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Michael ‘ Mick ‘ Patrick CONCHIE

Michael ‘ Mick ‘ Patrick CONCHIE

Western Australia Police Force

Regd. # 4749


Rank  Detective



Funeral  20 August 2014 @ 10.30am


WA Police Union Members are invited to attend the Funeral Service for our late retired member Michael (Mick) Patrick Conchie 4749 at PINNAROO Valley Memorial Park on WEDNESDAY (20.08.2014) at 10.30am.




Location of funeral service:
[google-map-v3 shortcodeid=”4eb18b3c” width=”350″ height=”350″ zoom=”12″ maptype=”roadmap” mapalign=”center” directionhint=”false” language=”default” poweredby=”false” maptypecontrol=”true” pancontrol=”true” zoomcontrol=”true” scalecontrol=”true” streetviewcontrol=”true” scrollwheelcontrol=”false” draggable=”true” tiltfourtyfive=”false” enablegeolocationmarker=”true” enablemarkerclustering=”false” addmarkermashup=”false” addmarkermashupbubble=”false” addmarkerlist=”Whitfords Ave, Padbury, W.A.{}chapel-2.png{}Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park” bubbleautopan=”true” distanceunits=”km” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”]

CONCHIE (Micheal):
Finally at peace. Much loved and respected, no man will ever compare. We love you and miss you. Husband, father and pop to Lee, Jos, Adam, Sharon, Faith, Daniel, Maddie and Luke


Sunday, 17 August 2014
Conchie (Mick) In memory of a kind and helpful friend. Condolences to Lee and family on the passing of Mick. RIP digger. Ivano Fantoni
Friday, 15 August 2014
Lee, Adam, Jos and family. Our sincere condolences on the loss of a truly great man, he will be sadly missed.
Matt and Sim

Friday, 15 August 2014

Mick so sad to hear of your passing, your long distance and unending friendship has always been so greatly appreciated. A fine man,loyal friend and outstanding Detective. Thanks for the memories mate, Deepest Sympathy to Lee and family, from your old mates Victoria Police Consorting Squad and Homicide Squad, and your long time friend, Peter Spence, Melbourne.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Mike you bought so much happiness and laughter into our lives. We looked up to you and you were always there.you were like a brother to us and we thank you for that the memories we have of you will remain with us forever. The world is a sadder place indeed .
We will look after Lee and your family that’s a promise.
God bless and keep you in his special care always.
All our love Rick ,Suzie and family
Friday, 15 August 2014

Our deepest sympathy to Lee and family
Gone fishing with Bourkie
Syd Sandy and family

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Conchie (Mick) In memory of a kind and helpful friend. Condolences to Lee and family on the passing of Mick. RIP digger. Ivano Fantoni

Friday, 15 August 2014

Lee, Adam, Jos and family. Our sincere condolences on the loss of a truly great man, he will be sadly missed.
Matt and Sim

Friday, 15 August 2014

Mick so sad to hear of your passing, your long distance and unending friendship has always been so greatly appreciated. A fine man,loyal friend and outstanding Detective. Thanks for the memories mate, Deepest Sympathy to Lee and family, from your old mates Victoria Police Consorting Squad and Homicide Squad, and your long time friend, Peter Spence, Melbourne.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Mike you bought so much happiness and laughter into our lives. We looked up to you and you were always there.you were like a brother to us and we thank you for that the memories we have of you will remain with us forever. The world is a sadder place indeed .
We will look after Lee and your family that’s a promise.
God bless and keep you in his special care always.
All our love Rick ,Suzie and family
Friday, 15 August 2014

Our deepest sympathy to Lee and family
Gone fishing with Bourkie
Syd Sandy and family

– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/thewest-au/micheal-conchie-condolences/172062166?#sthash.IaNG9ScK.dpuf

WA Police Union Members are invited to attend the Funeral Service for our late retired member Michael (Mick) Patrick Conchie 4749 at PINNAROO Valley Memorial Park on WEDNESDAY (20.08.2014) at 10.30am.

– See more at: http://www.westannouncements.com.au/obituaries/thewest-au/obituary.aspx?n=michael-conchie&pid=172143073&eid=sp_ommatch&eid=sp_ommatch#sthash.hIPELaUK.dpuf

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