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New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # 39355

Rank:  Senior Constable

Stations?, Manning Great Lakes L.A.C.

Service:  From  to  ?



Died on:  Monday night, 28 September 2015

Cause:  Breast Cancer

Age:  50

Funeral date:  Tuesday  6 October 2015 @ 10am

Funeral location:  John Wright Park, 12-14 Manning Street, Tuncurry

Buried at?


[alert_yellow]JOY-ANNE is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO



 Funeral location:  [codepeople-post-map]


Manning River Times

National Police Remembrance Day and Retired NSW Police Officer day 2015

POLICE gathered in ceremonies around New South Wales yesterday to honour the lives of police officers lost in the line of duty, or to illness or other circumstances.

Here in Taree at the National Police Remembrance Day service, a local life was honoured. Special mention was given to Manning Great Lakes Area Command Senior Constable Joy-Anne Trewick, who sadly passed away on Monday night, after a long and hard fought battle with breast cancer.

“She’ll be remembered fondly as a vibrant and happen person,” reflected Superintendent Peter Thurtell.

“She was always professional and loved her career. She will be sadly missed.”

The superintendent expressed his heartfelt condolences to Senior Constable Trewick’s family.

The service is commemorated each year on the feast day for Saint Michael the Archangel, patron saint of police and the Taree service was hosted by the Baptist church at Kolodong.

According to master of ceremonies Inspector Christine George, the day is the most significant event on the Australian police ceremonial calendar.

Police chaplain Pastor Chris Thornhill performed the welcome, opening prayer and homily.

“Today is a day of mixed emotions,” the chaplain said. “But also pride in their single-minded dedication and the willingness to pursue justice at great costs.

“Today we remember the diligence, the courage and the integrity of these lives.”

Scripture readings were carried out by retired inspector Bob Barnes and Detective Acting Inspector Natalie Stephens, later followed by the commissioner’s address read by Superintendent Peter Thurtell.

Names of serving members of the New South Wales Police in Papua New Guinea and Australia who have died during the period of September 26, 2014 to September 28, 2015 were read aloud by Inspector Tony Power.

A collection of recent photos of the officers of Manning Great-Lakes Local Area Commend at work, offered a visual reflection of policing as it is today.




To Supt Peter Thurtell, Sen Cst Trewick was an absolute gem when she worked here in Port Macquarie. Although I did a few things to get on her bad side I’m terribly saddened to hear of her death. Breast cancer is an awful way for a life to be taken and I could only imagine what would be going through the minds of the ones she loved. Btw Pete Thurtell is a legend.

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