Died: Monday 3 November 2014 in his sleep, at home, surrounded by family.
Age: 48 old
Cause: Illness – Cancer
Funeral date: Tuesday 11 November 2014 – 2pm –
Funeral location: Cootamundra Baptist Church,
Thompson St, Cootamundra
*Everyone to wear jeans & boots at the funeral. NO suits
Paul’s said: ” I want everyone to wear farm gear. I don’t want suits & shit “
Commissioner Andrew Scipione with SenCon Paul WilcoxPaul WILCOX – 2009This is Paul at his best giving to the community.26 April 201328 September 201226 June 2014 Thinking of you both constantly and sending heaps of love xxxxx — with Paul Wilcox and Gwendoline White Dorpers.5 July 2014 My sister took this photo of Paul this morning. It’s probably the best photo of him I’ve ever seen. He has been feeling the effects of the chemo, but was up and outside this morning. He is now having a lay down.
Funeral location:
A small section of St John Of God, Richmond Hospital, where Police ( and others ) with PTSD have gone for Inpatient Treatment.
This is a small Memorial that previous patients ( Police ) have done to remember our friends who have fallen before us. The Black & Dark Blue Memorial stones are by Army members
Photo posted up on NSW Cops, Old, Bold & Retired FB Group on 28 May 2017.
Around Cootamundra – November 5, 2014
Springdale resident and former Cootamundra Local Area Command Domestic Violence Liaison Officer Paul Wilcox passed away peacefully on Monday night at home on his farm following a recent battle with a rare cancer. Paul was a respected member of our community and the NSW Police Force. He helped countless women, and on occasion men, escape the cycle of domestic violence during his time in the force. Such was his standing in the Force that in 2009 his work was recognised with the prestigious Commissioner’s Customer Service Officer of the Year Award. The support of the local community came to the fore for Paul recently with a well-attended fundraising dinner filling him and his family with joy. Condolences to wife Jennie, the entire Wilcox family and his extended family of ‘the boys in blue’.
COMMENDED: Back in 2009, Cootamundra Local Area Command’s then domestic violence officer Paul Wilcox received a prestigious award for the work he did in the local community. Today, he is suffering a rare form of cancer and friends are rallying to support him.
FOR years he was the domestic violence liaison officer here in Cootamundra, helping countless women caught in difficult circumstances to break free of the cycle of violence.
He was passionate about what he did, going above and beyond the call of your everyday police officer.
In 2009 the work of Senior Constable Paul Wilcox was recognised with a Commissioner’s Customer Service Officer of the Year Award.
Paul is now facing a brand new battle – one he needs the support of others to overcome.
Paul has a rare form of cancer known as ‘Pancoast Tumour’. It is an inoperable tumour that is wrapped around the main artery that feeds blood to his brain and is already starting to cause a series of small strokes.
After numerous rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, Paul is not responding to regular treatment.
There is hope however for this husband and father, who lives in Springdale with his family.
A radical treatment called ‘Radiowave Cancer Therapy’, also known as ‘Microwave Therapy’, has given Paul and his family hope.
The treatment is expensive and is not covered by Medicare. It is also only offered in Perth, Western Australia and further complicating matters, Paul is medically unfit to fly after surgery which removed part of his lung.
The wheels are in progress on a fundraising dinner for Paul to help ease the financial burden on his family and get him to Perth for treatment.
Anyone who has ever crossed paths with Paul is invited along to the dinner on September 27 at the Cootamundra Ex Services Club.
LOCKED AND LOADED: Keith Turner, Wilf Reid and Tony Nichols of local band Lock, Stock & Bingle got everyone up and dancing at the Cootamundra Ex-Service’s Club for Paul Wilcox’s fundraiser on Saturday night.
LADY LUCK: Jennie Wilcox presents Debbie White with her lucky door prizes. Debbie was very lucky on the night, also winning one of the raffle prizes, which she decided to donate back.
FIGHTING FAMILY: Jennie’s family were among the many people who turned up on Saturday night to support Paul, including (from back left) Callum Baker, Margaret Poulton, Jennie Wilcox, Paul Wilcox, Bill Poulton, and (front) Olivia Lloyd and Alison Poulton.
At the dinner, which includes a three-course meal and entertainment, there will be raffles and an auction of donated prizes.
All businesses that donate will have their business advertised throughout the night and a thank you card after the event to inform how much money was raised.
Already a number of local businesses have jumped on board to support the cause including Naked Nails, Hair and Beauty.
Currently the salon is supporting the Billie Judge fundraising campaign and will continue to do so for the next week and a half.
From August 11, they will support Paul’s cause with 10 per cent of daily takings, $10 from every full colour and $10 from every set of acrylic nails donated to the Wilcox family.
