AKA – William MILLER ( Surname of his Step Father – John Miller )
Late of Berrima, NSW
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ????
( No find under RAYMOND, nor MILLER, in the Police Service Registers 1852 – 1913 )
Rank: Constable
Stations: ?, Sydney Metropolitan District – Death
Service: From 3 June 1862 to 14 April 1866 = 3+ years Service
Awards: No find on It’s An Honour
Born: ? ? 1838 at Bishops-gate, London, England
Birth Certificate ( pdf ) 1838
Died on: Saturday 14 April 1866
Age: 28
Cause: Shot – Murdered
Event location: The Southern Rd, near Picton ( Bargo Brush – now Pheasant’s Nest )
Event date: Saturday 14 April 1866
Funeral date: Monday 16 April 1866
Funeral location: ?
Buried at: St Stephen’s, cnr Lennox St & Church St, Newtown, NSW
[ Note the original church at Newtown, NSW, was moved to within the grounds of Camperdown Cemetery in the 1870s ]
This grave, in 2021, could not be located. Exact location of grave is unknown and cemetery is in disrepair.

WILLIAM is mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance
May they forever Rest In Peace
At the time of his death Constable Raymond, Senior Sergeant John Healey ( # ‘P’20 ), and Constables Andrew Kilpatrick ( # ‘P’ 54 ) and Edward Mitchell ( # ‘P’1215 ) were escorting eleven prisoners to Darlinghurst Gaol where they were to help with building works. When the wagon in which they were travelling reached Bargo Brush (now Pheasant’s Nest) the prisoners attacked their escort in an escape bid. In the ensuing brawl one of the prisoners (James Crookwell) managed to seize a police revolver. He fired at Sergeant Healey however the bullet struck Constable Raymond in the face, killing him instantly. The constable’s first name is sometimes recorded as Edward.
On 20 April, 1866 an official inquiry into the “murderous assault by prisoners on the police under whose charge they were being brought from Berrima Gaol to Sydney” took place at Darlinghurst Gaol, before Captain Cloete, the Water Police Magistrate. In evidence, Senior Sergeant Healey gave an intimate account of the circumstances of the murder.
“We were proceeding towards Sydney, and about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when within about ten miles from Picton I heard a shout in the coach, and at the same moment I was seized from behind by both shoulders by two men; I made a spring forward and fell off the coach; I jumped up and went round to the near side of the coach; I saw prisoners Weaver, Slattery, and Lee take hold of Constable Mitchell; they were trying to wrest his arms from him; they were all standing up in the coach; prisoners Berriman, Crookwell and Owens had hold of Constable Kilpatrick on the same side of the coach, but at the back seat; they were trying to wrest his carbine from him; Crookwell had hold of his throat; Berriman and Owens had hold of his carbine; the prisoner Forster, was standing up in the centre of the coach; I presented my rifle, and told the prisoners if they did not let go I would fire; they did not let go; I pulled the trigger, and the cap snapped; I then seized my rifle by the barrel and made a blow at Smith, who was still struggling with Mitchell ; I hit the coach, and broke the stock of the rifle; I then saw most of the prisoners rush to the off side of the coach; I was still on the near side; when I got round I saw that Constable Raymond had got out of the coach and was standing alongside it; when I got up to the coach, I looked in and saw Crookwell with a revolver in his right hand, and holding Kilpatrick’s throat with his left hand; I said to him, “Put down that revolver, or I’ll blow your brains out”; prisoner Lee was shouting out to the others, “Shoot the b-s’. Weaver cried out, “Shoot the b–sergeant;” Berriman was shouting out, “Fire, fire;”‘ directly I said to Crookwell I would blow his brains out, he turned round and said to me, “you b-,” at the same moment he fired; Raymond was standing in front of me, between me and the horses; and Crookwell was standing at the back part of the coach’; I heard something like a bullet pass me, and I immediately fired; I think I hit Slattery; as soon as the shot had been fired by Crookwell, I saw the blood gush from Raymond’s nose; Raymond turned half round and fell on his face.
