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Queensland Police Force


Died  26 November 1906

Suicide – Firearm



Death of a Police Inspector.        


BRISBANE, Monday. — Police-inspector Durham was shot dead at Hughenden on Sunday.   It is stated to be a case of suicide, but the whole affair is shrouded in mystery, and the officials here are very reticent. Some months ago Inspector Durham and other officers at Cairns were the subjects of an inquiry concerning the confession by a blackfellow of a   murder, and alleged extortion by ill-treatment. The outcome of the Inquiry was that Durham was reduced from inspector to sub-inspector, and transferred from Cairns to Hughenden. Durham, who was regarded as a smart officer, came of good family in England, and entered the police service as a cadet officer.

Evening News ( Sydney )  Monday  26 November 1906  page 5 of 8


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