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Warren John REID

Warren John REID

AKA  ?

Late of  ?

NSW Redfern Police Training Centre – Class #  109

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  12304

Rank:  Commenced Training a Redfern Academy on Monday 31 October 1966 ( Aged 22 years & 19 days )

Probationary Constable- appointed Monday  12 December 1966 ( Aged 22 years,  2 months old )

Constable – appointed 12 December 1967

Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Detective – appointed ? ? 1973

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? 1976

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 29 June 1984

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed ? ? ?

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?

Final Rank = Detective Sergeant

StationsNewtown GDs ( 5 Division ) ( 1966 – 69 ), 21 Division ( 19 Nov 1969 – 1 Oct 1970 ), Phillip St – Plain Cloths – CI Duties ( 4 Division )( 2 October 1970 – 3 August 1974 ),

North Sydney – CI Duties ( 6 Division )( 4 August 1974 – 10 September 1977 ), Hornsby – CI Duties ( 16 Division )( 11 September 1977 – 20 May 1978 ), North Sydney – GDs ( 21 May 1978 – 9 May 1981 ),

Central ( 1 Division ) – Licencing ( 10 May 1981 – 3 December 1983 ), Central ( 1 Division ) – CI Duties ( 4 December 1983 – 26 November 1985 ),

Drug Law Enforcement Bureau – Gosford ( DLEB ) ( 27 November 1985 – 19 April 1986 ), Eastwood – CI Duties ( 16 Division )( 20 April 1986 – 11 April 1992 ),

Chatswood – CI Duties ( 12 April 1992 – ? ), Pennant Hills – CI Duties ( ? – 30 June 1997 ),

Gladesville – CI Duties ( 1 July 1997 – 8 October 1988 ) until Retirement

Service:  From  31 October 1966  to 8 October 1998 = 31 years,  11 Months & 7 days Service

Awards:  National Medal – granted  22 April 1983 ( Det SenCon )

1st Clasp to National Medal – granted  27 August 1992 ( Det Sgt )

National Police Service Medal – granted 29 October 2015 ( Det Sgt )


Born:  Thursday  12 October 1944

Died on:  Wednesday  27 May 2020

Age:  75 years,  7 months,  15 days old


Event location:   ?

Event date ?


Funeral date:  Wednesday  3 June 2020 @ 10.15am

Funeral locationNorth Chapel, Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Delhi Rd, North Ryde, NSW

  ( Due to current Govt. restrictions of 35 persons at a Funeral ( size of room ) due to the Cornona19 Virus Pandemic – this Funeral is already at capacity )

Live Streaming of Funeral

Click Here

Future Wake location? TBA ( Due to current Govt. restrictions of 10 persons only at ‘Gatherings’,  there won’t be an immediate Wake )

Future Wake date: ( Due to current Govt. restrictions on ‘Gatherings’ due to Corona19 Virus Pandemic, some families may wish to have a Memorial Service / Wake with friends and family at a later date )


Funeral Parlour: ?

Buried at: Cremated


Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?

Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( June 2020 )

Assistant Commissioner Dennis CLIFFORD # 14795 with Warren John REID.
Assistant Commissioner Dennis CLIFFORD # 14795 with Warren John REID.

 WARREN is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO



May they forever Rest In Peace




Australian Police YouTube Channel



Service History

Warren John Reid

Registered Number 12304



Date Joined:                                             31 October 1966

Retired:                                                      8 October 1998


Promotion History


31 October 1966                      –            Trainee

12 December 1966                 –              Probationary Constable

12 December 1967                 –              Constable

12 December 1971                 –              Constable First Class

12 December 1976                 –              Senior Constable

29 June 1984                             –           Sergeant 3rd Class


Transfer History


31 October 1966     –     Metro Police Training College  –   Trainee

12 December 1966 –     Metro No.5 Div (Newtown)  –   General Duties

19  November 1969 –   Metro C.I Branch  –   No. 21 Squad

02 October 1970      –   Metro No. 4 Div (Phillip St)  –  C.I Duties

04 August 1974       –    Metro No. 6 Div (Nth Sydney)  –  C.I Duties

11 September 1977 –    Metro No. 16 Div (Hornsby)  –  C.I Duties

21 May 1978     –           Metro No. 6 Div (Nth Sydney)  – General Duties

10 May 1981   –            City of Sydney, Central –  Licensing

04 December 1983   – City of Sydney, Central  – Investigations

27 November 1985  –  Drug Law Enforcement Gosford  – Investigations

20 April 1986   –          Eastwood  –  Investigations

12 April 1992  –           Chatswood – Pennant Hills  –  Investigations

01 July 1997  –             Endeavour Region, Gladesville – Criminal Investigations

8 October 1998  –                 Medical Retirement




22 April 1983        –              awarded the National Service Medal

29 October 2015  –              awarded the National Police Service Medal





Service Eulogy


Detective Sergeant Warren John REID. (Ret’d)


A member of the New South Wales Police Force from
 31 October 1966 to 08 October 1998.


