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Russell David SHEEHAN

 Russell David SHEEHAN

Queensland Police Force

Regd. # ?


Rank:  Detective Senior Constable


Stations?, Bundaberg, Maroochydore, Theodore, Childers,  Sunshine Coast C.I.B. – to death


ServiceFrom  to  ? December 2015 = 33+ years Service




Born:  Wednesday 28 February 1962


Died on:  Wednesday  23 December 2015

Cause:  Suicide – ( Method ? )

Age:  53 years, 9 months, 25 days


Funeral date:  Thursday  31 December 2015 @ 1pm

Funeral location:  Gregson & Weight Funeral Directors,  5 Gregson Pce, Caloundra, Qld

Buried at:  Cremated

 Memorial at?

Russell SHEEHAN - QPOL - Suicided December 2015


RUSSELL is NOT mentioned on the National Police Wall of Remembrance ( last checked 3 Jan 2022 )  *NEED MORE INFO


 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]



Russell SHEEHAN, Russ SHEEHANA Fuss about Russ ‘September 2018

In memory of Russell Sheehan – a truly amazing man.

To honour and celebrate the gift of friendship, family and community.

Kathy Poole 2016

Daughter speaks out to honour suicide police officers

LATE Coast detective Russell Sheehan had a deep respect for the officers whose names adorned the National Police Memorial.

LATE Coast detective Russell Sheehan had a deep respect for the officers whose names adorned the National Police Memorial.

He visited the Canberra monument while on a family trip away in 2014, a year before he tragically took his own life.

His daughter Kaitlyn Pobar believes her dad and all other officers who died like him deserve to be up there.

Late Sunshine Coast police officer Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan visits the National Police Memorial in Canberra in 2014. Picture: Contributed

Mrs Pobar has added her voice to those Coast residents who have spoken out for the names of officers lost to suicide to be added to state and national memorials.

“It is important to recognise mental illness is an injury,” Mrs Pobar said.

“I think it needs to be recognised just like any other physical injury.”

She said she supported a national campaign driven by North Queensland man Steven Isles for the names of suicide officers to be added to memorials.

A coroners inquest into the 2009 disappearance of Mr Isles’ police officer father, Senior Sergeant Mick Isles, found he had likely committed suicide.

“I know how much dad honoured the people on the wall,” Mrs Pobar said.”I just know his general view was it meant a lot for him to go and be there (national memorial).”

Mrs Pobar said she recognised her father’s dedication to his career whether or not his name was added to the memorial.

She said the value of it would come in breaking down stigmas around mental illness as well as being a huge honour for his family.

“I think anyone who puts the (police) uniform on deserves that honour.”

Mr Isles has been busy since October last year advocating for the cause.

“We are here to achieve change,” Mr Isles said.

Sunshine Coast police district officer Superintendent Darryl Johnson said Commissioner Ian Stewart was considering a number of options in regards to the addition of those officers’ names to the state memorial.

“It is important that we as an organisation remember our colleagues who pass away while serving members,” Supt Johnson said.

He said a decision on the issue would be made “in due course”.

Daughter speaks out to honour suicide police officers | The Courier Mail

Suicide of career cop leaves pain

AMY Williams will gather with her sisters at their mum’s Sunshine Coast home today to celebrate what would have been her dad’s 54th birthday.

Russell and Kathy celebrate a friend’s wedding in Theodore last year.
Russell and Kathy celebrate a friend’s wedding in Theodore last year.

They will share a beach-themed cake she is sure her police officer father, Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan, would have loved.

She hopes they will be able to joke about the countless good times they had with their dad but knows the treasured sound of his raucous laugh will be sadly missing.

Det Snr Const Sheehan’s suicide on December 23 last year shocked his family, colleagues and the wider community.

He had been based on the Coast for the past 12 years of his 33-year police career, predominantly with the Maroochydore Child Protection Investigation Unit and the Criminal Investigation Branch.

