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Renae Caroline LANDGRAF – nee SPACKMAN

Renae Caroline LANDGRAF – nee SPACKMAN

Wife to Steve LANDGRAF # 24519

NSW Police Academy – Goulburn Class # ???

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # ?????

Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Final Rank:  Senior Constable

Stations?, Campsie, Dubbo ( 2005 ) – death

ServiceFrom  ? ? 2001  to  ? May 2009 – death

Awards:  No find on It’s An Honour ( under wither surname )

Born? ? 1977

Died on:  15? May 2009

Cause:  Illness – ?

Age:  31

Funeral date:  20 May 2009

Funeral location:  St Brigid’s Catholic Church, Dubbo

Buried at:  New Dubbo Cemetery, Barden Ave, Manera Hts

Memorial: NSW Police Force Service Memorial Wall, Sydney Police Centre, Surry Hills, A32 ( left wall )





[alert_yellow]RENAE is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO


[alert_pink] RENAE IS mentioned on the Sydney Police Centre Memorial Wall, Surry Hills.  A32 ( left wall )[/alert_pink]












Connor & Harris LANDGRAF speak about their Step Mother ( Renae LANDGRAF ) and walking the Kokoda Track in her Memory.




MAY 21 2009 – 10:19AM

Officers farewell one of their own

(No photo came up)…..

The guard of honour that paid tribute to Senior Constable Renae Landgraf. Hundreds of friends and colleagues gathered to farewell the senior constable at St Brigid’s Catholic Church yesterday.

The drums sounded and police officers saluted as they farewelled one of their own yesterday.

Senior Constable Renae Landgraf, nee Spackman, died as a result of health complications last Friday, at the age of 31.

Her sudden death has rocked Dubbo’s police family and the wider community.

Accompanied by his three sons and baby daughter, Steve Landgraf, an officer himself, was surrounded by hundreds of friends and colleagues as he farewelled his beloved wife yesterday at St Brigid’s Catholic Church.

Speaking on behalf of the family yesterday, Nicole Muir, Jodi George and Carly Stephens painted a beautiful picture of Renae’s life, moving from Western Australia at a young age with her family and residing in Narromine, where she completed her schooling and started work.

In 2001 Renae achieved her dream of being accepted into the Goulburn Police Academy, where she later graduated as probationary constable Renae Spackman.

Renae transferred to Dubbo Police Station in 2005, the same year she married her long-time friend Steve Landgraf, which her family remembers as being the happiest time of her life.

In marrying Steve, Renae welcomed with loving arms his two sons Connor and Harris and then in 2007, Renae was blessed with her first child, Ethan.

In February this year Steve and Renae had their second child, baby girl Mackenzie.

Family members said while Renae’s life was short-lived, she was able to achieve all she had dreamed to achieve and that was to become a police officer, a wife and a mother to a son and a daughter.

As a person, friends and family described Renae as being energetic, loving, fun and ambitious.

She was an extremely dedicated, mother, wife and police officer who worked hard and stuck her neck out for other people.

Superintendent Stan Single read a valedictory at the funeral outlining Renae’s police service and a description of her achievements and commendations.

Renae’s police service follows her father Neil’s army service and the policing career of her husband and role model uncle Peter.

Together with police colleagues a large contingent of nursing and medical staff attended the funeral in support of Renae’s mother, Sandra.

Renae will be remembered by her peers and family for her insistence in having all things right.

Her insistency on right and wrong and her compassion, dedication and work ethic are qualities she has imposed upon a number of junior police she has helped train.

Following the service, one section of Brisbane Street was closed off and Renae’s fellow officers, including drummers marched in front of the hearse as it made its way to the New Dubbo Cemetery for the burial.

Officers on bikes led the procession, and marked police cars transported the family.






National Police Remembrance Day
Tribute to Senior Constable Renae Caroline Landgraf

About this Item
Speakers Fardell Mrs Dawn
Business Condolence, Private Members Statements, PRIV


Page: 18486

Mrs DAWN FARDELL (Dubbo) [6.41 p.m.]: On Tuesday 29 September ( 2009 ) I attended the National Police Remembrance Day service held in the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Brisbane Street, Dubbo, at the invitation of Ross Godfrey, Police Chaplain. Similar services were held around New South Wales on that day, which no doubt many other members of this Parliament attended. The Reverend Canon Roger Zohrab, Rector of Holy Trinity Dubbo, carried out the welcome and invocation. Scripture readings and the homily followed by Police Chaplain David Warner, CGS. The solo of Amazing Grace was beautifully sung by David Cooper, RNS Dubbo. Superintendent Stan Single, APM, the Commander of the Orana Local Area Command, addressed the congregation. Police Chaplain David Warner said prayers for the New South Wales police.

Constable Jason Blake, who had not been a member of the police force for very long, read the roll of honour. I will list the names of those members of the New South Wales Police Force deceased during the period 29 September 2008 to 28 September 2009: Sergeant Sean Stephen Lamerton, General Administrative Support Officer Jane Gardiner, Constable Morgan James Hill, Probationary Constable Mason Hammond, Senior Constable Lindsay “Guy” Winkley, Senior Constable Janice Anne Hennessy, Senior Constable Ian West, Constable Gilbert Joseph Roussel and Senior Constable Renae Caroline Landgraf. Renae was one of our own from Dubbo.

Senior Constable Renae Landgraf, nee Spackman, unfortunately lost her life in May this year at the age of 31 as a result of health complications. Her sudden death has rocked the Dubbo police family and wider community. Accompanied by his three sons and baby daughter, Steve Landgraf, an officer himself, was surrounded by hundreds of friends and colleagues as he farewelled his beloved wife at St Brigid’s Catholic Church. In 2001 Renae achieved her dream of being accepted into the Goulburn Police Academy, where she later graduated as Probationary Constable Renae Spackman. Renae transferred to Dubbo Police Station in 2005. In the same year she married her long-time friend Steve, which her family remembers as being the happiest time of her life.

In marrying Steve, Renae welcomed with loving arms his two sons Connor and Harris. In 2007 Renae was blessed with her first child, Ethan. In February this year Steve and Renae had their second child, baby girl Mackenzie. Family members said that, while Renae’s life was short, she was able to achieve all she had dreamed of achieving: becoming a police officer, a wife and a mother to a son and a daughter. Friends and family described Renae as being energetic, loving, fun and ambitious. She was an extremely dedicated mother, wife and police officer who worked hard and stuck her neck out for other people. Superintendent Stan Single read a valedictory at the funeral outlining Renae’s police service and a description of her achievements and commendations. Renae’s police service followed her father Neil’s army service and the policing careers of her husband and role model uncle Peter.

Together with police colleagues, a large contingent of nursing and medical staff attended the funeral in support of Renae’s mother, Sandra. It was a sad and tragic day when Renae passed away. Renae was a vibrant community member. I knew of Renae well and the work she did with the youth in our Dubbo community. Sandra used to attend the National Police Remembrance Day service each year with Renae. She was a true Briton to attend the service on her own this year. It was a tough day for Sandra but hopefully in time it will become easier for her. Renae and Steve’s children Steven, Connor, Harris, Ethan and Mackenzie are in the good hands of their surrounding family and the police force family, as it is known. Our sympathy goes to them all. The National Police Remembrance Day reminds us of the hard work the police perform in our community but it is very tough when it involves one of our own.


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