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Peter S BALL

Peter S. BALL

Western Australia Police Force

Regd. #   9734

Rank:  Constable

Stations?, Cannington, Gosnells

ServiceFrom  18 December 1995  to  7 August 1998 = 2+ years Service

Awards:  No find on It’s An Honour

Born:  15 March 1969

Event date:  5? August

Died on:  Thursday  6 August 1998

Event location:  Crawford St, Cannington

Cause:  Motor Vehicle Accident – pedestrian ( during an arrest )

Age:  24

Funeral date:  Wednesday 12 August 1998

Funeral location?

Buried at?

 Memorial at:  1 / Memorial Rose Gardens at both Gosnells & Cannington Police Stations

2/ The Safe City Constable peter Ball memorial Award, Gosnells Council, WA



[alert_green]PETER IS mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_green]


 Funeral location ?





BALL died on a Thursday after being struck by a passing motor vehicle, whilst struggling with an offender on Crawford St, Cannington. BALL was born 15 March 1969 and joined the police force on the 18th of December 1995.


Constable Peter Ball Memorial Youth Award

Constable Peter Ball was stationed at Gosnells Police Station and was on duty on 6 August 1998 when he was run down by a car while chasing a suspected car thief in Cannington. Peter died in hospital the next day, leaving behind a young wife and his 18 month old daughter.

Tributes and support from police and the public followed. Peter was given a State Funeral and memorial services are held each year to commemorate him.  Memorial rose gardens were also established at the Gosnells and Cannington Police Stations, where he had worked.

Constable Peter Ball Memorial Youth Award

The award aims to recognise young people, youth groups or organisations that have:

  • Improved safety or promoted the prevention of crime
  • Enhanced the profile of young people
  • Increased opportunities for young people

Who is Eligible?

Youths or a group of young people aged 12 to 25, living in the City or not-for-profit organisations or groups supporting youth activities in the City.

Prize: $1000 + plaque


Entries can be submitted any time during the year with submissions closing at the end of September. Award presentations will take place at the Australia Day Ceremony on 26 January each year.

Nominations should be no more than two A4 pages and where appropriate, include supporting material such as photos, media clippings, pamphlets etc.

Applications will only be eligible for one category per program. A separate Application Form is required for each entry. Previous winners are not eligible to nominate the same project for a period of 3 years effective 2016.

Send to:

The Safe City Constable Peter Ball Memorial Award
City of Gosnells
PO Box 662
Gosnells WA 6990

For more information please contact the Safe City Initiative 9391 6022 or Email Safe City.




Plans for new medal to recognise slain, seriously injured WA police

 Nicole Cox



Every slain and seriously injured WA police officer would be automatically honoured with a special commendation medal to mark their selfless community sacrifice, under a new plan to be mooted at the WA Police Union conference today.


The idea, which is modelled on an award offered by Victoria Police, has been raised by outgoing union deputy vice-president Jon Groves and has won support from the state opposition and families of officers killed in the line of duty.

Opposition Leader Mark McGowan will unveil a proposal at the police union’s annual conference on Monday for a WA medal, similar to the Victoria Police Star and the US military decoration the Purple Heart, to acknowledge officers killed or seriously injured while on duty.

Under the concept, fallen officers including Constable Damien Murphy, who was run down and killed by a drunk and drugged driver in Craigie in 2007, would be posthumously awarded the medal, along with those who sustain life-changing injuries – like Senior Constable Matt Butcher, who was left partially paralysed by a “flying headbutt” during a brawl in Joondalup in February 2008.

It would apply to all work-related injuries, including psychological illnesses, regardless of whether the conditions first manifested on or off-duty.

“The Victorian Government has struck a medal for police officers who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty and it recognises the sacrifice, valour and contribution of those police officers,” Mr McGowan told Fairfax Media.

“It’s only awarded rarely, but it is an appropriate recognition and certainly gives families of those who have died in the line of duty some additional recognition of their mother or father, husband or wife.

