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Joseph William GILHOLM

Joseph William GILHOLM

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #   ‘ Q ‘ 5869

For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1 March 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )

Rank:  Constable


Stations?, Camden Haven, Kerrabee, Gloucester, Forster O.I.C. – Death


ServiceFrom 26 September 1889  to  22 February 1902 = 12+ years Service


Awards:  No find on It’s An Honour


Born? ? about April – June 1866 of Rothbury, England

Died on:  Saturday  22 February 1902

Age:  36

CauseInjuries received when thrown from horse returning from the Taree races on Duty.  5 broken right ribs, rupture of lower lobe of left lung, laceration to right kidney.

Event date:  Saturday  15 February 1902

Event location:  Brown’s Creek hill – between Racecourse & Taree, NSW

Death date:  Saturday  22 February 1902

Death location:  Manning River District Hospital, Taree @ 10.30am


Inquest date:  Taree Court on Saturday 22 February 1902


Funeral date:  Sunday 23 February 1902 @  ?pm

Funeral location:  Dawson River Cemetery, Lansdowne Rd, Cundletown, NSW

Buried at:  Dawson River Cemetery

Unmarked Grave, Exact Location Unknown.
31°53’19.6″S 152°30’08.8″E

Memorial at?


( 2016 ) JOSEPH is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  * BUT SHOULD BE

In 2017, Joseph’s name was added to the National Police Wall of Remembrance




May they forever Rest In Peace




Manning River Times and Advocate for the Northern Coast Districts of New South Wales (Taree, NSW : 1898 – 1954),

Wednesday 26 February 1902, page 3


Death of Constable Gilholm.


A Magisterial Inquiry was held at the Court House, Taree, on Saturday afternoon last, by the District Coroner, Mr. W. N. Dove, P.M., concerning the death, in the M. R. D. Hospital at 10.30 that morning, of Constable J. W. Gilholm, of Forster, who received injuries while returning from duty at the Taree races on the previous Saturday afternoon.

Sergeant Hogan deposed: I am a Sergeant of Police, stationed at Taree. I have seen the body of Joseph William Gilholm, now lying dead at the Taree Hospital this day. He was 36 years of age, and was a native of Rothbury, England. He has been a member of the N. S. W. police force for over 12 years, and was till the time of his death in charge of Forster police station.

On the evening of the 12th instant he arrived at Taree station, for special duty at the Taree Show. On the morning of the 15th. about 8 a.m., I gave him instructions to attend the Taree races that day, with other mounted men.

About 8 p.m. on the 18th I saw deceased in the Taree Hospital. He was then conscious, and lying in bed. He complained of great pain in his chest and body, pointing more particularly to his left side. I asked him how the accident occurred. He said he and Constable Stein were riding home to Taree after the races were over, and that as they were coming near Brown’s Creek a man named McInherney joined them. After crossing Brown’s bridge slowly, he and McInherney started off in a canter ; and after going a short distance, his horse shied off the road. He said a little further on something struck him on the head and knocked him on to the back of the saddle; and that was the last he remembered. I said to him : ” Were you and McInherney racing ? ” He said ” No ; McInherney was on the road, and I was on the side..”

I have seen deceased from three to five times a day since, and was present when he died. He made no complaints against any person. He was quite conscious up to within half-an-hour of his death. The only complaints he made were of great pain, and he could not get his breath. I have known him about 10 years, and have always found him a sober man. He has left a wife and three children. He is possessed of no property, and no banking account. He owns one horse, and some furniture at the police station. His life was insured, but the premiums have not been paid for the last four years, in the Widows’ Fund.

John William Gormley deposed: I am a duly qualified medical practitioner, and am Government Medical Officer residing at Taree. I have seen the body of Constable Gilholm, and have held a post mortem examination thereon.

On Saturday, 15th. instant, on returning from the races, I found the constable doubled up upon the side of the road. I asked Constable Stein and McInherney, who were with him, to take him to the Hospital at once. This, was done. I saw him put into a sulky, and went on to the Hospital to get everything ready for, his reception.

I received him into the Hospital that evening and at once directed Dr. Curtayne to be sent for. We had a consultation then the next morning we had a farther consultation, with Dr. MacQueen. I was then in attendance on the man till to-day, when he died.

