Thin Blue Line Rose
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Thomas BLOOD

Thomas BLOOD


Late of 14 Soldiers Avenue, Harbord, NSW 


NSW Police Training Centre Belmore Barracks  Class #  ? ? ? 


New South Wales Police Force


Regd. #  ‘Q‘ 5455

For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1 March 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system ) 


P.O.W., 10th Hussars of Kabul


RankCommenced Training at Belmore Police Barracks on ? ? ?

Probationary Constable- appointed 1 October 1887

Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Detective – appointed ? ? ?

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ? 

Leading Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ? ( N/A )

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed ? ? ?

Sergeant 1st Class – appointed ? ? ? 

Inspector – appointed ? ? ? 

Chief Inspector – appointed ? ? ? 

Superintendent – appointed ? ? ? 

Chief Superintendent – appointed ? ? ?


Final Rank ?


Stations?, Armidale


Service: From 1 October 1887 to ? ? ? = ? years Service


Retirement / Leaving age: = ?

Time in Retirement from Police: ?


Awards:  No Find on Australian Honours system


 Born? ? 1858 in England 

Died on:  Saturday 25 November 1939 

Age:  80 – 81 years, 



Event location:   ?

Event date:  ?


Funeral date: Saturday 29 November 1939

Funeral location? 

Funeral Parlour: Molloy Bros. 

Buried at: Manly Cemetery,

Grave location:  Anglican Portion, Row H, Grave 677


Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?

Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( January 2022 )



THOMAS is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO





May they forever Rest In Peace 

Australian Police YouTube Channel 


Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954),

Saturday 25 November 1939, page 15


BLOOD.—The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. CLARA BLOOD, of Harbord, Mr. and Mrs. F. BLOOD, of Clovelly, Mr. and Mrs. S. HAMILTON of Coogee, Mr and Mrs P MILHAM of Sydenham, Mr. and Mrs. S. DAVIS, of Manly, Mr. and Mrs. T. BLOOD, of Manly, Mrs. T. COOPER, of Manly, Mr. and Mrs. R. CAMPBELL of Mosman, Mr. and Mrs. K. SIMMONS, of Neutral Bay, Mr. and Mrs. R. PONTIFEX, of Manly, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved HUSBAND and of their FATHER, Thomas Blood ( late P.O.W., 10th Hussars of Kabul ) to leave his late residence, 14 Soldiers Avenue, Harbord, THIS ( Saturday ) MORNING, at 10 o’clock, for Church of England Cemetery, Manly.


Molloy Bros.,


Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser (NSW : 1856 – 1861; 1863 – 1889; 1891 – 1954),

Tuesday 5 January 1892, page 5

Suicide of Annie B. Greener.

The Inquest.

Yesterday morning, at the International Hotel, an inquest was held upon the body of Annie Greener, who died at the hotel above named in Niagara-street on Saturday night. The enquiry was held before the Coroner, Mr. J. McLean, J.P., and a jury of twelve.

The first evidence taken was that of Thomas Blood, Police Constable, stationed at Armidale West who deposed to the effect that on Saturday night, the second inst., from information received, he went to a front parlour of the International Hotel, situated in Niagara-street, and saw the deceased, Annie Greener, lying on her back on a sofa.

Herbert Walker, Jane Walker, Ellen Wheeler, and Mary Croft were present at the time.

Witness examined the body of the deceased, but could not find any sign of life. She appeared to have been dead a few minutes. The body was warm. There were no marks of violence on the body.

Witness produced a tea cup and spoon handed to him by Jane Walker. The cup contained a little jam adhering to its sides, and what appeared to be crystals of strychnine.

In a box belonging to deceased, witness found no trace of poison. The box contained several letters which passed between deceased and a young man named Archy Fraser, and also two ladies’ gold rings.

Witness had known the deceased for the last six weeks, and she appeared in good health and spirits prior to this taking place. Could not find that the witness purchased poison of any description. In one of the letters found there appeared to have been a little misunderstanding which from a letter of later date had been made up.

Archibald Frazer deposed that he was a miner, and resided at Hillgrove West, and had known the deceased for a year, but had never promised to marry her, though he had paid for her board at the International Hotel for the last five or six weeks, on account of her illness through influenza. Remembered that on Saturday last, deceased called witness in after dinner and said, ” Mary is wanting to have a laugh at me, and she is trying to take you away from me, &c.” Witness replied that deceased was foolish to think of such a thing, and after tea deceased appeared in good spirits, till Mary Croft and witness played a game of cards, when deceased appeared a little put out. After this Mary Croft left the room, and deceased refused a drink from witness. Witness remarked to deceased that she looked very solemn, at which she only smiled.

Mary Croft then commenced to play the piano, and witness asked Annie to sing. She replied, “‘Mary will sing.” Witness said, “Do not be a fool Annie. Come on, you ought to know better.”

Witness then went to the room where Mary was playing and deceased followed, and then went into her bedroom. About five minutes after Mary Croft left the room, and witness lay down on the sofa. Shortly after deceased came out of her bedroom and went towards the bar, returning with Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker soon came back and told witness that Annie requested her to give some keys to witness, and then witness heard some one call out, “Archie, come quickly.”