At this time Constables Mitchell and Kilpatrick were both struggling with prisoners in the coach; I then saw Owens had got out of the coach and was running away; I followed him, and called upon him to stand; he refused; I fired; he immediately fell down and rolled over, and cried out, ” I’m shot, for God’s sake do not fire any more.”; I did not fire again; I went up to him and brought him back to the coach; when I got back to the coach, Mitchell and Kilpatrick had got out, and were standing by the side of the coach; Crookwell was holding up a revolver, and cried out twice, “I surrender”. Several of the prisoners also cried out that they would surrender; I did not hear any other shots fired; I made Owens get into the coach, and handcuffed himself; I noticed blood was coming from Slattery and Bland; two or three civilians then came up, one of whom was a clergyman, who assisted Mr. Whatmore to put the body of Raymond, in the boot of the coach; Raymond, up to this time, had not moved from the place where he had fallen”.
The constable was born in 1838 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 3 June, 1862. At the time of his death he was stationed in the Sydney Metropolitan District.
Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 – 1875),
Tuesday 17 April 1866, page 1
RAYMOND — On the 14th April, on the Southern Road, near Picton, from a gun-shot wound, inflicted by a prisoner while under escort, William Raymond, aged 28 years, a constable of the New South Wales police force, a native of Bishops-gate, London, England.
London papers please copy.
Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856 – 1950),
Tuesday 24 April 1866, page 2
The Bargo Brush Affair
( From the Empire )
Our readers will remember that eleven prisoners were concerned in the desperate ? ( fight ) at Bargo Brush on Saturday last.
One of those, James Crookwell, was committed, on Monday, by the Coroner, at Picton to take, his trial at the next assizes for the murder of Constable Raymond. Three of the prisoners were wounded, Smith in the elbow, when attempting to snatch the revolver from sergeant Zglenitski ; Slattery near the kidney, when in the act of biting constable Mitchell‘s nose, and attempting to deprive him of his firearms ; and Bland was shot in the side and arm while trying to seize constable Mitchell’s rifle. These three prisoners are in the gaol hospital, and were not in a condition to be removed, Bland being in a somewhat precarious state. Hindmarsh and Webster, who do not appear to have taken any conspicuous part in the assault, will most likely be called by the Crown for the prosecution.
The remaining five prisoners were placed under examination yesterday, in the upper room of the debtors’ prison, Darlinghurst gaol, before the Water Police Magistrate, Captain Cloete.
The names of the prisoners are John Foster, William Lee, Henry Weaver, Thomas Berriman, and John Owens. They were brought into the room in the order named, in prison dress, and leg-ironed.
Foster is a strong young man, of about 24 years of age, and has a determined look about him. Lee, who acted as spokesman, is about, an inch taller than Foster, being 5 feet 7, aged 38, and apparently very familiar with gaols, and the customary preliminaries to them. Weaver is young, sulky, tall, and such a man as can be easily persuaded to anything. Berriman is a little compact, swarthy young man about 28 years of age. Owens is something like Foster, but more intelligent. These five, of themselves, appear almost a match for the escort whom they assaulted.
They were formally charged by senior-sergeant Healey, of the Berrima police, with being accessories to the murder of the late constable Raymond, near Bargo Brush, on Saturday, the 14th April instant.
Prisoner Lee : Your Worship, may I address you before anything further is stated? will you order all the witnesses out of court ? and I should like a piece of paper and a pencil to take notes.
The Magistrate said he would comply with the request, and the prisoner was supplied with paper and pencil.
Mr Williams, Crown Solicitor, then conducted the examination, as follows:-
John Healy deposed: I am a senior sergeant of police, stationed at Berrima.
I left Berrima about 9 o’clock on Saturday morning last, having previously attended the gaol at Berrima, and received in custody eleven prisoners, to be escorted from Berrima to Darlinghurst gaol, Sydney.
The names of the prisoners were, William Lee, Thomas Berriman, John Foster, Henry Weaver, John Owens, Michael Slattery, Hindmarsh, Crookwell, Bland, Smith, and Webster.
