Gregory George BROWN
Gregory George BROWN
( late of Newport Island Road, Port Macquarie )
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 4106
Joined NSW Police Force via NSW Police Cadet system on 9 April 1934
Cadet # 51
Rank: Chief Superintendent 2nd Class – retired
Stations: ?, Wollongong
Service: From 9 April 1934 to 29 June 1975 = 41+ years Service
Awards: ?
Born: ?
Died on: Friday 31 July 2015
Cause: ?
Age: 98
Funeral date: Tuesday 4 August 2015 @ 2pm
Funeral location: St Agnes Catholic Church, 47 Hay Street, Port Macquarie
Buried at: cremated

[alert_blue]GREGORY is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_blue] * NOT JOB RELATED
Funeral location: [codepeople-post-map]
With sincere regret I advise the death of Gregory George BROWN, 98 old, former Regd. No. 4106, a Veteran Member and the former Chairman of the Mid North Coast Branch of the RPA.
Greg passed away today, 31/07/2015, and his funeral is to be held at 2pm on Tuesday 4th August next at St Agnes Catholic Church, 47 Hay Street, PORT MACQUARIE.
The N.S.W. Police Golf Club is the oldest sporting body within the N.S.W. Police Force, having been formed in 1932 by the then Commissioner Mr. Walter Henry Childs. It is also the oldest Social Golf Club in Australia.
Mr. Childs, a keen golfer, had applied for and been refused membership of the exclusive Royal Sydney Golf Club, due to his background, having risen through the ranks. Somewhat miffed by this refusal, Mr. Childs set about forming the N.S.W. Police Social Golf Club. He sought permission to play on various Sydney courses and the club was formed.
A constitution was drawn up and the first committee elected. Competition fees were small and the trophies in those days were generally a few golf balls.
The first club championships were held that year, consisting of 36 holes qualifying with 16 qualifiers playing off under match play conditions. Mr. Childs donated a cup known as the W.H. Childs Cup for the leading qualifier and a gold medal for the eventual champion. This first championship was won by Constable Cecil Coupland. The same conditions for the club championship still apply, except that B and C grade championships have been added, and the medal has been replaced by club blazers.
The first years of the clubs history were depression years and its development was slow and almost ceased to exist during the war years. After the war, activity within the club resumed, golfing equipment was readily available again and competitions were held at St. Michaels, Moore Park and other public clubs. Sponsorship was introduced and proved a great success as it also provided the opportunity for these sponsors to join the Police in competing on the finest courses available in Sydney. The Club attracted to its ranks some notable and exceptional Police golfers, perhaps the most outstanding being Vic Bulgin, who represented Australia in the Eisenhower Cup.
Many other fine golfers including Fred Miller, Reg Dunn, Harvey Wilson, Jack Newton snr. and Mark Wilson – all champions of their own various clubs – were all regular members of the Police Golf Club. More recently Peter Read, Mike Edgtton and Stuart McDiamid have also been members. Harvey Wilson and Peter Read have both won the world left-handers championship.
In 1956 the Olympics were held in Melbourne and a member of the N.S.W. Police Consorting Squad was required to perform duty there. He was Steve Duff, a keen golfer, who returned with a glowing account of the Victorian golf courses and information concerning the newly formed Victorian Police Golf Club.
The Captain of the N.S.W. Police Golf Club Ray Blissett approached the Commissioner Mr. Colin Delaney, also a keen golfer and foundation member of the N.S.W. Police Golf Club with the idea of a competition between the two states. Suitable arrangements were made and in March 1957 Ray Blissett took a field of 24 golfers and a few supporters to Melbourne. In 2009 we managed to locate another member who was also a foundation member, retired Chief Superintendent, Gregory George BROWN, now 92yrs of age and residing at Port Macquarie.
So was born the Australian Police Golf Championships which have expanded to include all states and territories of Australia. These championships are held annually, generally in March over a week and are hosted on a rotational basis by the individual states and territories.
In 2010 Coffs Harbour will be the host venue. Such is the popularity of these events that in excess of 250 golfers compete each year and restrictions have to be placed on entries. The original concept of formulating friendships and camaraderie between the Police Forces has been maintained and is actively supported by the various Commissioners and state government Ministers, with these persons regularly being present at opening and closing ceremonies. Such is the prestige of this event that major corporations provide sponsorship to assist in the conduct of the event which involves great organization and expenditure.
