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Stanley Malcolm ‘ Lee ‘ COLLARD

Stanley Malcolm ‘ Lee ‘ COLLARD

Western Australia Police Force

Regd. # 82753

Died  July 2014

Funeral  1 August 2014 – 12.30pm


COLLARD, Stanley Malcolm (Lee):

The Commissioner of Police ( W.A. ) and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague Lee Collard registered number 82753. Deepest sympathy to all his loved ones.


Guest book:

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

COLLARD (Stanley ): To our beautiful brother and uncle, you were taken from us far too soon. Our hearts are broken that you’re no longer here. We will miss your wicked sense of humour and gorgeous face. We know you are no longer in pain but we will carry your memory with us and miss you every day until we see you again.
Melissa, Brooke, Georgia and Shakhari

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Stanley Malcolm (Lee):
The Commissioner of Police and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague Lee Collard registered number 82753. Deepest sympathy to all his loved ones.

– See more at: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/thewest-au/stanley-collard-condolences/171883196?cid=full#sthash.UE9VY48t.dpuf

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

COLLARD ( Stanley ): To our beautiful brother and uncle, you were taken from us far too soon. Our hearts are broken that you’re no longer here. We will miss your wicked sense of humour and gorgeous face. We know you are no longer in pain but we will carry your memory with us and miss you every day until we see you again.
Melissa, Brooke, Georgia and Shakhari

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Stanley Malcolm (Lee):
The Commissioner of Police and all members of the Western Australia Police regret the passing of our colleague Lee Collard registered number 82753. Deepest sympathy to all his loved ones.

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