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aka  Hollinsy

Western Australia Police Force

Regd. #   7201

Rank:  Senior Constable

Stations?, Northam, Geraldton Nov 1999 to Feb 2005, Karratha ( – 2015 ), Lancelin ( 2015 – 2016 )

ServiceFrom  ? ? ?  to  27 October 2016 = 32 years Service

Awards? No find on It’s An Honour


Died on:  Thursday  27? October 2016 @ 1.15pm

Age:  50

Cause:  Melanoma – diagnosed October 2015

Funeral date:  Wednesday  2 November 2016 @ 2pm

Funeral locationPolice Academy Chapel, 81 Lakeside Dve, Joondalup, WA

Buried at:  Cremated

 Memorial at?


Karratha police constable Jackie Newby and Senior Constable Ian Hollins will be heading off to Perth
Karratha police constable Jackie Newby and Senior Constable Ian Hollins will be heading off to Perth

[alert_yellow]IAN is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO



 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]





May they forever Rest In Peace


The Funeral Service for Snr Constable Ian Hollins of WA Police will be held in the Police Academy Chapel Joondalup commencing at 2pm on WEDNESDAY (2.11.2016). The family request all wear blue.
A private Cremation will take place at a later time.
WA Family Owned
Published in The West Australian on Oct. 29, 2016

WA Police Union

October 27 2016 at 12:59pm ·

Our hearts go out to the family, friends and colleagues of Member Ian Hollins, who sadly lost his battle with melanoma.

As the sun surely sets: dawn will see it arise, for service, above self, demands its own prize.
You have fought the good fight: life’s race has been run, and peace, your reward, for eternity begun.
And we that are left, shall never forget, rest in peace friend and colleague, for the sun has now set. We will remember. Hasten the dawn.



A Pop, Father, Son and Husband too
A serving officer of our country who we lost too soon
The smile, the giggle and the cheeky attitude
Are only a few of the many ways we will remember you
We saw the suffering and we felt the pain
We fought along side you each and every day
As time went on you began to fade away
But inside all of us your memory remains
Although our hearts ache and our souls bleed
Your legacy lives on in all of us and your spirit is free
We love you now and will forever
Your life is and always will be treasured
So watch over us for now and we will see you again soon
We’ll carry you with us in all that we do.
Love always Shaz, Courts, Ryles, Brycey and Shaelz
Dearly loved son and brother of Des (dec), Cynthia and Bruce, Lynda, Denise and their families.
Fly like an eagle Ian, love and miss you.
So happy you are free of pain.
Funeral Director Info

Published in The West Australian on Oct. 29, 2016



Tuesday, 1 November 2016

My beautiful big brother and uncle Ian. you left such a hole inside me that will never be filled. I love you always and ever.
Thank you for being my big brother. Until we see each other again xxxxxxx

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

RIP Ian Hollins PD7201.

The bloke with a smoke and a can ‘a’ coke.

With both in hand there he would stand resilient- under the vehicle awning of Karratha cop shop.

Bloody Legend.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

May you forever Rest In Peace.



Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Rest in peace valued friend and colleague, sadly missed by all who knew and served with him. Deepest condolences to Sharon and family. Our thoughts are with you at this very difficult time.
Members, Directors and Staff WA Police Union.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

HOLLINS (Ian ): Staff of the Mid West-Gascoyne District Police extend their condolences to Sharon and family on the passing of Ian.
Ian worked in Geraldton Nov 1999 to Feb 2005 he will be remembered fondly by all who new him R.I.P.

Monday, 31 October 2016

HOLLINS (Ian Desmond):
The Commissioner of Police and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague Ian Hollins Registered Number 7201. Deepest sympathy to all of his loved ones.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

HOLLINS (Ian ): To Sharon and family. Our deepest sympathy on the passing of Ian. A loyal friend and work mate.

Gary and Vicki

Monday, 31 October 2016

To Sharon, Courtney, Ryleigh, Bryce and Shaelyn, our thoughts are with you all on the sad loss of your beloved Ian.
Love Aunty Shirl, Uncle Dave, Jo and Tim, Amanda and Matt, and families.