Local band ‘Lock, Stock and Bingle’ will perform on the night and they are always a hit. Keeping the tone of the night fun in honour of the good bloke Paul is, organisers are encouraging people to attend in their favourite hat or silliest wig.
For further information or to contact please contact Rachael on 0411 642 573 or Jen on 0418 069 485 or follow Paul’s progress on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pauliesprogress.
THE new owners of the Pickled Pantry have come on board to support fundraising efforts for the family of former Cootamundra Local Area Command police officer Paul Wilcox.
Paul has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and requires treatment in Western Australia.
Trevor and the team at the Pickled Pantry are kindly donating 50 cents from every coffee sold in the month of August to Paul and his family.
Meanwhile, Kylie and her team at Naked Nails have also pledged their support to Paul and his family following the conclusion of her fundraising efforts for another local struck by cancer Billie Judge.
Well done to these local businesses and if you can please support them as they support locals in need.
Pancoast Tumour fundraiser for Paul Wilcox
FAMILY MAN: Paul Wilcox and his wife Jen are hopeful the fundraising dinner will help to cover medical expenses.
ON September 27 the Rippley’s Farewell Dinner will be held at the Cootamundra Ex Services Club to raise funds for Paul Wilcox and his family.
Mr Wilcox has a rare form of cancer known as a Pancoast Tumour. The tumour is inoperable as it’s wrapped around the main artery that feeds blood to the brain and is already starting to cause a series of small strokes. After numerous rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery Mr Wilcox’s body isn’t responding to regular treatment.
A radical treatment called Radiowave Cancer Therapy also known as Microwave Therapy has given hope to Mr Wilcox and his family. This treatment is expensive, not covered by Medicare and only offered in Perth, WA. To make matters more difficult he’s unable to fly due to medical reasons.
Family and friends of Mr Wilcox are hoping to raffle and auction off as many prizes as they can get. All businesses that donate will have their business advertised throughout the night and a thank you card after the event to inform how much money was raised. The family is counting on the kindness and generosity of strangers to help this family in need.
Community members are being encouraged to follow the ‘Paul’s Progress’ Facebook page for more information regarding the event and his treatment.
FIGHTING FAMILY: Jennie’s family were among the many people who turned up on Saturday night to support Paul, including (from back left) Callum Baker, Margaret Poulton, Jennie Wilcox, Paul Wilcox, Bill Poulton, and (front) Olivia Lloyd and Alison Poulton.
COMMUNITY spirit was in force at the Cootamundra Ex-Service’s Club on Saturday night to raise money for former police officer Paul Wilcox.
Diagnosed earlier this year with a rare, inoperable form of cancer, Paul’s pancoast tumour did not respond to chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
He and wife Jennie has been given a beacon of hope though in the form of radiowave therapy, which is currently only offered in Germany and Perth, WA, and is not covered by Medicare.
Needing $12,000 for treatment, Jennie and Paul are happy to announce the Saturday night fundraiser brought in $13,500, which will also help them with the cost of travel and accommodation.
“We are overwhelmed and humbled by the support we’ve received,” Jennie said.
The couple left for Perth on Tuesday and will spent 31 days there, which includes three weeks of treatment for two hours every Monday to Friday.
“We’re hoping for a marked improvement in his pain levels, and about halfway through we’ll know if it’s working on his tumour,” Jennie explained.
“It could be tiring but there’s no nausea like you get with other treatment, so depending on Paul’s health we’ll hopefully be able to enjoy Perth as well.”
Jennie and Paul would like to thank everyone who turned up on the night to support them, including many women Paul helped in his years as the Cootamundra LAC domestic violence officer.
Jennifer Lukins, Rachael Braham, Kamahl Bennett, Jacki Boxall and Scott Sanders were all mentioned in particular for their help in organising fundraisers and assisting the Wilcox’s on their farm and personally.
Jennifer’s aunty was able to supply many of the most popular items in the silent auction, including a signed 2014 Roosters jersey and signed boots from players such as Sonny Bill Williams and Anthony Minichiello.
Paul and Jennie would also like to extend big thanks to CAN Assist for all their help during the initial rounds of treatment.
FAMILY MAN: Paul Wilcox and his wife Jen are hopeful the fundraising dinner will help to cover medical expenses.
28 September 2012
15 August 2014
Brecky for paully
26 June 2014
Thinking of you both constantly and sending heaps of love xxxxx — with Paul Wilcox and Gwendoline White Dorpers.
The proudest day of Paul’s career. Top cop 2009. But to me you were top cop everyday!