“It’s also for those who are seriously injured in the line of duty – so officers who put their lives on the line and get injured as a consequence…that they are appropriately recognised for that.

“It is rare recognition, but appropriate recognition and I think that should happen here in WA.”

Mr Groves said a medal that acknowledged officers killed and maimed in the line of duty –  and not only acts of bravery – was needed to highlight their community sacrifice and the risks that police officers come up against every day of their working lives.

“We need a medal that recognises the police officers in this state who have paid the ultimate priceeither with their lives or their health – in serving the community,” he said.

“It’s something tangible for those who have been kicked out the door of WA Police, due to work-related illness or injury, to have in their hands to remind them of the good times and the good work they did for the community.”

WA policeman Simon Bowen was five years old when his father WA Detective Sergeant Geoff Bowen was killed by a parcel bomb at the National Crime Authority in Adelaide in 1994.

Detective First Class Constable Bowen, who has served with WA Police for seven years, welcomed the idea saying a special medal would validate the ultimate sacrifice his father made.

“I think it’s a great concept in not only is it a keepsake, but it’s something else in the present that will identify the sacrifice and the memory,” he said.

“It’s a small token that you can just marvel at and look at it and say, for my situation, the memory of Dad is never going to be forgotten not only by me but by the blokes that he used to work with and generations to come.

“It’s a small bit of recognition. It would be humbling.”

Tracey Ball, who was widowed when her husband Constable Peter Ball was run down by a car and killed while chasing a suspected car thief in Cannington in August 1998, welcomed the police medal proposal.

The couple’s daughter, Brianna, now 17, was only 18 months old when her father died in the line of duty.

Brianna was just 18 months old so she really has no memories of her dad,” Ms Ball said.

“She’s very proud of him but she never really knew him, she never got the chance. So to have something physical and tangible that links who he was as a police officer, I think would be extremely important to her.

“My granddad served in World War I and we have his medals. Having those medals, we used to do the Anzac Day parade and we were so proud and patriotic. To have chance to have that for someone in the police force, I think would be awesome.

“I know the defence forces award medals posthumously and with Legacy the kids go on camps with the armed forces kids who talk about their dads’ medals whereas the police kids don’t have that, they don’t have anything.”

A WA Police spokesman said the force already offered several Police Commissioner’s awards for bravery and conduct including the Cross for Bravery, commendations and a group citation for conduct.

In addition, there is also the WA Police Medal for diligent and ethical service, service medals, the Commissioner’s Medal for Excellence, a Certificate of Outstanding Performance and a WA Police Cadet Medal.

The spokesman said the Western Australia Police Cross for Bravery could be awarded to officers killed or seriously injured after a specific act of bravery and members killed in the line of duty were also recognised on the WA Police Memorial Honour Roll and the National Memorial Honour Roll.

He said the “existing awards and medals are quite comprehensive” but declined to comment about the proposal for a medal for officers killed or seriously injured in the line of duty.

“I am unaware of any proposals for new medals and the department does not make a habit of commenting on speculation or possible proposals,” he said.



  • les bassednean, 

    that is all well and good, but what do those officers who put their body on the line for their state, and then get arrested, interrogated, humiliated, insulted and shamed get?

  • Mrs Elliott Watt (9038) 

    I wonder if the medal will be awarded to officers with psychological injuries who have died from these injuries like PTSD, depression and anxiety? My husband died on duty from depression after 15+ years service….surely he, and other officers like him deserve to be recognized too?

