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Kevin Joseph McALEER

Kevin Joseph McALEER

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # 8752

Rank  ?

Stations:  Shoalhaven

Born ?

Died  7 August 2011

83 old

Funeral details  ?

Buried / Cremated details ?


Unknown details.

Married to Olga McALEER – died 15 October 2014


From Facebook:

Linda Woods Wonderful people. Will always remember the day Ken had a fellow in the Vincentia Police Station doing a gun Licence test ( I think that was what it was) and Olga was out the front, with Kevin and I, telling me all about how men come to have receding hairline at the temples! I have never laughed so much when, after she said it was actually THIGH BURN, the guy in the office popped his head out and said “So, that’s why I have lost the hair around my temples!” We three did not realise he was there! Sadly missed Olga and Kevin.

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