The five prisoners now before the Court were among them.
I had with me constables Kilpatrick, Mitchell, and Raymond.
The prisoners were placed in one of Cobb’s coaches, outside the gaol door. The three constables, myself, the driver, and a Mr Whatmore accompanied the coach. I sat on the left of Mr Whatmore, who sat next to the coach driver on the box. Constable Mitchell was placed with his back towards the box, on the near side of the first seat, there being four seats inside the Coach, Constable Raymond was on one of the centre seats on the off side facing the box. Constable Kilpatrick was on the oft, or back seat, facing Mitchell, but two seats between them.
Constable Raymond, Mitchell and myself, were armed with breach loading rifles and revolvers. Constable Kilpatrick had a small carbine and revolver, all were loaded. In this way we proceeded towards Sydney.
When about ten miles from Picton, and at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, I heard a cry like ” Hurrah ” in the conch. At the same moment I was seized from behind by both shoulders. The cry seemed to be a general cry. When I found hands forcibly upon me and an effort made to pull me back, I sprang forward, and jumped off the coach, and fell.
On recovering, I went round the near side of the coach. I then saw the prisoners Weaver, Smith, Lee, Slattery, and I think Bland surrounding and struggling with constable Mitchell. They were trying to wrest his firearms from him. They were all standing up in a cluster round him in the coach, Berriman, Crookwell and Owens, I saw had hold of constable Kilpatrick : he was on the back seat of the coach, on the same side. They were trying to wrest his carbine from him. Crookwell had hold of Kilpatrick‘s throat ; Berriman and Owens had hold of his carbine. Foster was standing up in the centre of the coach. I did not see him do anything. I did not then see constable Raymond. I was standing on the near side of the coach, with my back to the horses, and presented my revolver, and said to the prisoners Crookwell, Owens and Berriman, if they did not let go I would fire. I pulled the trigger of my rifle and the cap snapped. I then seized it by the barrel, and in striking at Smith, the stock caught the frame of the coach and broke the rifle. I saw the main body of the prisoners rush to the off-side of the coach. When I got round to face them, I then saw that constable Raymond had got out ; he had stumbled and was standing facing the coach near the hind wheel. When I came to Raymond I saw Crookwell with a revolver in his right hand. He had hold of constable Kilpatrick‘s throat with his left. I said to him ” Put down that revolver, or I’ll blow your brains out.” Prisoner Lee was hallowing out: ” Shoot the b—gers. ” Weaver cried out, ” Shoot the b—dy sergeant, ” Berriman cried out, ” Fire ! fire ! ” Directly I said to Crookwell, put down that revolver, or I’ll blow your brains out, ” he turned partly round presented the revolver towards me saying, ” You b–ger, ” at the same time firing.
At this time constable Raymond was on my right. I was between Crookwell and Raymond. I saw the explosion, and felt the lead ball whiz past my face. I returned the fire instantly with my revolver, and I believe I hit Slattery. As soon as Crookwell fired I saw the blood rushing from Raymond’s nose. He wheeled round, and tell forward, dead.
At this time the prisoners were still struggling with constables Mitchell and Kilpatrick, I observed Owens jump from the other side of the coach and run away. I followed, and told him to stand. He did not, and I fired. He immediately fell on his face on the road, and cried out ” I’m shot, for God’s sake don’t fire any more. ” I went up to him and brought him back to the coach. He was not shot.
When I got back to the coach constables Mitchell and Kilpatrick had got out of the coach. I noticed Crookwell holding up the revolver, and heard him crying out ” I surrender ! ” Several of the other prisoners were also calling out ” I surrender !” I could not tell whether any other shots were fired at this time.
I made Owens get into the coach and handcuff himself, and also the other prisoners we’re made to re-seat themselves. I then observed blood coming from Slattery and Bland. Two or three civilians came up then, one was a clergyman and they assisted Mr Whatmore and the driver to lift the body of constable Raymond on the Boot of the coach.
