45 people turned out to Lake Illawarra ( Oak Flats ) Police Station at 10am today for the Retired Police Day.
15 National Police Service Medals were awarded to various Police who live in and / or worked in the Lake Illawarra Area Command.
These awards were presented by the current LA Commander, Zoran Dzevlan.
The NPSM recognises the special status that sworn police have because of their role protecting the community, and the trust placed in them to serve ethically and diligently.
The Group being Welcomed by Sgt Scott Abbott.
Sidney AXAM receiving his Medal.Sidney AXAM receiving his Medal.Sidney AXAM receiving his Medal.
Keith BENNETT receiving his Medal.Keith BENNETT receiving his Medal.Keith BENNETT receiving his Medal.
Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.Eoin PETERS & the Granddaughter of Gail BROOKS – Rubie, accepting Gail’s Medal.
Alan BLAKE receiving his Medal.Alan BLAKE receiving his Medal.Alan BLAKE receiving his Medal.
Pat CONDON receiving Gabriel ( Gab ) CONDON’s Medal – RIP. https://dev.australianpolice.com.au/gabriel-condon/Pat CONDON receiving Gabriel ( Gab ) CONDON’s Medal – RIP.
Pat CONDON receiving Gabriel ( Gab ) CONDON’s Medal – RIP.
John DRYBURGH receiving his Medal.John DRYBURGH receiving his Medal.John DRYBURGH receiving his Medal.
Audrey EVANS collecting the Medal for James EVANS.Audrey EVANS collecting the Medal for James EVANS.Audrey EVANS collecting the Medal for James EVANS.
Susan GOOD – wife of John Stafford GOOD ( R.I.P. ) accepting the Medal. https://dev.australianpolice.com.au/john-stafford-good/Susan GOOD – wife of John Stafford GOOD ( R.I.P. ) accepting the Medal.
Susan GOOD – wife of John Stafford GOOD ( R.I.P. ) accepting the Medal.
Eoin PETERS accepting his Medal.Eoin PETERS accepting his Medal.Eoin PETERS accepting his Medal.
Steven REID accepting his Medal.Steven REID accepting his Medal.
Kelvin ( Kel ) SCHREIBER accepting his Medal.Kelvin ( Kel ) SCHREIBER accepting his Medal.Kelvin ( Kel ) SCHREIBER accepting his Medal.
John TIERNEY accepting his Medal.John TIERNEY accepting his Medal.John TIERNEY accepting his Medal.
Max TURK accepting his Medal.Max TURK accepting his Medal.Max TURK accepting his Medal.
David WAPLES accepting his Medal.David WAPLES accepting his Medal.David WAPLES accepting his Medal.
Gordon WEAVER accepting his Medal.Gordon WEAVER accepting his Medal.Gordon WEAVER accepting his Medal.
? TIERNEY, ? TIERNEY, ?, ?, John TIERNEY, Brian? KEEVERS, Gordon WEAVER, Audrey EVANS.
Pat CONDON, John DICK ( background ), Allan HODGE.John DICK ( background ), Pat CONDON, Allan HODGE.
?, Ron DAVIS & the five V.I.P’s – ?, ?, ?, Bev KING, Colin KING.the five V.I.P’s – ?, ?, ?, Bev KING, Colin KING.
Eoin & Eoin PETERS ( father & son )Eoin & Eoin PETERS ( father & son )Eoin & Eoin PETERS ( father & son )
John DRYBURGH, Gordon WEAVER, Doreen DRYBURGH, ?, Susan GOOD, Keith BENNETT, ?, ? ( was an Instructor at the Academy, Redfern ), ?, ?, Kel SCHREIBER, Pat CONDON
?, Roy MacINTYRE, Bob ?, ?, Gordon McSevney
Keith BENNETT, ?, ?, ? & ? ( was an Instructor at the Academy )
June Anne HUGHES – wife of Garry New South Wales Police Force Rank: Police Wife Stations: ? Service: From ? to ? Awards: ? Born: ? Died on: Monday 10 August 2015 Cause: ? Age: ? Funeral date: Wednesday 19 August 2015 @ 1pm Funeral location: Nerang-Beaudesert Catholic Church, 1 Bromelton Road, BEAUDESERT Buried at: ?…
Fay Joan TURNER Wife of Ted TURNER & Mother to Steve TURNER Late of ? New South Wales Police Force Rank: Police Wife Stations: ? Service: From ? ? ? to ? ? ? = ? years Service Awards: No find on It’s An Honour Born: ? ? ? Died on: Tuesday 10 October 2017 Age: …
Richard Alan BROOK AKA Dick BROOK * Nickname: ? Late of Corrimal, NSW Relations in ‘the job’: Adam David BROOK, NSWPF # 28037 ( R.I.P. ) ( Son ) Francis BROOK – NSWPF – Parking Patrol Officer – Resigned ( Wife ) “possible” relation in ‘the job‘: ? NSW Police Training Centre…
Geoffrey SINGLETON AKA SINGO Late of ? NSW Redfern Police Academy Class # ??? New South Wales Police Force [alert_yellow]Regd. # 14739[/alert_yellow] Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 28 June 1971 Constable 1st Class – appointed 24 August 1976 Senior Constable – appointed 24 August 1980 Final Rank = Senior Constable Stations: ?, Singleton, Mounted Section…
Gary John HENWOOD AKA SNAKE Late of Mittagong NSW Redfern Police Academy Class # “possibly” 150 NSW Police Cadet # 3057 New South Wales Police Force Regd. # 17201 Rank: NSW Police Cadet – commenced 8 July 1974 Probationary Constable – appointed 26 January 1976 Constable – appointed 26 January 1977 Senior Constable – appointed…
Ernest Robert DAY aka Bob Father of Andrew Robert ‘Bob’ DAY – # 19548 Deceased New South Wales Police Force Joined NSW Police Force via NSW Police Cadet system on 26 May 1941 Cadet # 334 [alert_yellow]Regd. # 4811[/alert_yellow] Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 19 November 1945 Senior Inspector – appointed 28 August 1978 Assistant…