Mrs Williams, the eldest of Det Snr Const Sheehan and his wife Kathy’s four daughters, said her family was still trying to adjust without their “rock”.

“We never thought he would see that as his only option,” Mrs Williams said.

“I THINK he got very good at the end at hiding exactly how he felt.”

They knew he had been struggling in the past year and that he had sought help for depression through the Queensland Police Service and a psychologist.

Mrs Williams said she had frequently been asked whether her dad’s experiences, such as being a first responder to the tragic Childers backpacker fire in 2000, had contributed to his mental health difficulties.

But she did not know.

“I know that Dad could not pinpoint one particular incident,” she said.

“There were a lot of things that were distressing about the work and cases he did.”

She described her dad as a very proud person.

 SEVERAL POSTINGS: Det Snr Const Russell Sheehan during his time at Childers between 1998 and 2000. Contributed
SEVERAL POSTINGS: Det Snr Const Russell Sheehan during his time at Childers between 1998 and 2000. Contributed

“To admit he was struggling and not performing how he would like to be was hard for him,” she said.

“He was trying so hard to be his old self but it wasn’t happening as quickly as he wanted.”

Mrs Williams said her father had always been happy at home during her childhood.

“His job was a stressful job, but he never brought it home,” she said.

“But last year it became evident that was getting harder for him to do.”

His career took his family to postings in Theodore, Childers and the Coast.

Mrs Williams said her dad was known for having a raucous laugh that would instantly make other people laugh.

She said some people would go to the old cinema in Theodore just to hear his laugh when he was there watching a movie.

“We really miss that.”

She recalled how her dad had been able to find the humour in being bitten on the backside by an over-excited police dog during an arrest.

“Dad would always find the funny side of anything,” she said.

“He had a very good wit and a very quick wit.”

Police support since Det Snr Const Sheehan’s death

has been “tremendous”.

Mrs Williams said an assistant commissioner flew from Rockhampton on Christmas Eve to be with her family.

There has been a steady flow of support since then.

She has welcomed a charity bike ride being organised by her dad’s former colleagues to raise money for Blue Hope, a police-run organisation dedicated to helping other police.

Ride for Russ, a 300km journey from Woodgate to Maroochydore, will be held on May 21.

“It’s a wonderful way to honour Dad while raising awareness of suicide and depression in police officers,” Mrs Williams said.

“I think it shows how much Dad’s work colleagues loved and respected him, to go to those lengths.”

More immediately, Mrs Williams said today’s birthday celebrations were important to her family.

“We just don’t ever want to stop remembering him. He is in our thoughts every day.

“As sad as these milestones are, they are bringing us together as a family.”

Anyone with issues arising from this story can phone Lifeline on 131 114 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.


Queensland Police: Family call for more psychologists after detective took his own life



The grieving family of a Queensland policeman who took his life say the police psychologist did not have time to treat him.

Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan ended his life two months ago after 33 years as a policeman.

His daughter Amy Williams said he was widely seen as a happy, optimistic person.

“He was such a genuinely wonderful person, a gentle soul, a caring soul.

“I used to tell people I don’t know how he was a police officer because he just wasn’t this tough, rough person, he was so gentle and caring but I think that is what people admired about him in his line of work.”

Constable Sheehan was also admired for his role in investigating the gruesome Childers Palace Backpackers Hostel fire that claimed 15 lives in 2000.

But Ms Williams, the eldest of Constable Sheehan’s four daughters, said that was not the only trauma he experienced.

“As tragic as that was, there were other things that Dad saw in his line of work that I know stuck with him perhaps more so than that one particular event.”

Constable Sheehan had suffered anxiety over a long period.


Suicides within the general population are about 12 per 100,000. In the police, it’s north of 18 per 100,000.

Bruce Graydon, Blue Hope.


“Some days it would be difficult for him to even leave the house, but he did,” Ms Williams said.

“He was battling it very privately, he didn’t want people to know that he was suffering.

