Colin Thomas GIBBONS
Colin Thomas GIBBONS
AKA Gibbo, Col
Late of Mudgee
NSW Redfern Police Academy Class # 106
New South Wales Police Force
[alert_yellow]Regd. # 11906[/alert_yellow]
Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 4 April 1966
Constable – appointed 4 June 1967
Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Final Rank = ?TBA
Stations: ?, South Coast District ( 1967 ), Mudgee ( 1977 – 1981 ), Cronulla, George St North, Bega, Eden, Batemans Bay
Service: From ? ? pre April 1966? to 4 April 1985 ( Resigned ) = 19 years Service
Awards: National Medal – granted 15 November 1982 ( SenCon )
Born: Wednesday 15 October 1941
Died on: Thursday 30 May 2019
Age: 77
Cause: Pancreatic Cancer
Event location: Dubbo – Lourdes Private Hospital
Event date: Wednesday 29 May 2019
Funeral date: Friday 7 June 2019 @ 11am
Funeral location: St Luke’s Anglican Church, Bayly St, Gulgong, NSW
Wake location: Gulgong RSL
Funeral Parlour: Macquarie Valley Funerals & Monuments, Mudgee 6372 2331
Buried at: Gulgong Lawn Cemetery, Castlereagh Hwy, Gulgong, NSW
Memorial located at: ?

[alert_yellow] COL is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow] *NEED MORE INFO
Funeral location: [codepeople-post-map]
May they forever Rest In Peace
Published in the Mudgee Guardian on June 4, 2019
Good evening caught up with an old Mudgee stalwart Colin Thomas Gibbons at Lourdes Hospital at Dubbo Col is in a bad way and his family are with him worked at Mudgee during early 80’S and he was one of the last old school coppers when telling hoodlums to get home their reply was yes Mister Gibbons he was very active with The Mudgee VRA and his family were overwhelmed today to have the Commissioner of the VRA MR Mark Gibson visit Col and his family today and I thank you Sir for your visit. May our thoughts and prayers be with Col and his family
Steve Marskell is with Aurora Marskell and Col Gibbons.
Col Gibbons / Gibbo / Dad / Pop / Grandpa
“A silent #Mudgee legend gave his time to save many a life as a #police office and active member of the volunteer #rescue squad today bids us farewell” Over the past months our dad has fought the biggest fight of his life. A fight that sadly came to an end this morning with his true loves, mum and his kids by his side. Next week will give us all the opportunity to celebrate Cols amazing life and I encourage all those that know our family to come along and show your support to mum (Ella) Saraha-Jane, Johnny, Susan, Sharron (Gibbo) and our extended family.
God Bless You Big Fella – May You Continue to protect us from above