  • Long overdue   Perth, 

    This issues has been raised for quite literally decades that I have been aware of, and yet the Dep’t has chosen to ignore the injured in the hope they will leave. It is only if you suddenly become high-profile media interest then they cannot ignore you.
    The embarrassing fact is as things stand, all the officers who came to Matt Butcher’s aid can be recognised, but there is literally nothing that can be given in acknowledgement to Matt himself as there was no “clever act” they can use for a special commendation. And not even Toxic Tony could spin a believable one for the actions of an unconscious man. This has been raised at the highest levels in emails that were ignored and not replied to.
    If they finally come to the table on this one, great! Allow retrospectivity, even better. The men and women who put their life on the line so you can be safe deserve nothing less!




Parliament.wa.gov.au   Wednesday  12 August 1998

Mr DAY: ……….

We must also acknowledge that violence in the community as a whole is greater these days. That is not something for which the Government or the Police Service can take responsibility; it is a problem for society as a whole. For whatever reason, more and more people in the community are likely to display acts of extreme violence. We have seen tragic examples of that within the past few years. It is a deep-seated problem for the community. In part, it relates to the amount of violence shown on television which is resulting in much more normalisation of levels of violence in the community. We must tackle that problem from a fundamental perspective if we are to be successful in fighting it.

I touched earlier on the issue of young offenders in the community. We have seen tragic examples recently of young offenders who, in many respects, cannot be expected to take full responsibility for their actions. One example is the absolute tragedy of the death of Constable Peter Ball last week, whose funeral was held today, and who was allegedly killed as a result of the activities in part of a 13 year old offender.





Costs a concern for Bali survivors

BALI-BOMBING survivors are concerned some victims will miss out on travel assistance to mark the 10th anniversary.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard confirmed today that she will travel to the holiday island to attend a memorial service on October 12 and will offer victims of the attack free flights to commemorate the day.

The assistance package will include airfares, ground transport, accommodation, travel insurance and visa costs, in line with the package provided for the first anniversary.

Assistance will be granted to family members of the 88 Australians who died.

Those seriously injured are also eligible and will be able to take a partner, child or a close relative and a support person if required for medical reasons.

But, the definition of “serious injury” has sparked concerns by survivors such as Peter Hughes and Tracey Ball, as well as Kingsley Football Club president Keith Pearce.

Mr Hughes, who sustained burns to more than 50 per cent of his body, said he was worried some people may miss out on assistance because their pain will not be deemed serious enough.

“I am happy they are offering what was offered for the first anniversary,” he said. “But I don’t think they should be singling out people. I just want everyone to be able to go back and pay their respects.”

Government sources said the definition would include psychological injuries.

Mr Hughes said he had asked the Prime Minister several weeks ago about the funding package and then wrote to her this week.

Tracey Ball, widow of Constable Peter Ball who died chasing a suspected car thief in August 1998, was also injured in the bombings along with her sister Melinda Kemp.

The pair, who were on a family holiday at the time, are concerned the assistance package will not extend to their mum and dad.

Mrs Kemp said while their father was not injured, he was left scarred by the event.

She said he had the grim task of searching makeshift morgues looking for them, a task no father wanted to endure.

Last night the Kingsley Football Club, which lost seven players in the horrific attack, held a legends match to commemorate the 10th anniversary as well as help raise money for anyone who wanted to go back.

Mr Pearce, whose son Duane was one of the players who did come home, said the club had been inquiring for months about government financial assistance and in the end decided to organise their own fundraiser to help those who couldn’t afford the travel costs.

“What is meant by seriously injured?” he said. “Is that physically or mentally, what does it mean? And how serious is serious? It should be available to everyone.”

Services will be held in both Bali and Canberra on October 12, with Governor-General Quentin Bryce to lead the service in the nation’s capital.

“It was a moment of horror that had a profound effect on Australia as a nation and on the lives of survivors and the family and loved ones of those who died,” Ms Gillard said in a statement on Sunday.

“Time has healed many of the physical wounds caused by the bombings but it can never diminish the sense of wrong we feel at this act of terror.

“Forgetting would be the ultimate injustice – and we will never forget.”

The memorial service in Bali will be held at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park and the Canberra service will be held in the Great Hall of Parliament House.






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