“He felt I guess like he was a bit of a failure, that he couldn’t cope with it, so he just wanted to try to maintain a normal life.”

Last May the anxiety became so bad that the 53-year-old found himself unable to get out of his car to go to work at Maroochydore.

He went on stress leave and contacted the police psychologist for the Sunshine Coast.

“She was wonderful, Dad felt an instant connection with her,” Ms Williams said.

“However she sort of made it clear early on that she was very very busy, her books were quite full, she wasn’t going to be able to take Dad on as another client.”

So Constable Sheehan was referred to a private psychologist.

Russell Sheehan and family
Russell Sheehan and family

“But he always felt that the QPS psychologist really understood what he was going through a bit more so than the private psychologist he was seeing.

“I’m not laying any blame on the QPS for what happened to Dad, because in the end we don’t know whether having that consultation with the Queensland Police psychologist would have changed the outcome for him.

“He may still have gone down this path.

“However, we want to make sure that for future and current serving police that there are adequate resources in place to help them when they need help.”

Ms Williams has written to the Queensland Police Commissioner, Police Minister and Opposition Police spokesman expressing concern about the lack of resources.

The Commissioner Ian Stewart is yet to respond to the ABC’s interview request.

Police suicide rate higher than general population

Former Queensland Police Detective Inspector Bruce Graydon said at least a dozen of his close colleagues had taken their lives over his 30-year career.

Inspector Graydon co-founded a support service called Blue Hope.

“Suicides within the general population are about 12 per 100,000,” he said.

“In the police, it’s north of 18 per 100,000.”

The real number is expected to be far worse.

“The moment that they leave the police or they’re retired medically unfit, their death isn’t recorded by the Coroner as a police-related suicide.”

Inspector Graydon said police need help to retrain and find new jobs, rather than feel cast aside.

The not-for-profit group Blue Hope has made links with education and recruitment organisations to assist officers that seek its help.

And he agrees with Ms Williams more support is needed earlier.

“We’re all for internal supports, we’re for any support, but some police officers just will not turn to internal supports so there needs to be additional options.

“There is a perception, be it true or untrue, that there’s no confidentiality.”

Blue Hope has case managed more than 130 people since it formed two years ago, and assisted hundreds of others around the country.

Meanwhile, in Victoria, police suicides have prompted the Commissioner Graham Ashton to order a mental health review which he hopes will lead to greater support for officers.





Demand for mental health support for police officers is on the rise



An organisation providing mental health first aid for police officers says the demand for its services is on the rise.

If you or someone you know needs help, call:

Detective Sergeant Andrew Ayers, the co-founder of Blue Hope, said the organisation had just helped its 177th client.

“[Suicide] is a massive problem. It’s endemic to police everywhere,” Mr Ayers said.

“We identified a shortfall in support services available, and that is that each law enforcement agency around the country has their own internal strategy in terms of dealing with mental health and stress in general amongst police officers.

“[But] there is a bit of a reluctance for members to use those services.”

The organisation is a relatively new service that was formed in 2014 to support police officers and their families to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicide and other mental health issues.

Blue Hope basically caters for those people who aren’t for any reason, or don’t for any reason, utilise internal support strategies. We provide mental health first aid for them on a national basis,” Detective Sergeant Ayers said.

The organisation’s aim is to raise awareness of police suicide and to provide a 24 hour hotline service for officers, both current and former.

Raising awareness of police suicide in the Wide Bay ( Qld )

Detective Sergeant Ayers recently visited Bundaberg to attend and support a fundraiser organised to celebrate the life of Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan, who took his life in December.


The more people we can get talking about suicide the more likely it is that we can prevent it

Detective Sergeant Andrew Ayers


In 2000 the senior constable was the first on the scene of the Palace Backpackers Hostel fire in Childers where 15 people lost their lives.

Detective Sergeant Ayers said it was clear Detective Senior Constable Sheehan had had a positive influence on the Bundaberg, Childers and Woodgate areas.

