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( late of Caringbah )

New South Wales Police Force

[alert_yellow]Regd. #  6250[/alert_yellow]

Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 18 October 1948

Sergeant 1st/C – appointed 27 November 1975

Chief Inspector – retirement

Stations?, Cronulla ( Sgt 3/C – 1967 – 1970 ), Kogarah G.D’s – 12 Division, ( Sgt 1/C – mid 1970’s ), Rockdale O.I.C., Ashfield O.I.C., Police Headquarters ( H.Q. ) – retirement

ServiceFrom  pre ? October 1948  to  30 December 1985 = 37 years Service

AwardsNational Medal – granted 10 September 1986

Born:  28 January 1926

Died on:  Tuesday  10 May 2016

Cause:  Heart attack

Age:  90

Funeral date:  Wednesday  18 May 2016 @ 10.30am

Funeral location:  Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, 389 Port Hacking Road, Caringbah

Buried at?

 Memorial at?


[alert_yellow]ADRIAN is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO



 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]





May you forever Rest In Peace Adrian.


In the 1949 & 1954 Electoral Rolls – there appeared an Adrian Cosatto in Broken Hill, NSW.

In 1958  Electoral Rolls – Gloucester, NSW

In 1963 Electoral Rolls – Tweed, NSW

In 1968 Electoral Rolls – Caringbah Nth

In 1972 Electoral Rolls – 153 Willarong Rd, Caringbah Nth – Occupation:  Policeman

In 1977 Electoral Rolls – 155 Willarong Rd, Caringbah Nth – Occupation:  Policeman

In 1980 Electoral Rolls – Caringbah



Adrians’ father, Enrico, migrated from Italy in 1927 followed 10 years later by his mother, Vittoria, and Adrian.  Unable to speak English but determined to learn. At age 22 Adrian joined NSW Police, later appointed Officer in Charge Rockdale and Ashfield Police.  Retired Chief Inspector.  Married to Fay.  Have 4 children. Our first house when we arrived was a tin shed with bag walls. Home – and we loved it! (Also see Registration No 827.)

The family originated from Rivignano, Undine, Italy and they family ( Adrian & his mother ) arrived by sea and landed in Sydney, NSW.  The family first settled in Dimbulah, Qld, where Adrian was a tobacco farmer before joining NSW Police Force.





Barrier Miner ( Broken Hill, NSW )     Friday  28 January 1949     p2

Gaoled For Vagrancy

Patrick Francis Ryan (37) , a recent arrival from Sydney who gave his occupation as a journalist and claimed that he was a beneficiary under an estate of £6031 left by his father, was sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment with hard labor for vagrancy by Mr. F. L. McNamara, S.M. in the Police Court today.

The defendant, who pleaded not guilty, was before the court yesterday afternoon.

Detective-Constable C. Brayshaw in evidence yesterday said that he had seen defendant at the Central Police Station on January 20. Defendant was told that there had been complaints about his conduct at the Willyama Hotel, where he stayed on arrival here. Defendant said he would not deny having abused the wife of the proprietor of the hotel.

Asked why he came here, defendant said that he intended to get a job. He told witness that he worked for three hours as a yardman at a hotel here, but left. He wanted a job as barman. He said he had no money, but got along all right. Defendant took notes of witness’ evidence on a cigarette packet.

When he questioned defendant in Chloride Street on Wednesday morning, defendant said he had tried to get work and was going to a job in Mildura. He admitted that he did not intend to go for month.

Defendant said he had been offered a job in Sydney and had been given a ticket to Sydney. He admitted that he had got a cash refund on the ticket. Defendant had told witness that he had some drink on Wednesday night and had slept with two aborigines under a pepper tree at Crystal Street Station that night. Several hotels in Argent Street had prevented him from entering their bars.


Ryan, who gave his occupation as a journalist, said he lived at 3 Oatley Road, Paddington. He said that as a journalist he last worked on the “Labor Daily” in 1928 and had done, free-lance journalism since. His last position had been aboard a ship. He finished there five weeks ago.

