region Commander, said the wall of remembrance, to be created on the distinctive blue wall at the entrance to the police station, would be striking.
“It will be a sight to treasure,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Greentree said.
“I want the officers, as they are walking out the front doors of this police station, to stop and reflect on the names, stop and reflect on the sacrifice.”
He said he hoped that the inaugural plaques to be installed on the wall were also the last.
“My dream is that we never, ever, add another name to this wall. I hope and pray that our wall is now complete.”
Acting Assistant Commissioner Greentree reached out to the families of the fallen officers.
“No commemoration or recognition can make good the loss that is unfairly carried by family members,” he said.
“I can only offer you my heartfelt condolences. Please know that your loved ones, who are no longer with us, will always be remembered.”
Across NSW, ceremonies were held to commemorate the service and sacrifice of the 269 officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty, and through injury or illness, since the formation of the NSW Police Force in 1862.
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Friday 27 January 1967 (No.8), page 292
IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons, and pursuant to the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898-1954;
the Public Trustee Act, 1913, as amended; Testator’s Family Maintenance and Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916-1954; and Trustee Act, 1925-1942; the Public Trustee hereby gives notice that creditors and others having any claipi against or to the estate of any of the under mentioned deceased persons who died on or about the respective dates hereunder mentioned, and representation of whose estates was obtained by the Public Trustee in the manner and upon the dates hereunder mentioned, are required to send particulars of their claims to the said Public Trustee at his Branch Office hereunder mentioned, on or before the eighth day of April, 1967, at the expiration of which time the said Public Trustee will distribute the assets of the respective deceased persons to the respective persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice.
William Smith McKie, late of Merewether, N.S.W., retired Police sergeant, died 8th July, 1966; an election to administer, with the will dated 29th July, 1940, appointing the Public Trustee executor, annexed, was filed on 17th January, 1967.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 8 June 1945, page 1
At the P.C.A. dance at Kangaloon on Thursday night last, the president ( Mr. E. R. Alcorn ) said farewell to Constable McKie, who is leaving Robertson for Newcastle.
Mr. and Mrs. McKie had been welcome visitors to all social functions at Kangaloon, and Mr. McKie was an able and conscientious officer who did his work with sympathy and understanding.
On behalf of their Kangaloon friends he wished them all the best in their new home.
Mr. Alcorn also extended a hearty welcome to Constable Bowden, who succeeds Constable McKie, and said he trusted that the same cordial relations would continue during his stay in the district.
Both gentlemen suitably responded.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 25 May 1945, page 2
Constable Bowden, from Newcastle, will succeed Constable McKie at Robertson.
Constable McKie will be missed by members of the Boys’ Club and many local institutions.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 27 April 1945, page 3
Illicit Still Near Robertson
A sensational development long expected by some local residents occurred at Mount Murray on Wednesday. Police and Customs officers seized an illicit still built in heavily timbered country.
One man was arrested at Albion Park and two were questioned at Robertson.
Police smashed a large cask of illicit spirit and casks containing hundreds of gallons of sugar wash.
From a farmhouse nearby Customs men seized 8,000 lbs. of raw sugar which with various articles was taken to Robertson police station.
Later police took small quantities of illicit spirit from two houses near Albion Park.
The raids followed a long investigation of traffic in illicit spirits in South Coast towns.
At dawn on Tuesday police and officers of the special investigation branch of the Customs Department left Wollongong for a search in mountainous country between Albion Park and Robertson.
They searched right through the day and night without sleep, hampered by undergrowth and cutting paths through heavily timbered country.
Those who took part in the raids were Customs officers J. H. McLennan, and N. E. Mitchell, Detective sergt Debney and Detective Marsh, of Wollongong, Constable Farthing, of Albion Park, and Constable McKie, of Robertson.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 6 April 1945, page 1
At the annual meeting of Robertson Boys’ Club, the following officers were elected : —
President, Mr. W. Missingham; vice-presidents, Mr. E. Ginns and Mr. A. P. Schofield; secretary, Mr. B. A. Badgery; treasurer, Mr. Roberts; supervisor, Mr. C. Walker.
Owing to the probability of his departure from the district, Constable McKie declined re-election as supervisor, and was accorded a hearty vote of appreciation of his services in organising the club and acting as supervisor for the past year.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 19 May 1944, page 1
Constable McKie has met with remarkable success in his effort to establish a Boys’ Club at Robertson to meet the needs of the surrounding districts.
An influential committee, including representatives for Myra Vale and Kangaloon, has been formed, with Mr. W. Missingham as president; Mr. Bevan Badgery secretary; and Mr. W. G. Jenkin treasurer.
Boys from 8 to 18 are eligible for membership. No sporting events are to be engaged in on Sundays.
Southern Mail (Bowral, NSW : 1889 – 1954), Friday 13 October 1944, page 1
Constable McKie, of Robertson, is wearing an expressive smile these days. His wife has just presented him with a bonnie daughter.
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 2001), Thursday 24 December 1942 (No.172), page 3278
SHIRE OF WINGECARRIBEE.— Inspector of Slaughter houses.—
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Shire of Wingecarribee has appointed Constable William Smith McKie, of Robertson, as Inspector for the Shire under the provisions of the Cattle Slaughtering and Diseased Animals and Meat Act, 1902, as amended. It is further notified that the appointment of Constable Charles Herbert Chalmers, notified in Government Gazette of 28th August, 1936, is hereby cancelled.
Deputy Shire Clerk Council Chambers,
Moss Vale,
17th December, 1942.
South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus (NSW : 1900 – 1954), Friday 9 October 1942, page 14
Constable McKie, who was accompanied by his wife, has arrived at Robertson to take up duties in place of Constable Chalmers, who has been transferred to Windsor.
What a fantastic report on information of the Police life of my dad, Sgt Bill McKie died aged 50 when l was 21 years of age, l am now 74 and have missed him every day of my life. I am the baby referred to in this report having been born at Bowral and coming home from hospital to Robertson Police Station. If dad had lived he would have seen his 5 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren grow up with one grandson joining the NSW Police. He would have been so proud.