“We’ve had some extensive dealings with his family in the wake of his tragic death,” he said.

“The focus really was to have people talking about the fact that such a highly regarded police officer felt that his only option was to take his own life, and that’s the real sad aspect of it.

“The more people we can get talking about [suicide], the more likely it is that we can prevent it.”

He said the tragedy of Detective Senior Constable Sheehan’s death highlighted the need to support all emergency service workers, who were usually the first on the scene of traumatic incidents.

Big toll on first responders

Figures released last year revealed it was estimated one emergency service worker took their own life every six weeks.

The figure, based on coronial cases, has support organisations concerned that the figure could actually be higher.

In response, Beyond Blue is preparing to undertake a national mental health study on first responders to investigate the prevalence of mental health conditions, suicide and stigma in Australia.

The findings of the study will be released at the end of 2017.

Beyond Blue’s spotlight on mental health issues facing emergency service workers is also set to intensify next month, as the first national conference on the mental health of Australian first responders is held in Sydney.

A personal response

While organisations such as Blue Hope and Beyond Blue are raising awareness, so too are individuals.


If I can stress anything out there to the people, to anyone with post-traumatic stress, or even if they are feeling a little bit off — talk to people, communicate.

Graham Forlonge


Singer songwriter Brendan Smoother, from Lismore in NSW, was horrified by the number of paramedics taking their own lives.

This prompted him to write and release an EP entitled Paramedic Suicide.

Mr Smoother, a paramedic himself for 21 years, won an award at this year’s Tamworth Country Music Festival for the EP.

Mr Smoother said he had been inspired to write the songs when he read about the alarming statistics of paramedics committing suicide, and realised he himself had known a number of paramedics who had taken their own lives.

“Personally I’ve never really had an issue with post-traumatic stress disorder, but I have certainly seen it in other people, ” he said.

The importance of seeking help

Former police officer, surf lifesaver and search and rescue diver Graham Forlonge, from Baffle Creek in Queensland, is one of many emergency services personnel whose life has been negatively impacted by PTSD.

Mr Forlonge said he struggled to get the right help for years, due to the number and type of traumatic incidents he had experienced.

“The best thing I could say to the people out there suffering from post-traumatic stress, and there are thousands of thempolice, ambulance, fire brigade, rescue squad, military — is if you’re having issues, keep looking. There are people out there who do understand PTSD,” Mr Forlonge said.

He said talking to people and telling his stories had helped him, and he urged others to do the same.

“You’ve got to find someone to talk to,” he said.

If I can stress anything out there to the people, to anyone with post-traumatic stress, or even if they are feeling a little bit off — talk to people, communicate,” he said.



SHEEHAN, Russell David
28.02.1962 – 23.12.2015
Beloved husband of Katharyn. The protector, mentor and adored father to Amy, Kaitlyn, Lara and Eden. Cherished eldest Son of Brian and Pamela Sheehan. Admired and selfless brother to Anthony, Angela, Gabrielle and Chris. Adored grandfather and uncle.
Never forgotten as he is forever in the hearts of those who loved him and met him.
Published in Gold Coast Bulletin on 31/12/2015




SHEEHAN, Detective Senior Constable Russell David
Of the Sunshine Coast Criminal Investigation Branch and formerly stationed at Bundaberg, Maroochydore, Theodore and Childers.
A well respected Police Officer and Friend to many.
Dearly loved Husband of Katharyn.
Much loved Father of Amy, Kaitlyn, Lara, Eden and their Families.
Family, Friends and Colleagues are invited to attend a Funeral Service for Russell, which will commence at 1.00 p. m. , Thursday, 31st December, 2015, at Gregson and Weight Chapel, 5 Gregson Place, Caloundra.
Private Cortege.
In lieu of flowers, donations to Queensland Police Legacy and/or Blue Hope Services Ltd would be appreciated.
Published in The Courier-Mail on 29/12/2015






Vale Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan.