Raymond had never moved from the time he was shot.
After we had got Raymond on the boot of the coach, we three Constables, walked by the side of the coach until we came within about six miles of Picton, when we were met by the sergeant and a constable from the Picton police;
We proceeded on to Picton, secured the prisoners in the watch-house, and placed the body of constable William Raymond in the courthouse. He was quite dead.
When I jumped off the coach and recovered myself, I saw Hindmarsh holding up one hand and saying ” I have nothing to do with this. ” I saw Webster standing up in the coach; So far as I saw, Webster was quiet.
When we left Berrima the prisoners were handcuffed by one hand to a chain, and had leg-irons on. I produced the transmission warrant for the removal of the prisoners from Berrima to Darlinghurst. I handed this warrant over with the prisoners at Picton.
The shot that Crookwell fired was shot in the direction of Raymond.
The prisoners declined to ask any questions.
Andrew Kilpatrick deposed: I am a constable stationed at Berrima. On the 14th April I went to Berrima gaol, in company with senior-sergeant Healey and two other constables. The sergeant received charge of eleven prisoners. The five prisoners now before the Court were of that number. The sergeant was sitting on the box. I and the other constables were inside the coach. I sat on the back seat, Raymond in the centre, and Mitchell on the front seat.
When we came to within three miles of the Bargo River, On the Sydney side of Anderson’s public-house, a prisoner named Crookwell, sitting by my side, gave a shout, saying, ” Now, give it to the b–gers. ” Crookwell seized hold of my carbine, as did also prisoners Berriman and Owens, and endeavoured to wrest it from me. Crookwell then let go, and seized my revolver from the case at my waist belt.
Senior sergeant Healy came round to my side, and I shouted for him to shoot this fellow Crookwell. At this time Crookwell had just got the revolver. The other two had hold of my carbine. The sergeant presented his rifle at Crookwell, and it missed fire. He then clubbed the rifle, made a blow but struck an iron bar in the coach. He ( Healey ) then ran to the other side of the coach, at the same time drawing his revolver. Just as he got round, constable Raymond had just got a fall from a stumbling of the coach. As Raymond was straightening himself up, the sergeant came between him and Crookwell, and told Crookwell to put down the revolver. Crookwell made use of some savage expressions and fired. I saw Raymond fall and observed the blood gashing from his nose. It was with my revolver Crookwell shot him. The sergeant immediately fired in return. I cannot say which prisoner was struck, but one was. After Crookwell fired he turned to me and said ” If you don’t leave go of the carbine I’ll shoot you. ” I said, ” Shoot way. I’ll not let go. ”
He snapped the revolver at breast. As it did not explode he struck my right hand with the revolver. I then jumped out of the coach with my carbine, when I saw sergeant bringing Owens back. I could not see how constable Mitchell was getting on. When the sergeant brought Owens back, the prisoners all called ” Surrender ! we surrender ! ” and sat down in the coach, when the sergeant ordered them to put on the handcuffs. The sergeant and myself were in uniform at the time. I only observed Crookwell and Owens had been un-handcuffed. Could not say whether any of the others had been un-handcuffed.
Crookwell, Owens, Berriman and Weaver, were particularly active about me and and tried to disarm me. I heard Weaver call out ” Shoot the sergeant. “. This was when Crookwell had the revolver. Slattery also called out ” Shoot the b—dy sergeant. ”
The prisoners appeared to me to be acting in concert, and for the general purpose of effecting their escape.
When Slattery called out ” Shoot the b—dy sergeant, ” it was after Raymond had been shot by Crookwell.
I saw the body of Raymond afterwards. It was quite dead.
Prisoner Lee: Your Worship, I think it is stepping a little beyond the bounds of justice for the gentlemen prosecuting to be whispering to the sergeant who has given his evidence. I know that gentleman is conducting the case for the Crown, and he will take care to get out enough from the respective witnesses when under examination.
Mr Williams said he was asking no question but such as was proper, and taken no unfair advantage.
Mr Cloete: I will see that no injustice is done you. The prisoners declined to ask any questions.