The Town Clerk had made every effort to help him in Broken Hill he said. He stayed in a hotel for the first two days and nights, in a caravan the next two nights, and the railway station the next three as he could not get accommodation. He had been lent 30/ by a constable in Broken Hill yesterday and had bought a ticket to Menindee.

Continuing, defendant said he had seen Mr. C. Crowley ( Town Clerk ), who got in touch with the contractor for the bus service to Mildura, and it was arranged for him to go to Mildura on Sunday. Previously he had been offered a job by a local business man.

Defendant said that his father’s estate amounted to roughly £6031.

Asked by Sergt. Dennett where he got the 12/ 5 he had when arrested, Ryan said he got it from Constable Cosatto. He admitted that after buying a ticket to Menindee he had had the money refunded and had returned the ticket.

He denied that he had spent the balance of the money on intoxicating liquor or that he had been given money by the Co-operative Society for a ticket to Sydney.

He admitted that he had had a job at the Victoria Hotel, but had been dismissed after three hours.

The hearing was adjourned until today.

Constable Adrian Cosatto was called as a witness by Ryan to give evidence today and said he had boarded at the same boarding house as Ryan at Paddington between last February and October.

He said he did not know anything against Ryan’s character.

In answer to a question by Ryan whether he had invited him ( Ryan ) to Broken Hill, witness replied that he had asked him how he would like to come to Broken Hill.

Cross-examined by Sgt. Dennett, witness said that he knew defendant had not worked except for three hours during the 11 days he had been here, and had been drinking heavily. He had given defendant 30/ to buy a ticket to Menindee to get a job. He knew defendant had later handed in the ticket to get the money back. The money had been spent on food and liquor.

Witness told Sgt. Dennett that when he knew defendant in Sydney he was not addicted to liquor to such an extent as he was now. He knew defendant had been offered a job in the Public Works, but did not take it.


Defendant then asked for the Town Clerk ( Mr. Crowley ) to be called as a witness, and the court was adjourned for 10 minutes.

Cornelius Crowley, in evidence, said that defendant had called to see him on Monday and that he had done all he could to get him a job. He had sent defendant to see Mr. J. C. Harrison ( Employment Officer ). Defendant came back at lunch time with a letter signed by Mr. Dennis, of Co-operative Stores. The letter was addressed to Mr. Dennis‘ son in Sydney telling him to employ defendant.

On Tuesday Ryan saw witness in the Town Hall, saying that the secretary of the Legion of Ex Servicemen, who, he alleged, had offered to pay his fare, had not turned up. He suggested to Ryan that he keep an appointment with Mr. Harrison.  Later, Ryan came back with the name of a man in Wolfram Street on a piece of paper, who, he said, was going to take him to Mildura. Ryan complained to him that his feet were bad and witness arranged transport for him to the address.

Witness Crowley, questioned by Sgt. Dennett, said that he did not know that defendant had refused a position on the Water Board, and defendant did not tell him that he was dismissed from the Willyama Hotel. Defendant had been under the influence of liquor on two occasions when he saw him. He agreed that, in the condition that defendant was in it would have been difficult to get a job. He had seen defendant about six times altogether.

Sgt. Dennett said Ryan had admitted he had been charged with stealing in Sydney and travelling on a train without paying a fare.

The magistrate said he felt sorry for defendant, who had not been looking after himself, and sentenced him to 14 days with hard labor.





Barrier Daily Truth ( Broken Hill )     Wednesday  20 December 1950   p4

Miss Fay Stone was presented with a water set when she resigned from her position at the Zinc Cafeteria recently, to prepare for her marriage to Constable Adrian Cosatto, which took place on Saturday at the Cathedral.






Barrier Miner ( Broken Hill, NSW )     Wednesday  31 March 1954     p9

AT the Hospital on March 18 a son, Graham Paul, was born to Mr. and Mrs Adrian Cosatto. Mrs. Cosatto was formerly Miss Fay Stone.






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