Russell was the much loved soul mate and husband to his wife Katharyn. The protector, mentor and adored father to Amy, Kaitlyn, Lara and Eden. Cherished eldest son of Brian and Pamela Sheehan. Admired and selfless brother to Anthony, Angela, Gabrielle and Chris.

He was also a much loved son in law to Kevin & Doreen Brewer and brother in law to Pete, Sue and Amanda and uncle to their children. So devastated and heartbroken

Russell was also an exceptional detective with three decades of service. Our thoughts are with the Sunshine Coast police community, especially his colleagues at the Criminal Investigation Branch.

The broader policing community also mourn the death of an exceptional man who will be missed by all who knew him.

Rest easy Detective, your work here is done.

Please Note: You can help Russell’s family celebrate his life.

The Sheehan family would love to hear any stories QPS members might have of Russell. You can share your memories or messages by emailing the family at: sheehan_memorybox@outlook.com

Funeral details will be posted in due course.


Deb Bryant I’m so very saddened to hear of the tragic death of your precious husband, father, son, brother, friend, colleague. I hope in the days & months ahead that you gain comfort from the loving words and precious stories that you will receive about him & how his life & work touched so many. May these new memories sustain you as you learn to live with his loss.

Craig BellchambersAgreed, and hope your doing ok One step at a time Deb.

Kimberley Galvin Heartbreaking.We send our love from one lost family to another.xx

Troy Cavell One of the nicest sincere people, police or civilian, that you would meet. There are very few of Russ’s quality left in the QPS and he will be surely missed by many colleagues. Such a loss.

Kathy Kucks I would second those comments. A shock to see this on FB this morning.

Stevie Jay James The Final Inspection

The policeman stood and faced his God,See More

Joey Angel Crying tears of pain for officers carrying their pain from jobs gone by .

Angela Farley This is a beautiful poem. Thank you

Michele Peverill It is an awsome poem beautiful words thoughts with you all at this time

Leonie Brewer Russ was the epidemy of how a policeman conducts himself, he treated people with respect and in turn was respected, he was incredibly kind, selfless, and loved and adored his family.
He was also a much loved son in law to Kevin & Doreen Brewer and brother in law to Pete, Sue and Amanda and uncle to their children. So devastated and heartbroken
Darryl Rule My sincere deepest condolences to the Sheehan family and friends for your loss of Russell and to all members of the thin blue line.
I lost my best friend 5 months ago to suicide who was a Detective Sergeant in the WA Police.
It is without a doubt the hSee More

Joey Angel Darryl i pray your best mate found peace ox im truly sorry for your loss . Here if you need a chat.

Christine Troy RIP Russ. You will be truely missed mate. Top bloke, a true gentleman, never too busy to stop and say hello. My heart breaks for your family. Deepest condolences to you all.

Julie Buckley Thoughts and prayers go out to the Sheehan family through this time. Russ touched so many people in so many ways in his role as a father and police officer. A true gentleman who will be sadly missed. RIP Russ

Kath Frahm Such a loss. My love and condolences to Kath and the family. I knew both Russell and Kathy from school and they were both amazing people. Life on the force seems to take such a toll. Such a loss. RIP Russell. Thank you for your service. ?

Em Jay We’ve lost the most genuine, beautiful person. I still can’t believe you’re not here with us. Rest in peace Russ.

Pennie Martin Strength to you and your colleagues Em. Thinking of you xx

Carl Christensen RIP brother, a beautiful man who now sits on the right hand of God watching over his family and friends.