Edward W. Mitchell; deposed: I am a mounted constable, stationed at Berrima, and formed one of an escort from Berrima to Sydney, in charge of senior sergeant Healey. The prisoners were Foster, Lee, Bland, Smith, Weaver, Slattery, Hindmarsh, Berriman, Webster, Crookwell and Owners. We were all in of Cobb and Co.’s coaches, the sergeant on the box. I, Raymond and Mitchell were inside the coach. I sat with my back to the box with two prisoners on my left. Raymond was on the third seat on my left front, with three prisoners on his left. Kilpatrick was on the fourth seat, facing me, with two prisoners on his right. Crookwell sat next to Kilpatrick.
When about 400 yards on the Sydney side of Anderson’s public-house; the prisoners made a sudden rush ; some stood up. I saw two of the prisoners jump up and put their hands above the cloth covering of the coach, and seized the sergeant and endeavoured to pull him backward into the coach. Slattery and Weaver were the two men.
The sergeant got away from them. Simultaneously with seizing the sergeant, three of the prisoners seized me. Foster, Lee and Smith seized me. Smith caught me by the throat. Foster endeavoured to force me back, as nears as I can recollect, by throwing his body on me. Lee took hold of the rifle and endeavoured to disarm me. While I was struggling with these prisoners, I saw sergeant Healey coming round the side of the coach. He covered Smith and Lee with his rifle. I heard the cap snap, and the butt of the rifle swing against the coach.
A minute or so after I said ” By G—, if you don’t let go, I’ll fire ! ” They did not let go, and I fired. The rifle was pointed towards the prisoner, Bland, who, at this time, had hold of the rifle, with the others. Bland was wounded on the side and arm by the contents of my rifle. Immediately after this I was seized by the prisoners Weaver and Slattery. Slattery seized me by the throat, and by the hair of my head, and got my nose to his mouth when at that moment, he received a ? and staggered back. Weaver caught me by the body ? ? maintained hold of the rifle. While I was struggling with the remaining three, Foster took hold of my left arm, and endeavoured to pull it away from the pouch which contained my revolver. I was holding and covering my revolver pouch. Lee and Smith made an effort to pull the revolver out of the pouch, but they did not succeed.
About half a minute after Slattery was shot, I heard a remark that some one was wounded. A number of them then called out ” We’ll surrender. ” I was so occupied with the prisoners near me that I could not see what constable Raymond was doing. I just caught a glimpse of Owen escaping from the hind wheel of the coach. I did not notice Hindmarsh, nor Webster; they were away from me. After they called out ” We’ll surrender, ” I got out of the coach, and ran round to the other side, when I there saw constable Raymond lying dead on his face. I observed a gunshot wound on the left side of his nose, just below the eye. I immediately re-loaded my rifle.
The body of constable Raymond was put on the footboard. The prisoners were secured in the coach. We proceeded to Picton and on the way met Senior sergeant Zglenitski, and another constable.
We placed the prisoners in the Picton watch house, and the body of constable Raymond in the Court house. The prisoners were secured at Berrima on a marching chain by handcuffs, and each was leg ironed. The only man I saw free from the chain was Owens. In this attempt to escape the prisoners to me appeared to act in concert, as if they were one man. The prisoners declined to ask questions.
Police sergeant Zglenitski and two other witnesses having to be examined, the further hearing of the case was adjourned until Monday, 30th Instant, at 2 o’clock. o’clock.
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954),
Wednesday 9 May 1866, page 5
The official inquiry into the charge brought by sergeant Healey against Hugh M. Bland and Michael Slattery, of being accessories to the murder of constable William Raymond, near Bargo Brush, on the 11th of April last, was resumed before the Water Police Magistrate, Mr Cloete, in the debtors’ prison at Darlinghurst Gaol, yesterday afternoon.