Running to a sofa in a room, witness found deceased in a fit.

Deceased, in reply to witness’ queries, asked him to hold her head up high and not to ask her what was the matter. Witness then went for a doctor, and when he returned Annie was dead.

About four or five weeks ago people were saying unpleasant things about deceased, and she said, “I wonder if they would leave the dead alone.” Witness then said to the deceased, “If what people say is true, you don’t deserve to be looked after.”

After the game of cards Mary Croft and witness had a drink, but deceased would  not have any.

Jane Walker gave evidence to the effect that she was the wife of the landlord of the International Hotel, and about five weeks ago deceased came in from Hillgrove Hospital, and remained until she was able to take a situation. Archy Fraser paid deceased’s board, and the deceased occupied a bedroom by herself.

On Saturday night deceased and Fraser were sitting on a sofa in the parlour, and deceased and Mary Croft had a game together. Then Annie Greener and witness also played Fraser and the girl Croft. Then Fraser and Mary Croft played together and deceased sat looking on. Deceased came in shortly after and said to Mrs. Walker that she wanted to speak to her, and shortly after lay down on the sofa.

Deceased complained of being sick and refused weak brandy and water, but asked for the keys of her boxes to be given to Archy. Shortly after the limbs of the deceased became rigid, and she straightened out stiff, living only about three quarters of an hour. Witness was sure that the deceased was not pregnant, and the deceased did not drink.

Mary Ann Croft deposed that she was a domestic servant at the International Hotel, and knew the deceased and Archy Fraser. The latter and deceased had been keeping company. Fraser and witness on Saturday night played cards against deceased and Mrs. Walker, and then witness and Fraser had a game. Never heard of any unpleasantness between Fraser and deceased.

About two or three minutes after this witness went to the bar, and about a quarter of an hour afterwards deceased called and said: “Come in Mary ; take my hand ; I am going to die ; pull off my boots.” Witness took off her boots and then deceased had a fit, during which she was frothing at the mouth, her limbs being drawn up.

Fraser then came in. Witness had never heard the deceased threaten to poison herself. On Saturday the deceased appeared more distant towards witness than previously. Had never seen Archy going into deceased’s bedroom.

The jury returned a verdict that deceased died by poison self-administered.


FRIDAY, JAN. 27. 1893
(Before his Honor Acting Judge Coffey.)

The bar was represented by Messrs Browning (Crown Prosecutor), Garland, Mocatta, Kent, and Liebius, and the solicitors present were Messrs Simpson, Kearney, McDonald, McPhail, Clapin, and Bonnar.


Michael Kelleher, an old man about 60 years of age, was charged with indecently assaulting a lad named Herbert McFadden  [aka Herbert McFyden ; Herbert McFayden ].

The prisoner, who was undefended, pleaded not guilty, and the following jury were empannelled: [sic] JP McKinlay (foreman), JM Duncan, EG Wakeford, W Miller, R Allingham, G Bliss, HW Pearson, C Howe, D Fraser, BG Dawson, J Rogerson, and WJ Moore.

Constable [Thomas] Blood, deposed to arresting the accused, who said he had only been down the street to the bridge, and had never put his hands upon the boy. He said he was not right in his head, and was not accountable for his actions when there was a full moon. Accused denied being near the spot indicated in the charge.

Herbert McFadden, a lad 10 years of age, who, not knowing the nature of an oath, made a declaration, and gave evidence to the effect that as he was coming home from school one afternoon in November, he was accosted by the accused, who took him under a bridge and committed the offence complained of.

GE Ratcliffe, a little fellow who had to be accommodated with a chair to enable him to see over the top of the witness box, gave evidence.

William Coucom, a lad 7 years of age, who also made a declaration, identified the accused as the man he saw take Herbert McFadden under the bridge.

Sarah Burrows, married sister of Herbert McFadden, deposed that Herbert came home on the evening in question and made a complaint, and, from an examination made on the following evening, certain stains were found on his clothes.

Martha McFadden, mother of Herbert McFadden, corroborated the last witness.

Ernest McFadden, a lad of 12 years of age, also gave evidence.

Accused [Michael Kelleher] made a statement to the effect that it was a made up affair, as the parties had a down on him. He denied ever having committed the offence. He had lived in the district 30 years, and no one could ever say he did a wrong thing.

Four witnesses were called for the defence, but no evidence was given with reference to the date on which the offence was alleged to have been committed.

His Honor having summed up, the jury, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty.

In answer to his Honor, Senior Sergeant Rafferty said he had known the accused for about 25 years, and there was nothing against him beyond that he used to drink to excess. He was remanded for sentence.

1893, Michael Kelleher – Unfit For Publication









Nothing further, than what is recorded above, is known about this person at the time of publication and further information and photos would be appreciated.


Unfortunately my computer system has become weak and can no longer stand the strain I place upon it.

In order to get my systems up and running again, I have invested $6k in a new computer system which is currently being built and I would expect that a lot of the notices I place on the system, will be devoid of a lot of information that I usually include; until my new system arrives and my databases and photos are transferred across.

This might not be completed until late February 2022.



20 January 2022



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