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Late of Deniliquin

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ‘Q‘ 3415

For the purposes of this website ‘Q’ represents those Police joining between 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )

Rank:  Constable – appointed 22 February 1879

Senior Sergeant – appointed ? ? ?

Sub Inspector – appointed ? ? 1897

First Class Sub Inspector – appointed April 1903 at Hay ( could this ‘possibly’ be ‘Q’ # 3036 ??? )

First Class Sub Inspector – appointed 1 April 1906

Superintendent 3rd Class – appointed 1 July 1909

Final Rank = Superintendent

Stations:  Narrandera ( 1897 – Sub Inspector ), Hay ( 2nd Class – 1st Class Sub Inspector – 1903 ), Parramatta ( 1906 – 1909 Inspector ), Deniliquin ( July 1909 – Supt ) – Death

ServiceFrom 22 February 1879  to  10 January 1911 =  32 years Service

Awards:   No find on It’s An Honour

Born:   ? ? c1855 at Edmonton in England

Died on:   Tuesday 10 January 1911 about 6am

Age:  56

Cause:   Vehicle accident – Horse Buggy – Driver – Ejected – Head injuries

Event location:  Mathoura Rd 3.5 miles from Deniliquin, NSW

Event date:  Tuesday 10 January 1911

Funeral date:   Thursday 12 January 1911

Funeral location:   ?

Wake location:  ?

Funeral Parlour:  ?

Buried at:   Deniliquin Cemetery, Wirraway Dve, Deniliquin, NSW

 Memorial located at1/ Deniliquin Cemetery – Marble tombstone over grave

2/  Memorial Wall plaque – Deniliquin Police Station – 2018





HARRY is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance * NOT JOB RELATED

HARRY IS mentioned on the Deniliquin Police Station Memorial Wall – 2018




May they forever Rest In Peace

Superintendent Henry ‘Harry’ GRUGEON
Born c1855 at Edmonton, England.
Died 10/1/1911, Deniliquin, NSW.
32 years service.
Buried Deniliquin, NSW
1881. Married Johannah HENNESSY, Deniliquin, NSW
1897. Promoted from Senior Sergeant to Sub Inspector
1898. Was a Sub Inspector at Narrandera.

15/10/1898, in the Australian Town and Country news paper.
The police district is under the control of Sub-inspector Grugeon, and the local force comprises, in addition, four footmen and three troopers. The gaol is in charge of Senior constable Bowman.

1906. Promoted from Sub Inspector to Inspector
1906-1909. Would appear that he was stationed at Parramatta as an Inspector
1909. Promoted from Inspector to Superintendent.

17/7/1909, Evening News Newspaper
Police Superintendent Grugeon was entertained at the Woolpack Hotel, Parramatta, at a farewell fraternal gathering, on the eve of his departure for Deniliquin to take charge of the South Western Police District. The Mayor (Alderman Haugh) presided, and there was a large attendance of prominent residents, magistrates, court officials, and others.
Among the speakers were Colonel Ferris, -ex -Superintendent Brennan, Mr. M. S. Love, S.M., Superintendent Day, Mr. G. Addison, C.P.S. and Parramatta Chamber Magistrate, Father O’Reilly, Dr. Kearney, and Sergeant Lucas.

During the evening Mr. Love, on behalf of the court officials, handed Superintendent Grugeon a cheque with which to buy a buggy on his arrival at Deniliquin. (Note that he was given a cheque to buy a buggy)

14/1/1911, Nepean Times.

Superintendent of Police Henry Grugeon, of Deniliquin, died about 6 o’clock on Tuesday morning, as the result of a buggy accident. It appears that the superintendent was out driving in his buggy, with a pair of horses, accompanied by his son Stephen and daughter Mary. The horses became restive on Mathoura road, about three and a half miles from Deniliquin, and bolted, and, on turning short, the buggy capsized, throwing the occupants out.

Mr Grugeon fell on his head, and received several nasty cuts on the head and face. He was unconscious.
His son at once went to the freezing works and telephoned to Dr. Marsden, who went out and brought Mr Grugeon to his home, where he was attended by Dr Marsden and Hoskin, but never regained consciousness.
The son and daughter received only a few scratches.
Mr Grugeon was inspector in charge of Parramatta before being appointed superintendent at Deniliquin.
At the Parramatta Police Court on Tuesday sympathetic reference was made to the death of Superintendent Grugeon by Mr E L Maitland, S.M., by Mr E K Bowden on behalf of the legal profession, and by Inspector Bedingfield ( possibly Q # 2799 ) ( deceased’s successor at Parramatta) on behalf of the police.

His death was also mentioned in ‘The Argus’ Melbourne. Not transcribed.

He left a wife, 6 daughters and 3 sons. His wife Johannah died 28/7/1945 at Lewisham Private Hospital.


2/1/2019, Deniliquin Times.