In 1982 the N.S.W. Police Golf Club celebrated its golden anniversary with a week of golf, organized along similar lines to the Australian Police Golf Championships.
Since those early days the Police Golf Club has grown and despite ever increasing costs of participating on the best courses, maintains its attraction by providing the opportunity for Police officers and their guests to play some of the finest and most exclusive courses in Sydney, such as The Lakes, Monash, Killara, Pymble, New South Wales. Bonnie Doon, Long Reef and many more. A generous bequest by the late Inspector Steve Engel, added to by his widow, provides trophies for a perpetual Steve Engel Trophy over three days during the year and attracts large fields.
The club participates once each fortnight, on either a Tuesday or a Thursday, with new members always welcome. The average field is about 45 and average cost of green and competition fees is $55. Any serving or retired member of the N.S.W. Police Force may join and visitors are also welcome and compete in the competitions.
We currently have over 600 register players consisting of current serving members, retired members, and NSW Ambulance and Corrective Services and civilians.
4046/1040 William George BROWN married Grace Catherine May STREATER in the District of Bankstown.
4792/1962 Catherine Charlotte STREATER, aged 89, died in the District of Bankstown.
Parliament of New South Wales
The Hon. JENNIFER GARDINER: I direct my question to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. Will the Minister inform the House about the NSW Police Force 150th anniversary celebrations on the mid North Coast?
The Hon. MICHAEL GALLACHER: Every region and every area of the NSW Police Force has a history that deserves to be told. In May 2012 the mid North Coast and Manning-Great Lakes local area commands joined forces to celebrate the role that they have played over the past 150 years of policing in New South Wales. The member for Port Macquarie, Leslie Williams—what an outstanding local member—spoke during the ceremony and thanked the men and women of the NSW Police Force for their enduring dedication to upholding the law and keep the people of this State safe. I think we all agree about that. The ceremony was also attended by the Commander of Northern Region, Assistant Commissioner Carlene York; Commander of Manning-Great Lakes Local Area Command, Superintendent Paul Fehon; Commander of Mid North Coast Local Area Command, Commander Superintendent Peter Thurtell; and Port Macquarie Hastings Administrator, Neil Porter. They all expressed how privileged they felt to be a part of policing history and how impressed they were with the community response. Current and retired police officers marched on 17 May and represented the contributions of police officers both past and present over the past 150 years of policing with a “Sea of Blue March” along Horton Street to Port Macquarie Town Green. The marching contingent included 70 officers, 30 members of the police band and 30 retired officers from the area led by the very proud 96-year-old retired Chief Superintendent Greg Brown. In the parade, the Banner Party and the Marching and Capability Contingents represented the various police groups that were brought together as one police force under the proclamation of 1862. We had police representatives from the highway patrol, operational foot police and the Marine Area Command Water Police, who demonstrated their skills in an operational display later in the day at Lady Nelson Wharf. Also later in the day there was a fly-over by the PolAir 4 helicopter and participants were joined by Police Launch Fearless. Each of these pieces of equipment demonstrates the modern resources in the hands of the NSW Police Force. A display by the EyeWatch project team also showed how the NSW Police Force is using social networking to assist communities in new and exciting ways. The celebrations at the Port Macquarie Town Green were an acknowledgement by the Mid North Coast and Manning/Great Lakes local area commands and the State Government of the service provided and sacrifices made by the northern region and its members to the people and institutions of New South Wales. It is important to note that police officers wear their uniforms with pride and it is not often that members of the public get to experience the pride that police feel. This was an event not only for police, both retired and active, to show off their uniforms and skills but also for the public to convey their thanks for a job well done. This event was a terrific way to showcase this community feeling and I look forward to the continuing celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the NSW Police Force. I have some more good news for the House. I know members are interested in her progress so I am proud to announce that yet another officer graduated into the ranks of the NSW Police Force. Police dog Angel has completed her eight-week training course and is now a fully qualified drug detector. The Hon. Duncan Gay: Did they have a lockup in The Greens’ office while she was in training?
The Hon. MICHAEL GALLACHER: They have a sit-in on the days she is out and about. I understand that her initial training was difficult because, like her namesake, she had problems going to the left. Very much like her namesake, she also bit all the other members in her training group. Of course, if the trainers held anything green in front of her there was trouble. It is amazing how human personalities are often played out in these— [Time expired.]