2009 The proudest day of Paul’s career. Top cop 2009. But to me you were top cop everyday!
26 April 2013
29 April 2013 Paul had a small procedure today to take some biopsies. He is home tonight and for the next couple of days. We are all really tired tonight. The drs appointments started at 8.30 this morning and we have just got home. I will update more tomorrow. Including a photo of Paul’s alien “Ripley”. Below is a pic of Paul about to have his biopsie and when he got back.
29 April 2013
29 April 2013 Our first photo of Ripley.
14 May 2013 It’s not as bad as it looks. All the wires are just a heart monitor and oxygen tube. Just normal emergency department stuff. Though I must admit his heart rate did go up when I gave him a bed bath. Lol. He’s a lot more comfortable this afternoon. He’s even being cheeky to the nurses. They are about to move him to calvery as there are no bed at the base. Thank god for private health cover.
15 May 2013 After a long day that began with two hospitals losing Paul, followed by a stuff up in his chemo and three ambulance trips, Paul has finally settled in ICUS at Calvery Hospital. Before anyone panics, he’s only there because he needs to be on a heart monitor while his meds are sorted out and it was there or maternity. Our wonderful support people Jenni and Paul (yes that’s right) Lukins came down tonight and brought me a care package of Jamie’s, smokes and coffee. This pic is the two Paul’s discussing the fundamentals of urine bottles. Love you guys.
15 May 2013 Me thinks Paul is enjoying his ketamine just a little too much! Lol
15 May 2013 Paul keeping Paul’s spirits up.
15 May 2013 Forrest now has two jennys.
15 May 2013 Paul and his new buddy, “Nuf Nuf”.
15 May 2013 Paul and Nuf Nuf getting ready for his first round of chemo.
15 May 2013 Hard at work getting his chemo.
21 May 2013 I touched uncle Paul. Now I glow green like him. (Stolen from Jennifer Lukins)
22 May 2013 The radiation burns are starting to show. Other than that Paul is coming along well.
29 May 2013 Strapped in and ready to go for radiation. Paul is now half way through his treatment. Today was hump day. It’s all down hill from here.
4 June 2013 I tried to post this last night. We are back in Wagga for the week. The effects of the chemo are starting to catch up with Paul. He now has nausea and vomiting every day and feels weak. On the good side he has no pain and he has lost his voice! This is him laying in bed last night sharing some chocolate with Nuf Nuf.
12 June 2013 My Chinese crispy skinned husband with lemon sauce. Pass the fried rice.
19 June 2013 Paul is spending the night at temora hospital. The doctor will see him in the morning. Honestly, he will go to any length to get out of chemo.
11 July 2013 Paul crossed something off his bucket list today.
8 August 2013 Bring back the goatee!
14 August 2013
’twas the night before chemo and all through the house not a creature was stirring…….. Because it choked on Paul’s meds! That’s just one dose. Tomorrow morning is worserer.
18 August 2013
15 December 2013
Back in the saddle
20 February 2014
Everything went according to plan this morning.
Paul is now on the table.
He’s feeling very positive and is not nervous at all.
This photo is after he had his pre-med.
21 February 2014
He’s back on the ward and finally got a coffee.
24 February 2014. Guess who out of bed and down stairs getting some fresh air!
24 February 2014
24 February 2014
24 February 2014
24 February 2014
17 March 2014
We are off to sydney again tomorrow. Paul is 4 weeks post op and something is not right with his neck. The photo doesn’t show how bad it is. It’s all black and swollen and yesterday it split open in two places. The pain is unbearable. He’s on more pain meds now than when he had his chemo and al he does is sleep.
5 July 2014
My sister took this photo of Paul this morning. It’s probably the best photo of him I’ve ever seen.
He has been feeling the effects of the chemo, but was up and outside this morning.
He is now having a lay down.
16 July 2014 It’s happened againPaul’s hair just fell out in the shower. All except his head hair and eyebrows.Somehow, it wasn’t as funny this time.At least he looks a lot healthier than he did last time.
16 July 2014 Thank you to our wonderfully supportive friends and to my parents for all you have done and continue to do. Love you all.
20 July 2014
25 July 2014 Hi this is a picture of me Jenny. I am posting this picture because on the night of the dinner I am going to shave my head. There is a condition I want to raise $500 before I do it. So I can keep tabs on the amount when u donate please put “Jen Hair” as you reference in either the Go Fund Me link or the direct deposit. I hope I can get you all on board.
28 July 2014 We are staying in a motel for a couple of days. Paul is trying out the spa to see if it helps with his pain relief. — at Monte Villa.
29 July 2014 A slight mishap with the razor. Lol
I want to let everyone know that Paul took a sudden and unexpected down turn during the afternoon.