Karina Richards Uncle Russ – what a legend! You always made me feel soo welcome & loved when I could make it up for a visit. Little words like Chum or kiddo I will always remember as words from you. I loved listening to that distinctive loud belly laugh too!! Soo many fond memories. Thoughts and prayers at this sad time. RIP Xx

Tammie Walter I am so sorry to see this tonight, my love, prayers and condolences to you Kath and to all the family. Yes Russell is a true gentleman, may the many memories and years you have shared together sustain you and give you strength as you journey through this sad time, RIP Russell. Tammy (McKenzie)

Neale Stephens Squad 108 (Retreads) salute you mate. You were the Queenslander glue that held the rest of us together for those three months at Oxley. You’ll never be forgotten…

Krystal Ralph Our deepest condolences to the beautiful Sheehan family. Have lots of fond memories from when they lived in Childers and our pony club days. Russell is a lovely man who will be missed by so many. Love and hugs to the family from Josh and Krystal Ralph xox

Amanda Finlay RIP Russell. Nearly 14 years ago I met you as a first year on rotation. The conversation centred mainly around the love you had of all your girls..wife and daughters. Such a sweet sincere knowledgable helpful gentleman in the coming years on every occaSee More

Melissa Craig Our sincere and deepest sympathy to Kathy, Amy, Kaitlin, Lara & Eden at this very difficult time. You are all in our thoughts. Russell was one of a kind, such a great bloke. Our thoughts are also with his other family, the Queensland Police Service. He will never be forgotten.

Kevin Ongheen My sincerest condolences to Kathy and kids; Russell was without doubt the most decent and sincere of police officers whom I’ve had the pleasure to work with. I will always remember him from Theodore as an absolute gentleman.

Daniel Gaskin RIP Russ. You were a family friend, great loving dad to the 4 girls and a great genuine bloke people like you and the positive impacts you had on others lifes will never be forgotten.

Dan Collins No words can express the sadness and loss for a true gentleman. It was an honor to know you Russ. Rest in peace mate.

Megan Clark Rest easy Russ, not only my colleague but my family in blue. Words cannot express the loss we all feel. You were an amazing man, always smiling and willing to stop for a chat in the hallway. Sadly missed but never forgotten mate. RIP

Janelle Anderson Rest easy mate. You may be gone from our site…but you will never be gone from our hearts. You have touched more lives than you will ever know I am sure and you will be missed by many. And to Kath and her lovely family our hearts and thoughts are with you all.

Tanya Luise Absolutely one of the nicest guys always had time for every member of the QPS…whether generals or plain clothes did not matter….and he always smiled will be sadly missed

Garrick Stupples Really hard to believe, What a good looking young fellow & an exceptional man in so many ways. Goodbye mate, Rest in peace

PM Carlo We love you Russ. Your kind heart, peaceful manner and ability to treat people with respect with a voice of ease and reason. A true gentleman from childhood and man who loved his family beyond this earth…..Rest easy xxx

Mel Campbell Rest now Russell. My love to his family and friends from a sister in blue

Stephen Pata Deepest sympathies to Russ’ family and Sunshine Coast CIB.

Siobhan Mitchell Very shocked to hear this. RIP Russell. Deepest sympathy and all our prayers go out to the whole family.

Law Zee RIP Russ…. A genuine gentleman and outstanding officer. Gone, but will never be forgotten!

Suzanne Warner Deepest condolences to all who knew and loved Russell.

Milinda Marshall
RIP Detective Sheehan. Thank you for your service to our country. Thoughts go to your friends, family and colleagues. Thankyou

Kirrily Henders My thoughts go to Kathy and her family, big hugs xxx

Ian Hargrave This is so sad. I knew Russell when he worked at Childers. Such a nice guy. My sympathy to his wife and family. RIP Russell.

Sue Uebergang I knew Russell from school, one of the loveliest guys out there. So very sad xx

Janelle Andrews Rest in Peace – you served well and your shift is over. Thoughts to all Russell’s family, friends, colleagues, community…such a loss…

Evets Kram Strength and compassion to both his family and workmates.