The inquiry into the case against these two prisoners was commenced at the same place on Monday last, and the evidence taken on that occasion was reported in our issue of yesterday. The remainder of the evidence was taken yesterday and both prisoners were committed for trial. The evidence given was as follows:-
John Frederick Webster, alias Timothy Fuller, a prisoner under sentence, was called and said I was one of the eleven prisoners removed from Berrima gaol to Darlinghurst gaol, under charge of senior sergeant Healey, on the 14th April last , the names of the other prisoners were, James Crookwell, Thomas Berriman, William Lee, Peter Hindmarsh, John Owen, Henry Weaver, John Foster, Michael Slattery, James Smith, and Hugh Montgomery Bland ; I was an assistant warder in Berrima gaol, and on the 14th I was called out of the yard and ironed in the presence of the gaoler, thence I was taken back to my cell, and after breakfast brought out and searched , the other prisoners were then ironed and on the chain , I was also handcuffed to the chain , we were marched out and placed in Cobb’s coach ; there were three policemen beside the sergeant in charge of us, and another young man accompanied us, after going a few miles the coach stopped, and the young man took the fourth horse back to Berrima ; we then went on to Rush’s, and thence, after changing horses, to Bargo, where we again changed horses, we were there ordered out of the coach, and marched into a little yard to get our dinner ; while we were at dinner (which was brought to us by the police), I observed Crookwell, Owen, Berriman, and Smith, with two handcuff keys, and they were trying their handcuffs. Berriman produced one of the keys I don’t know who brought the other. I heard Crookwell and Owen say they could undo their handcuffs. Smith said they were going to rush the police, to choke them, and take their arms from them, and then to make their escape, both he and Crookwell asked me if I would take part in the rush ; I said ” no, I have only twenty months to do, but if I had twenty years to do I would not join you ” ; Smith then called me ” bl–dy dog ” and coward, and threatened to rip me open if I spoke one word, at this time he had a double bladed clasp knife in his hand cutting some bread and meat, I told him I would not have anything to do with it, and I never spoke one word afterwards ; Crookwell afterwards said, addressing Forster, Slattery, and Weaver, ” how is it going to be? ” they said they would be willing the first chance they got after they were in the coach again ; Crookwell, addressing Slattery, asked, ” Is Bland going to be in it ?” Slattery replied that it was no use to ask him, as he had only six weeks to serve, and therefore it was not likely he would join them ; I heard Lee ask Bland if he would be one to rush the police and take their arms from them, and he replied, ” No, he would not on any consideration,” and he should be a free man in six weeks’ time. Crookwell then asked Berriman and Owen, if they knew which of the police they were to assist in taking the arms from, and Owen said, ” I know the man I have to choke. ” Berriman said “You choke him and I’ll take his revolver, and Slattery added, ” I’ll take his rifle. The whole of the prisoners heard what was going on ; Foster said he would make one to pull the Sergeant in off the box of the coach. Lee said, “I will make another” Smith said he would choke the man sitting on the front seat of the coach and take his arms from him ; Hindmarsh said he would assist Crookwell all he could ; Weaver said he would assist in holding the Sergeant down in the coach ; we were about three quarters of an hour in the yard, the sergeant and one of the the police were about eight yards from us in a little shed ; another constable was behind us, the other side of a water hole, and the fourth in front of us near the fence, between four and five yards from us ; I heard Crookwell, Slattery, and Smith, ask the sergeant if he would be kind enough to allow them to take their coats off and he consenting they were taken off ; after this we got into the coach and started on our journey ; we were sitting in the coach the same as before, with the exception of Lee and Foster, who exchanged seats ; we proceeded for about three or four miles on the road, when on turning my head round I saw Crookwell and Owen ; Crookwell was pointing to the near side of the coach, and calling constable Kilpatrick’s attention to something while Owen was taking his handcuffs off with a handcuff key ; I then saw Owen try Crookwell’s handcuffs ; I turned my eye towards the front of the coach and felt the chain to which we were ironed fall quite slack ; I saw John Owen standing up in the coach ; all of a sudden he whipped his arms around the neck of the constable who was afterwards shot, and sang out ” Now then, Tommy and Jimmy ;” Berriman instantly made a snatch at the constable’s revolver, and I tried to stop him ; I struck him and tried to keep his hands off ; Slattery, who was sitting in front of the constable who was afterwards shot caught hold of him to pull him towards him, and tried to get hold of his rifle, but the constable held his rifle at arms length outside the coach, and Slattery could not got hold of it ; at this time I had hold of Berriman with my right hand, and