He is currently unconscious in Cootamundra Hospital and being transferred through to Wagga first thing in the morning for brain scans.
Drs are not sure what has happened, but feel it may be either a blood clot in the lung or brain, or a bleed on his brain.
I will let you all know more when I know.
18 August 2014 Anyone wanting to give Paul an uppercut, please get in line.After it being very touch and go through the night and family being called in from everywhere……This is him now!
Lookin good honey.
Fund Raising at Petries Mitre 10 – Young.
Fund Raising at Petries Mitre 10 – Young.
Fund Raising at Petries Mitre 10 – Young.
Fund Raising at Petries Mitre 10 – Young.
Fund Raising at Petries Mitre 10 – Young.
18 September 2014 Off to the framers today but thought id give you a peek….get bidding along with some of our other items on myminiauction.com/paulsprogress
26 September 2014 Well here is the jersey all framed….looking awesome
26 September 2014
26 September 2014
26 September 2014
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
27 September 2014 – Benefit Fund Raising night
Hi everyone. Our wonderful friend Kamahl has organised an authentic Didgeridoo to raffle off for the fundraiser that was kindly donated by Murray Izzard. A bit of info: Its white box, cut 3 years ago green and dried over a 2 year period, food grade mouth piece, Low A key, deep resonant sound and oil finished. The raffle for the beautiful piece of art will be drawn on the night if the dinner. Should you wish to purchase tickets please contact Kamahl direct on 0408867666. Thanks again Kamahl.
3 October 2014 Waiting to get his Picc line put in.
Nufnuf surprised us by catching a later flight to be here to support Paul.
10 October 2014 One of us just fell over and has a boo boo.
22 October 2014 Check out his new wheel chair
24 October 2014
24 October 2014
24 October 2014
24 October 2014 Haha Harry High Pants or you trying to be Steve Urkel lol xx
29 October 2014 Last smoke for 3 days.Sitting waiting to board.
1 November 2014 And we’re in Parks.Thanks to “The Recovery Crew” for giving up sleep to get us this last leg. — with Matt Hoy, Ian Hoy, Scott Sanders, Callum Baker, Jason Maloney and William Poulton at Parkes railway station
2 November 2014 Enjoying the sunshine.
26 April 2013
This is Paul at his best giving to the community.
FIGHTING FAMILY: Jennie’s family were among the many people who turned up on Saturday night to support Paul, including (from back left) Callum Baker, Margaret Poulton, Jennie Wilcox, Paul Wilcox, Bill Poulton, and (front) Olivia Lloyd and Alison Poulton.
Wilma LOSEBY AKA Wilma WHYBROW Late of Freshwater, NSW On 3 September 1936 there is mention of a Sgt A.E. LOSEBY attending the funeral of Sgt 3/c William Albert STUBBS, NSWPF # ‘Q‘ 8773 ( “possibly” related ? ) There is mention of Sgt 1/c Roy Albert WHYBROW, NSWPF # 6402 ( ” possibly…
Sergeant 3rd Class Lindsay William SPENCE Motor Vehicle Accident Galore 13 May, 1981 On 13 May, 1981 Senior Constable Spence and Constable Michael Bradley were travelling in a police four-wheel drive vehicle along the Sturt Highway near Galore. As a truck loaded with stock feed approached the police vehicle from the opposite direction a…
Mervyn David KANE New South Wales Police Force [alert_yellow]Regd. # 5736[/alert_yellow] Uniform # 3247 Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 14 July 1947 Inspector – appointed 21 December 1978 Chief Inspector – retired Stations: ?, Regents St ( Sydney ) Traffic early 1970’s, Fairfield ( 34 Division – ‘ I’ District late 1970’s ), Castle Hill…
Leslie John KATCHEL aka Les Late of Girvan New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 34192 Rank: Senior Constable – Retirement Stations: ?, Broadmeadow Transit – Retirement Service: From ? ? 1991? to 3 January 2003 = 12 years Service Awards: No find on It’s An Honour Born: ? ? ? Died on: Friday 14…
Francis Lenard KILLEN aka Frank Late of Penrith District NSW Police Cadet Cadet # 368 New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 4696 Rank: NSW Police Cadet – commenced 26 February 1942 Probationary Constable – appointed 29 June 1945 Inspector 3rd Class – appointed 1 March 1974 Inspector 2nd Class – appointed 2…
Detective Constable 1st Class Denis Robert WARE Regd. # 11542 Age: 32 Accidentally Shot Sutherland 2 October, 1970 On 2 October, 1970 Detective Constable Ware was part of a specially formed squad attempting to apprehend an armed and dangerous rapist who had been operating in the Sutherland area. A decoy car was set up…