Sheree Mitchell The saddest news imaginable, I can’t believe it. Just the loveliest family man. My thoughts are with you Kath, Amy, Kaitlin, Lara & Eden. I cannot imagine the pain you are all in, words can’t express how sorry I am for your loss. Sending all my strength to you at this time. Russ, I pray you have found peace. Xx

Helen Welfare Love and Prayers to his family friends and colleagues ?

Martin Lambert Our sincerest condolences and heartfelt thoughts to the Sheehan family, friends, and colleagues. RIP Russell

Jock Gardner Much love to Russell Family we have fond memories from the Childers days .Stay strong we are all thinking of you xx

Craig Bellchambers RIP brother in blue. You have done the hard yards and can now rest easy. Thoughts and condolences to family in this difficult time.

Rusty JH Rest in peace brother. A true gentleman who will be sorely missed.

Mark Stephen Phteven RIP… Words can not express the loss. Our Thoughts and condolences to ur wonderful family and ur
brothers and sisters in blue.

Jen Louise Rest in Peace Russell. You were one of the world’s true gentlemen. What a sad loss.

Beth Joy Our thoughts go out to Kath and the Sheehan family.

Shaz LG Thoughts are with the family and also the QPS family.

Michelle Fowler One of the kindest, respectful police officer I have had the pleasure of working with. RIP Rus. My love and condolences to your family and QPS family

Annie Rose Vale Russell. So much love being sent to your family right now.

Ian Wells Still cant believe it Rusty. You were one of life’s true gentleman. At phase you always laughed at my jokes no matter how pathetic they were. Vale.

Elaine Paterson Our thoughts and prayers to Kath and the girls.

Micheal Jeffs RIP Russell our deepest condolences to the Sheehan Families .

Dean Anderson Our sincere and heartfelt thoughts go out to the Sheehan families, and friends, and colleagues. Such devastating news. RIP Russell x

Glenda Brassington Our condolences to Kath & family. Our thoughts are with you. The Brassington from Childers

Iris May Vanden Berg So very sad.
Sincere condolences to all who knew and loved him. He will be sorely missed..RIP

Brooke Stirton RIP Russ; I will miss walking into the office, seeing your smile and hearing you say “hey kiddo”

Leonie Brewer Russ will always be remembered for calling people kiddo!!

Peter Hill So sorry to hear this sad news. Russell was a lovely man and freind

Brett Carter My thoughts and prayers are with Russell’s family and friends.

Sue Uebergang It’s devastating hey? Brett Carter

Leah Johnston Thoughts are with all your families may he rest in peace

Julie-Anne Pashley Russell’s family are in my thoughts and prayers. RIP Russell.

Kylie Thorpe Thoughts and prayers to his family, friends and colleagues. Very sad.

Dean James RIP Thoughts with all his family and friends.

Diane Whatley Krause Rest in Peace, thoughts and prayers with your family

Debbie Wharton Our thoughts and prayers go to this exceptional officers family, friends and colleagues .

Jim OBrien Words escape me but prayers won’t. May the Lord keep you, bless you and hold you in the palm of His hand.

Dianne Hart RIP blue brother. Prayers to your family.

Joseph Maloney Shocked, and feeling fortunate to have had the pleasure of catching up with this exceptional man again recently.

CJ Mac One of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet. Rest easy Russ.

Julianne Fitzsimon Very sad to hear this news. Thank you for everything you have done for the public. I wish we could have done more for you.

Jody Tovey Rest easy blue brother. From your brothers and sisters in the west.

Bernadette McLoughlin Very sad news. Thoughts and prayers with Russell’s family. RIP Russell

Bill Lovini RIP officer thank you for your services and endeavor

Karen Tovey Rest in peace friend, your work on earth is done.

Robbi Turk RIP Officer Russell.. I am just a member of our Qld Community saden by an officer passing. Thank you.

Diana French Sleep peacefully our cherished friend xo

Sean McCarron RIP… You done your duty now let your Angels look after you.. smile emoticon

Geoff Stokes RIP shared in the usa today stay safe all vest up

Melissa Messenger How very sad. My thoughts are with his family.