received a blow under the ear – I don’t know who struck me – I was knocked down in the body of the coach ; the policeman got away from Berriman, Owen, and Slattery, and got out of the coach ; when he got on the ground he held his rifle, pointing it towards Crookwell, and said if they did not surrender he would fire at them ; the sergeant stood alongside of him some few feet apart ; the constable was nearer the hinder part of the coach and somewhat behind the sergeant ; I turned my head and saw Crookwell and Hindmarsh struggling with a constable who sat on the hinder part of the coach ; Crookwell had hold of the constable’s revolver, trying to pull it out of his hand ; Hindmarsh had hold of one of the constables legs ; I heard Lee and Smith sing out, ” Shoot the —– sergeant first ; I recognised their voices ; I looked round and saw the sergeant with a rifle in his hand, and he was pointing it towards Crookwell ; he ordered the men to surrender, or he would shoot them ; Hindmarsh, whose chain I had hold of, struck me on the head, and threatened to kill me ; I then let go his chain ; Crookwell, having got possession of the constable’s pistol, pointed it at the sergeant, and said, ” You b—– b——, I’ll shoot you ;” I saw Crookwell fire a shot in the direction of the sergeant, and I saw the policeman who had got out of the coach fall the moment the shot was fired. The sergeant snapped his carbine at Crookwell, and then he ( the sergeant ) rushed upon the side of the oath, but I, being crushed down by the prisoners, did not to what he did ; when I got up, I saw too sergeant away from the coach, and I heard him shout out, ” Stand, or I’ll fire ; ” at this time Owen was running away towards the Bargo River ; the sergeant fired, and Owen fell, saying he was shot ; I heard some other shots fired — one, I believe, inside the coach on the off side ; before Crookwell fired the shot, Smith, Slattery, and Weaver had hold of one of the police, and were trying to get his arms from him ; they were also trying to throw him over the side of the coach ; he sung out to them to let go, or he would shoot some of them ; one shot was fired, and I saw Bland fall, before he was shot he was sitting in the front of the coach, on the off side ; before he was shot, he said ” oh my God, sergeant, don’t shoot me ;” Bland was not interfering in any way in this matter ; shortly after Bland was that I heard the sergeant sing out ” surrender, ” I will shoot you ; when the sergeant caught Owen, be brought him back and put him into the coach, when Slattery, Smith, and Weavers were struggling with the constable I heard Slattery say ” I’ll bite your bl–dy nose off ;” just before Owen was put back into the coach, and immediately after Slattery had threatened to bite the constable’s nose off, a shot was fired which wounded Slattery ; Slattery sung out ” I am shot ;” sergeant Healey said ” then will you surrender ;” Slattery replied ” yes.” Crookwell said it was no use trying any more, it was better to surrender – he had done his best ; Smith said ” we may as well try again, they can do nothing but hang us. ”
Bland said, ” My God, men, keep quiet, ” and immediately he fell back in a faint ; I heard Smith and Lee sing out during the affray to shoot the sergeant ; I wish to mention that at the first commencement of the row Foster, Weaver, and Lee made a snatch at the sergeant, and tore his coat, but he just pod oil and ran round to the near side of the coach ; I held up my hand to him, and said, ” Sergeant, for God’s sake, don t shoot me, for I have nothing to do with it ; ” it was then that I received a blow on my head ; after the row I saw a clergyman and an elderly gentleman come and assist to put the body of the dead constable into the boot of the coach ; when we proceeded on our journey the sergeant and the two constables walked by the side of the coach ; when we were on our way Smith, Lee, and Weaver said, ” The sergeant shot the constable himself ;” shortly afterwards we were met by a sergeant and policemen from Picton, who joined our escort ; Bland was calling for water, and one of the constables brought some in my hat ; after being met by the other sergeant and constable, Lee and Smith called to them to bring some water for Bland, and the sergeant who came from Picton said, ” As soon as I can get water he shall have some. ” Smith said, ” I know you, you b—dy dog, if I could get hold of you I would give you water ;” Smith had one leg out of the coach, and he made a snatch at the sergeants revolver, and the sergeant jumped back ; the sergeant told him if he did not stop in the coach he would shoot him ; he came up again and Smith made a second attempt to got hold of the revolver, and immediately upon the attempt being made the sergeant fired and shot him in the arm ; at the same time Lee tried to get out of the coach on the other side, and the constable who came from Picton, cocked his gun, and told him to sit down ; Lee said he could not sit down, but he said, if he could got held of that gun he would make him sit down ; after getting to Picton and being placed in the lock-up, Owen, Berriman, Lee and Smith, wanted to choke me, saying that I would be an informer, but Hindmarsh, Weaver and Foster said they would not have time as the police would on top of them, and it would only make matters worse.