Eight honoured on police memorial wall’ –

Seven former local police officers and a former police chaplain were honoured during a police reunion in Deniliquin.
They were the first to be added to the police memorial wall at the new Deniliquin police station.
Honoured were
Constable Charles Chapman (died 5/3/1866),
Senior Const J Morrison (19/1/1898),
Senior Const Thomas Smith (19/4/1910),
Superintendent Henry Grugeon (10/1/1911),
Sergeant George Thomas Whiteley (25/3/1931),
Detective Senior Const Risto Vic Baltoski (2/1/1989) and
Senior Const Jennifer Louise Edgerton (August 2015) and

Rev David Bond.



Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 – 1950), Saturday 26 August 1911, page 6


On Sunday afternoon (reports the Deniliquin ‘Independent’ of August 18) a large number of representative towns people, including the aldermen, of the municipality, attended at the local cemetery to witness the unveiling of the beautiful monument erected by a section of the police force of New South Wales, to perpetuate the memory of the Late Superintendent Grugeon, who was killed by an unfortunate buggy accident in January last.
All the members of the local police force were present.
Messrs. J. and H. ( Harry ) Grugeon, two of deceased’s sons, had also journeyed to Deniliquin, to be present at the ceremony.
The monument is a beautiful piece of work, and was executed by Messrs. Wilson and Co., of Bendigo, which firm was represented at the unveiling by Mr. H. M. Hammer.
The design is a very choice one, being a pedestal with carved drapery, surmounted by a beautifully carved figure representing an angel with arm extended dropping flowers on the grave beneath. The pedestal and figure are worked from the best Carram marble. The monument is supported by a base of Harcourt granite, with two sets of kerbings of the same stone. Marble posts with marble kerbings, neatly moulded, take the place of the customary iron railing, while the inside of the grave is covered with black and white marble tiles.
The monument bears the inscription, ‘In memory of Harry Grugeon, Esq., J.P., Superintendent of Police, Deniliquin, died 10th January, 1911, as the result of a buggy accident.
Aged 56 years.
‘Thy will be done, O Lord.’
Erected as a mark of esteem by the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the New South Wales Police Force.”

Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 – 1918), Monday 3 July 1911, page 3



In the early part of this year, the popular Superintendent of Police at Deniliquin Mr. Harry Grugeon, J.P., died from injuries received in a buggy accident and since then the members of the New South Wales police force have decided to commemorate his memory by the erection of a monument over his grave in the Deniliquin Cemetery.

The design selected is very choice, being a pedestal with carved drapery surrounded by a beautifully carved figure representing an angel with arm extended dropping flower’s on to the grave beneath. The pedestal and figure are worked from the best Carrara marble. The monument is supported by a base of Harcourt granite with two sets of kerbings of the same stone. Marble posts with marble kerbing neatly moulded take the place of the customary iron railing while the inside of the grave is to be covered with black and white marble.

The inscription has been cut out and filled with lead, making it of a lasting character. It reads thus: – ” In memory of Harry Grugeon, Esq. J.P. Superintendent of Police, Deniliquin, died on January 10, 1911, as the result of a buggy accident. Aged 56 years. Thy Will be done O Lord. Erected as a mark of esteem by the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the New South Wales police. ”

The work has been entrusted to Messrs J. B. Wilson and Co., the well known firm of monumental sculptors of this city and is being prepared by them at their works in Mitchell street.

Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 – 1930), Friday 11 August 1911, page 12


A marble tombstone, suitably inscribed, has just been completed over the grave of the late Superintendent of Police, Mr. Harry Grugeon, the cost of which was borne by the police of the South-western and Parramatta districts.
The Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Day, will unveil the monument at the cemetery here next Sunday.

Riverine Grazier (Hay, NSW : 1873 – 1954), Tuesday 3 September 1907, page 4



Happenings Outside tho District.

Mr Harry Grugeon, who is leaving Narrandera, after a residence of ten years, during the greater part of which period he had been engaged in the law office of Mr Quirk, was tendered a farewell by his many friends on Wednesday evening at the Railway Hotel, and presented with a valuable gold albert.

Mr Grugeon, who is a son of Inspector Grugeon, has accepted a position with Messrs Atkinson and Warren, solicitors, of Hunter street, Sydney.

Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 – 1953), Friday 2 July 1909, page 4



New Justices. —
In a batch of 260 names added to the Commission of the Peace on Monday last are included the following:—  Harry Grugeon, Superintendent of Police, Deniliquin……


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  1. Hello Cal, I am involved in helping to keep Deniliquin Cemetery tidy. I also admin a facebook page on Deniliquin. We are currently trying to enlist more help and I was wondering if I could have use of your old photo of Mr Grugeons burial. Thank you, Marcia Kennedy.

    1. Hello Marcia,

      I obtained the photo’s from the Australian Cemeteries Index – but I am sure that it wouldn’t be an issue, as it is only spreading the word and members of the public take those photo’s and submit them to ACI for inclusion with the grave information.

      If you happen to have a GPS location for Harry’s grave, I would love to include that on the Memorial site also.


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