Sarah Mavis Oh wow that poem is neat. My heart breaks cry emoticon Rest in the safety of the lord. Xo

Reyna Michelle Pacini So very sad condolences to his family RIP

Kris Zwart Thinking of you Kath & family.
(Kristine Slatter)

Sue Cannon Deepest sympathy for a wonderful family.

Danny Hughes So so sorry to see this, he was just a really nice bloke RIP

Eloise Jane A beautiful man. Kind to everyone regardless of age, gender, rank, uniform/plain clothes. If only we had realised the extent of his struggle.

Joey Angel I just pray he found peace & that his family find comfort in those cherished memories ox

William Drabditz Doesn’t matter where you are in this world,we are all blue,we grieve wherever you are

Bec Bailey Thoughts and prayers to the Officers family, friends and work colleagues. May his spirit fly free and peace be with him ?

Yvonne Horne RIP Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan

Russell Garrard The officers I wish they introduced me to while I was on the coast…

Elizabeth Jenarah Anne , words just don’t cut at times like this. Thank you fir your service to humanity and your love for your beautiful family .

Robert Murphy Totally agree with previous comments. Just a good guy who never had a bad word about any person. Russell you will be missed. RIP mate.

Lee Crowl He will be missed…

Marvin Smith RIP Russ gone to soon mate ..

Kerri Butler R.I.P. Russell. Thoughts are with the family.

Corey Allen Rest in peace Russell

Peta Yarbie RIP Detective. Hope you have found peace.

Michelle Mason Rest in peace my brother

Karen Levine Rest in Peace Russ .

Garry Law He was part of a noble profession. R.I.P.

Barbara Buckman So sad to read this.

Rebecca McDonald RIP. Terrible end to Christmas.

Antonio Lobo R.I.P brother in blue.

Gio Tantalo RIP God bless mate

Ken Bridges RIP fellow brother

Tricia Goody Lean Vale Russell

Scott Coggy RIP Brother

Dan Thomas Blandford God speed brother

Mary-Anne Ridgway RIP blue brother

Maryanne PJ PA Respect

Jay Dee Vale.

David McArthur RIP Russ.

Julie Jules RIP Russell

Leigh Finzel So very sad.

Jamie Maynard RIP mate.

Shane Gee RIP brother

Marty Kruger RIP Russell

Marc Spengler R.I.P. Russel.

Tracey Thomson Rest peacefully Russell…

Con Cout RIP Russell …

Krusty Evans May you find comfort from friends and family surrounding you. I am terribly sorry for the loss of this man. We are working hard to recognize officers’ deaths and the circumstances they may find themselves in through www.Code9Project.org
In faith and service, your family is in our prayers from Canada.
Kirsti Haaka

Jenny Ralph Our condolences to The Beautiful Sheehan Family. The Ralphs from Childers

Millie Dower RIP Blue brother…God speed and God bless to your family & friends. xo

Rachael Wright Holly Perry I think this is what your mum might have been looking for.

HashTag Chipper RIP Blue Brother

Alison Jackson Tragic!!!



Hunt for man ends at hotel

A TWO-week police hunt for a 30-year-old man ended when he was found enjoying a beer in Maroochydore.

The Maroochydore man has been charged with 37 offences, including 10 counts of stealing, six counts of break and enter and three counts of resisting arrest.

Police found him drinking a beer at a hotel yesterday.

Police allege the man committed offences which date back to November.

The 30-year-old man has also been charged with fraud, evading police and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle.

Police say the alleged offender stole a black Nissan utility and drove it around various locations on the Sunshine Coast where he committed offences.

Sunshine Coast property crime squad Detective Senior Constable Russell Sheehan said the arrest ended a two-week police hunt.

Snr Const Sheehan urged residents to contact police if they witness any suspicious activity.

The accused man was held in custody.

He will appear in Maroochydore Magistrates Court today.




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