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Norman MacDONALD

Norman MacDONALD

Late of  ?

New South Wales Police Force

[alert_yellow]Regd. #  8041[/alert_yellow]

Rank:  Probationary Constable – appointed 12 April 1955

Constable – appointed 12 April 1956

Constable 1st Class – appointed 12 April 1961 whilst stationed at Ingleburn

Senior Constable – appointed 12 April 1966 whilst stationed at Ingleburn

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 13 December 1970 whilst stationed at Ingleburn

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 5 July 1978 whilst stationed at Ingleburn

Senior Sergeant – appointed 1 August 1981 whilst stationed at Ingleburn & takes Optional Retirement whilst at Liverpool.

Stations:  Worked General Duties his entire service:

Liverpool ( 22 Division – Pro. Constable from 9 May 1955  ),

Ingleburn ( 35 Division – from 21 July 1960 ),

Campbelltown ( 35 Division – from 29 January 1971 ),

Ingleburn ( 22 Division from 3 July 1977 ),

Cabramatta ( 34 Division from 18 June 1978 ),

Ingleburn ( 22 Division – from 28 January 1979 as O.I.C. ),

Fairfield ( 34 Division – from 27 September 1981 ) –

Liverpool – Retirement

ServiceFrom  ? ? Pre April 1955?  to  1 April 1988 = 33+ years Service

Awards: Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal – awarded 20 February 1978

No find on It’s An Honour

Commended for his part played in fighting the disastrous bush fires which occurred in the County of Cumberland during March, 1965.  N.T.W. ALLAN, Commissioner of Police S23541/129 – 19 August 1965

Born14 November 1931

Died onTuesday  13 June 2017



Event location:  Campbelltown Hospital

Event date: Tuesday  13 June 2017 at Campbelltown Hospital

Funeral dateWednesday  21 June 2017 @ 11.30am

Funeral location:  Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Camden Valley Way, Leppington , South Chapel

Buried at:  Forest Lawn Cemetery

 Memorial located at?

Norman MacDONALD

Norman MacDONALD


[alert_yellow]NORM is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO


 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]





May they forever Rest In Peace


Norm was already married when he joined the NSW Police Force.

Description:  5′ 11″ tall, 11 stone 9 lb, “Blue” eyes with brown hair & fair complexion.  Prior to joining NSW Police, he was a Grocery Traveller for 7.5 years and a shop assistant for 9 mths.

He qualified on General Duty utilities and light trucks from 9 June 1955 & Cycle Outfits on 4 May 1959.
Norman passed his Constable 1st Class examination on 24 June 1958 but failed his Sergeant 3rd Class exams 3 times from 1964 – 1966.
He completed the Sergeants’ Training Course # 1 of 1972.
He failed his first attempt at his Sergeant 1st Class exam but passed on the 12 May 1983.  He also failed two attempts at his Inspectors examination in 1982 & 1983 & remained at the rank of Sergeant 1st Class.

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  1. Hey Greg.
    I remember Norm very well, he was a popular Police Officer in the Ingleburn area many years ago. He and Ted Baldwin, who was the Sergeant, had a great deal of respect from those who lived in and around the area. I remember they used Ted’s early model Holden sedan as the police car.(not sure if it was a real police car) but once you saw it coming it was time to disappear. Norm was easy to talk to and gave sound advice. He was one of my referees when I joined back in 1968. Rest in Peace Norm.
    Peter C

    1. Thanks for your kind words about my grandfather. I was proud to be his granddaughter that’s for sure x

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