Monday, 31 October 2016

HOLLINS (Ian ): If our love could have saved you, you would never have died.
You were taken from us far too soon, but the wonderful memories of our times together will bring comfort to us all.
Our heartfelt deepest sympathy to our Sister and Aunty Shaz, Nieces, Nephew and Cousins, Courtney, Ryleigh, Bryce and Shaelyn.

Love Always, Michelle, Stuart, Olivia and Jasmine.

Monday, 31 October 2016

To Sharon, Courts – Ryles, Bryce and Shaelz.
Still hard to accept the loss of our son-in-law, your grief is shared by us. He was always happy to see us, Ian will be missed. Pain free now.
Mum and Dad (Nan, Pop)

Monday, 31 October 2016

My heartfelt sympathy to Sharon and family on your sad loss.

Love Nana

Monday, 31 October 2016

HOLLINS (Ian):Dearly loved son and brother of Des (dec), Cynthia and Bruce, Lynda, Denise, Kayla, Jeannette, Louise and their families.

Fly like an eagle Ian, love and miss you. So happy you are free of pain.


Please Help Country Cop Fight Cancer


My dad’s name is Ian Hollins and he has been a police officer for 30 years. He is a loving father of 4, husband, son, brother, uncle and poppy to 2 beautiful little girls. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. This is his story. Early last year, my dad had a small mole on his hip that had never been a concern in the past and i doubt he even knew was there. He walked through a door and bumped the mole. It immediately grew to 12cm in diameter. Dad ignored the pain and continued to work through it for months. My mum had noticed the mole leaking and could see that it was making my dad very uncomfortable. But instead of going to the dr, my dad worked through the pain and got on with his job. By this stage simple things and getting out of the police car and wearing a gun belt were excruciating. Yet he continued.. The pain became too much to handle so my dad drove himself down to the emergency room at Nickol Bay Hospital in Karratha. The drs took one look at him, took a scan, and delivered the news to my dad. It was in fact an aggressive melanoma that had spread to the lymph nodes, lung and ribcage. My dad was diagnosed with melanoma in October 2015 at 49 years of age. We knew it was going to be a long and difficult road, especially living in Karratha! The police department transferred my dad to Lancelin WA to be closer to medical help and to his family. My darling mum had to leave her job to help look after my dad. Since october he has had 2 major surgeries, treatments, countless appointments, scans and tests and he is still fighting. It wasn’t until he had a seizure in june 2016 we then realised that the melanoma had spread to his brain. Another major bump in the road but we will continue to fight! So i am starting up this go fund me page to help out my parents with travel, appointment costs, treatments, medicines and accommodation for the family if things become very hard. Money should be the last thing they need to stress about and i feel this will help my dad along his way and get him the best treatment possible! We are refusing to give up on him. Thank you to all of our family and friends. You have all been so wonderful and we are incredibly lucky to have you. My dad is a brave wonderful man and is an asset to the police department and to the community. Please help us fight!


Update 1

3 months ago
To everyone that has donated, We are ever so grateful and this has absolutely filled our hearts with love and hope! Love the Hollins Family xx



Update 2

2 months ago
Hey everyone! Just an update on my dad! He will be having his last radiation treatment next monday! The radiotherapy makes him very tired and a little light headed but apart from that he is doing ok. Time to work on getting his strength back and putting on the weight he has lost. Thankyou all for your donations and kind wishes. He will beat this. Love from Courtney xx



Update 3

1 month ago
Hey guys! I know a lot of you have been asking me how dad has been going so i thought i would update everyone at once. For the last couple of weeks dad has been very sick and lethargic. We decided to take him to joondalup hospital last Sunday where we waited 7 hours in emergency! Poor dad was very frail which was heartbreaking for us to see as we are used to this big strong cop! They finally got him through and tried taking some blood which was nearly impossible with him being as dehydrated as he was. Tests come back and yes it was severe dehydration. Dad spent 4 nights in hospital. A couple of drs delivered the same news “ian we can’t do anything else for you” which is bullshit. Dad is out of hospital now looking better! We WILL keep fighting and trying everything!! No one can tell us otherwise. HOLLINS blood is strong ❤