By the Water Police Magistrate ; It was after the policeman was shot that Bland was shot ; I could see Bland all the time the row was going on ; he remained sitting until a little before he was shot.
By the prisoner Bland ; I should think it was between two and three minutes after the constable was shot before you were shot. I did not hear you make use of an expression to the police, except this, ” For Gods sake, sergeant, don’t shoot me. ” I can swear you did not say ” Shoot the —- sergeant ;” you were shot after the struggle occurred between Kilpatrick, Lee, and Slattery ; it was impossible for Kilpatrick to see you while the struggle was going on.
By the prisoner Slattery ; I have travelled that road with a dray, and also under escort before ; I made my escape from the police on that road, and after being out of the way for three years I was arrested on another charge and sentenced to seven years hard labour on the roads.
The Water Police Magistrate cautioned the prisoners in the usual way as to anything that they might say, but both declined to say anything. Mr Cloete said he had not the slightest hesitation in regard to Slattery, but with reference to Bland, the only evidence against him was that by constable Kilpatrick, who stated that he heard this prisoner say ” Shoot the sergeant. ” Under all the circumstances, he was of opinion that the constable had made a mistake ; but that was a matter entirely for a jury. He should, therefore, commit both prisoners for trial Both prisoners were then committed for trial at the next sitting of the Central Criminal Court, and the proceedings terminated.
A transcript of his Death Certificate:
REF NO -1866/6230
DATE OF DEATH:- 14/4/1866
AGE:- 28
DATE OF BURIAL:- 16 Apr 1866
Presumed to have come out to Australia about 1850 with his mother, Harriet, who had married John Miller in London in 1850. He would then have been about 9 or 10 years old. However, no shipping record found. Date of arrival consistent with stated time in colony of NSW in death registration.
And a newspaper item that I don’t think you have that includes a notice from probably his mother. His step father, John Miller, was a Merchant Seaman and probably had died by then. But we’ve never found a record of his death. I assume that’s why he isn’t mentioned in the death notice. His natural father, also William Raymond, died in London a couple of months after he ( son ) was born and his mother then married John Miller in London in 1850. So until he was about 12 he grew up in London with a single mum. Must have been hard on them both.
Sydney Mail 21 Apr 1866
MILLER – April 14th, on the Southern Rd, near Picton, from a gunshot wound inflicted by a prisoner while under escort, William Raymond, aged 28 years, a constable of the New South Wales Police Force, and the beloved son of Mrs Miller, of Brisbane-street, Glebe, beloved and regretted by a large circle of friends.
RAYMOND – April 14th, on the Southern Rd, near Picton, from a gun-shot wound inflicted by a prisoner while under escort, William Raymond, aged 28 years, a constable of the New South Wales Police Force, a native of Bishopsgate, London, England. London papers please copy.
13800 | BN13845 | Raymond | William | 14 Apr 1866 | 28 | 6230/1866 |