Registered Number: 12304.


While this is a sad time for all, today we should take the opportunity to not only grieve for the loss of a friend, colleague, father and grandfather but to also celebrate the wonderful life of Warren John Reid.


Detective Sergeant Warren John Reid served the New South Wales Police Force and the community with outstanding dedication and devotion to duty for 31 years.

Today, we farewell a highly regarded and dedicated officer. Detective Sergeant Warren John Reid sadly passed on 27th May 2020, aged 75 years.


Warren approached life and his career as a police officer with determination, confidence and enthusiasm. He was a policeman through and through, and like many police who take on that role he loved it.

Warren joined the New South Wales Police Force on 31 October 1966. After successfully completing his training at the Police College, he was sworn in as a Probationary Constable. This was an exciting time, being the same year when Robert Menzies retired as Australia’s longest-serving Prime Minister and is succeeded by Harold Holt. Decimalisation; the Australian currency is changed to dollars and cents, with the Australian dollar replacing the Australian pound., Warren was exposed to various facets of policing working at Newtown Police station learning his trade in general duties. A year later, he was confirmed as a Constable and remained at Newtown until 1969


On the 19th November 1969, Warren decided to try his hand in plain clothes and applied for training at No.21 Squad where he undertook Detective training. Shortly after this, Warren was transferred to No. 4 Division at Phillip Street, Sydney performing Criminal Investigation Duties. Warren was promoted to Constable First Class and performed plain clothes work, and no doubt with the older and more experienced Detectives of the time who decided to give him the jobs and reports no one else wanted to do. This was done to see how keen he was. He would have been preparing himself and studying the Crime Acts & proofs in preparation for the notorious Bull Ring. In February 1970, he was given a permanent job as an Investigator.


Between 1970 and 1977, Warren transferred between Phillip Street, North Sydney and Hornsby undertaking criminal investigation duties. In 1973 after undertaking so many years in training, he was officially given a Detective designation. During this period in 1976, Warren was again promoted to the rank of Senior Constable.

It was in 1978 where Warren changed his job roles and worked back in general duties at North Sydney for four years. In 1981, Warren become involved in Licensing Police duties at Central and two years later, continued in Detective’s duties in criminal investigations.

In 1984 after studying the Sergeants promotion books, he was successful in passing the Sergeant 3rd Class examination and in June that year, he was officially promoted to Sergeant 3rd Class.

Warren being a consummate plain clothes investigator wanted to further his passion as an investigator. Later in 1985 he moved across to the Drug Law Enforcement Bureau and worked at Gosford Police District.

Between 1986 and 1997, Detective Sergeant Warren Reid worked at Eastwood, Chatswood, Pennant Hills and finally at Gladesville, he remained to his retirement in 1998, still performing investigative duties.

At the end of his career Detective Sergeant Warren John Reid had provided over 31 years of outstanding service to the NSW Police Force and the community of NSW.  His achievements are outstanding and are a tribute to his work ethic and professionalism.

On the 22 April 1983, Warren was awarded the National Service Medal recognising the special status sworn police officers have in protecting the community. Eligibility for this Award requires a minimum of 15 years ethical and diligent service.

His last award was presented on the 29th October 2015 by receiving the National Police Service Medal


To the Reid family members and friends on behalf of the New South Wales Police Force I extend our deepest sympathy for the passing of a remarkable and admired friend and colleague.


Chief Inspector

Paul Smith

Commander Protocol & Awards Unit.

1st June 2020.



Police Ode


As the sun surely sets, dawn will see it arise.
For service above self-demands its own prize.
You have fought the good fight; life’s race has been run, and peace, your reward, for eternity begun.
And we that are left shall never forget.
Rest in peace, friend and colleague, for sun has now set.
We will remember, we will remember.
Hasten the dawn




NSW Police Academy Class 109. Walked into Police Training Centre, Redfern, NSW on 31 October 1966 & were Sworn In on Monday 12 December 1966.
NSW Police Academy Class 109. Walked into Police Training Centre, Redfern, NSW on 31 October 1966 & were Sworn In on Monday 12 December 1966.


Warren was a competitive Wood Chopper in his younger days.


Warren REID front and centre with North Sydney's Finest at a Reunion.
Warren REID front and centre with North Sydney’s Finest at a Reunion.



Nothing further, than what is recorded above, is known about this man at the time of publication.




2 June 2020







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One Comment

  1. I worked with ‘Wazza’ at Central Detectives. He was my senior workmate for 12 to 18 months. We had our ups and downs but remained friends. I’ve enjoyed a cold beer with Warren at the Berowra Heights Hotel before and after his retirement. A thorough and professional investigator that taught me heaps. Rest in Peace mate, your passing has saddened me.

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