Update 4

1 month ago
My father’s day present to dad was a ticket to the Eagles prelim final tonight! From as long as i can remember, dad has been a die hard eagles fan and not once has had the chance to go to a live game. I remember when i was young, rolling my eyes as he swore and screamed at the tv during a game. Definitely a passionate fan! Have the best night dad!! This will give him the boost he needs❤ thankfully he is having a good day:)


Update 5

1 month ago
Hey everyone! Once again thank you for the shares and donations! I’m boosting this post as we have more plans in place. Its really up to us now to cure dad as the dr has said there is nothing else they can do. (Which is typical) We WILL NOT give up and there will be a way we can help him. ❤ #fightingforian





Update 6

1 month ago

So here’s the latest news on dad for everyone who has been asking:)

Dad’s radiologist, Professor Spry has started more radiation on the new tumours that have appeared around dads original operation site. Professor sounds confident that this will fix them quick.This means that dad is back at the Genesis Cancer lodge where the wonderful Jo and Ron will look after dad. The immunotherapy treatments have failed and the last round put dad in hospital and nearly killed him so we are sticking to the radiation and alternative medicines

Dad is in a massive amount of pain which affects him for long car rides and sitting in general but the radiation should start to reduce the tumours right away! Dad has his good days and terrible ones but everyone’s positivity is giving him the boost to keep fighting! We will try everything because this man is special. Thank you again to everyone. Love from the Hollins family❤




Update 7

8 days ago

Last Wednesday dad took a turn for the worse. We had to call the ambo to take him from lancelin to joondalup hospital. Dad was dehydrated and in absolute agony. He’s back at home since yesterday everyone is keeping a close eye on him. I would share the recent photos of his tumours all over his lower back but the pictures are quite shocking. Dad cries with pain and it breaks our heart because we wish we could do more. The doctors have given up hope but we NEVER will! Miracles happen everyday. ❤






Update 8

5 days ago  ( Thursday 27 September 2016 )

This is an update to everyone who has helped with love, positive vibes and donations to my dad’s fund. I want to thank you on behalf of my dad and the family. This fund helped take the stress of dad in his final months. Love to you all.

1:15pm today we lost our beautiful, strong brave father. He fought so hard until his last breath. He knew we were by his side and he waited to say goodbye to every single one of his loved ones. I have never ever been so proud of one man like I was my dad. We fought for him but his time was up. He will remain in our hearts and through the hearts of the thousands of people he fought for. While our hearts are broken his memory will remain for as long as we will. We love you dad. We will make you so proud dad. See you on the other side and don’t worry about mum…we will take care of her❤






Shay Hollins
3 months ago

To everyone who has donated thank you so much, sometimes we set goals all in hope that we can get somewhere close. In just one day we’ve almost reached our goal. You are all so wonderful, we cannot thank you enough for your generosity Xxx

Kayla D Hollins
3 months ago

Absolutely amazing to see such support and love for my brother. Ty to each of you. Xxxxxxxxx

Jeannette Baxter
3 months ago

I can’t believe the goal has almost been reached! What an amazing bunch of people xxx

Anna Paccani
4 days ago

Oh Courtney – such sad news to hear. It surely was a pleasure having known Ian – even for the short time he was here in Lano. I suppose we can only take comfort in knowing that he is no longer in pain. From all of us at the Hardware, accept and pass on our heartfelt condolences – and huge hugs to all the family.

Nellster Nellster
5 days ago

Huge condolences to Shaz and kids. A fantastic wonderful loving and caring man. He will be sadly missed by many….

Sylvia Eaton
5 days ago

I have just been told by my son that Ian passed away ……Terry and I got to know Ian and Sharon and the kids when they lived in Cunderdin a very long time ago you were a fantastic farther and a fantastic friend you became our sons godfather . I cannot believe or understand why this horrible disease takes such wonderful and brave people away from us ..you will always be remembered by me and my son terry I am so sorry for your lose Sharon your always be in my heart

Kylie Day
3 months ago

So sorry to hear the news . Stay strong guys , you have an amazing family Ian ,and a load of support , thinking of you x

Lisa Phillips
3 months ago

So sorry to hear the sad news, I knew your mum and dad when they lived in Margaret River, we were all close friends but lost contact when they left town. Good luck and best wishes to Ian and to you all 🙂




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