The post-mortem disclosed that five ribs on the right side were fractured, and had penetrated the lung. On the left side there was a rupture of the lower lobe of the lung. The right kidney was also lacerated as to be almost divided at the upper third. I consider that death was due to the resulting shock. During the time that deceased was in the Hospital he received every attention. The man was too ill from the first – to enable a diagnosis to he made. He could not be moved about. Deceased was a splendidly built man. The injuries disclosed by the post-mortem, were necessarily fatal. There was no sign of drink on the deceased, and I had seen him a few minutes before leaving the race-course, and he was then quite sober.

When approaching Brown’s’ Creek bridge on the evening of the 15th, I saw deceased’s horse shy off the road to the left, and a moment after I saw deceased all doubled up on the ground. I did not see what he struck, but I hurried on, and when I got to where he was I saw it must have been the stay of the telegraph post. He seemed to duck to getaway from the obstruction. I am of opinion, from what I saw, that he was compressed between the stay and the saddle. The injuries I discovered at the post-mortem could have been thus brought about.

Frederick Ernest Stein deposed ; I am a constable, and reside at Cundletown. On the 15th inst. I was on duty at Taree races, with the deceased ( Constable Gilholm ) and other constables. Deceased and I left the course to return to Taree a little after 6 p.m. We were riding our troop horses. When near Brown’s Creek hill, John McInherney joined us. McInherney was talking to deceased, and we rode along at a walking pace to the bridge. It was then raining sharply, and when we got on to the bridge McInherney and deceased cantered on. Neither had waterproof coats. I stopped behind, keeping my horse at a walking pace, soon after they left me, when they had gone 20 or 30 yards, deceased’s horse left the road, and swerved towards the fence on the left hand side, and dashed under the strut of the telegraph pole. Deceased struck the strut, and fell backwards over the horse’s rump. I was at that time about 70 yards behind them. McInherney kept on up the main road. I went to Gilholm‘s assistance, and found him unconscious on the ground ; He was lying on his face, with deep cut over the right eye. This was bleeding freely.

McInherney came back and at the same time Dr. Gormley drove up, and I asked him to see the deceased. Constables McKenna and Dowsett also rode up. Deceased was taken to the Hospital, and was admitted not more than 15 minutes after the accident, and was at once attended by Dr.Gormley. I saw Gilholm on the course often during the day. I saw no sign of drink on him. I have known him about 10 years. The horse deceased was riding seemed to be quiet. He was in the procession with the Premier, and so far as I know was quietly, ”

John Joseph McInherney deposed : I am a farmer, and reside at the Lansdowne River. On Saturday, 15th inst., I was at the Taree races. I left the course about 6 p.m. and rode towards Taree. On my way in I overtook Constables Stein and Gilholm. I joined them, and rode with them to the foot of the hill at Brown’s bridge. When we crossed the bridge Gilholm and I started at a canter. He was on my left hand. We went about 60 yards, when his horse galloped past me riderless. I looked around and saw Gilholm lying on the ground ; I went back. Stein was with Gilholm, and Dr. Gormley arrived immediately afterwards.

We put Gilholm into a sulky, and took him to the Hospital. I have not seen Gilholm since. We were not racing. Nothing was said about our racing. It had just started to rain, and that is why we cantered. I was a bit ahead of Gilholm, and saw nothing of how be fell, Gilholm was perfectly sober. I did not in any way jostle Gilholm, or force him out off the road. The accident occurred close to the end of the bridge fence.

The Coroner found ” That the deceased, Joseph William Gilholm died at the Manning River District Hospital on Saturday, 22nd February, 1902, of shock arising from injuries to the lungs, ribs, and kidneys, caused by his being accidentally thrown from his horse while on duty. ”

The funeral took place at the Dawson Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, when the cortege was a very large and representative one, The Rev. R. H. Phillips conducted the service.


NSW Government Gazette – Event date – 1 February 1899 – Event place: Kerrabee



Joseph William Gilholm – Constable – Gloucester Station – Port Stephens Police District

Inspector of Slaughter-Houses as of 15 January 1900


NSWBDM – Death – 3219/1902 – Father = Edward.  Mother = Elizabeth

NSWBDM – Marriage – 5447/1884    ‘possibly’ married Mary L MOORE at Inverell in 1884



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