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Richard Laurence MARTIN

Richard Laurence MARTIN

AKA Dick, Dicki

Late of Sylvania, NSW

NSW Goulburn Police Academy Class #  242

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  26743

Rank:  Police Training – commenced 30 July 1989

Probationary Constable – appointed 18 January 1991

Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?

Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed ? ? ?

Final RankSergeant?

Stations?,  Kogarah GDs ( 1988 ), Mounted Police Unit – State Planning Unit ( 1992 – onwards – still Serving )

Service:  From ? ? December 1988  to 10 October 2019 =  30+ years Service

Awards: No Find on Australian Honours

Born: Monday  11 October 1965

Died on Thursday  10 October 2019 about 3.40pm

Age:  53 yrs  11mths  29 days. ( 1 day short of his 54th birthday )

Cause:  Cancer – Stomach & Liver

Event location:  Home with family

Event date:  Thursday  10 October 2019

Funeral date:  Thursday  17 October 2019 @ 10.30am

Funeral location: Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, 389 Port Hacking Rd, Caringbah, NSW

Wake location: TBA

Funeral Parlour: Olsens Family Funerals,  02 9545 3477

Buried at: TBA

Memorial located at: A pub at Bathurst, where Dick enjoyed a drink during the Bathurst Races each year, had a section of the Hotel renamed the ” Dick Martin Beer Garden ” in honour of Dicki.

Richard MARTIN


  DICK is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO

DICK IS NOT mentioned on the Sydney Police Centre Memorial Wall, Surry Hills – But should be ( by 2020 )

Funeral location: TBA



May they forever Rest In Peace


MARTIN Richard Laurence

Passed away peacefully at home with his loving family by his side October 10, 2019.

Late of Sylvania.

Beloved husband of Trish.

Adored father of Ben and Daniel.

He will be sadly missed by all his family and friends.

Aged 53 Years

Dearly Loved By All Who Knew Him

Requiem Mass for the repose of RICHARD’S soul will be celebrated at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, 389 Port Hacking Road, Caringbah on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 10:30am


Published in St George & Sutherland on Oct. 16, 2019



8 October 2019

A ‘family‘ member of the Kogarah days was extremely ill and did not make the rest of the week.

Richard ‘Dicki’ Martin. Approximately 4 weeks ago, was not feeling well and was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach cancer and liver cancer. Dick is at home in palliative care.

You may all remember he went to the mounted unit, and is still attached to the State Planning Unit.


Gregor Dumbrell:  Oh wow that is terrible. So sad to hear. Great guy. Haven’t seen him for a few years. Fellow 242 member. Thanks for sharing xx
David Draper:  Gregor Dumbrell – good bloke. Another of our class
Mick Holmes: Really sad news, always a real character, liked by everyone, would like to get in contact, can anyone please PM me with a contact No.
Tracey Kearns:  What terrible news for him and his family. Thinking of him x
Ian Logue:   Sad, sad news, Richard was a real nice bloke to work the truck and the station with. Please keep us informed.
Greta Rae: That is very sad news, sending him all our love. X
Robert Gillespie: Dicky is a champion and doesn’t deserve this. Very sad news.
Kevin Stewardsen:  Sorry to hear the news. Always a laugh with dick on the shift.
Margo Starr-Sizzle:  Such sad news , one of the greats , thoughts to him and his family at this hard time
Mick Lee:   Bloody Hell ????
Champion bloke to work with.????
Lee Howell:  Saw him just over a week ago walking very slowly through the SPC. A bit bent, a bit slower but same cheek and laughter about a few things. Facing it unbelievably strong with a lot of the ‘it is what it is’ attitude and a laugh. Great guy and I like many just hope he is as comfortable as is possible. Tough on his mum as well, lost Dicky’s older brother when we were all teenagers. Not supposed to happen this way.
Garry Law:   So sorry to hear that news. A great bloke and he was often my Reserve Constable. He had me enthralled one Night Shift telling me about his time working at Spendthrift Stud Farm in Kentucky and all the famous American racehorses he saw. We had some great young Police in those days and he was one of them.
Steve Papworth:   That’s terrible news Dicky is one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet.
Brett Farragher:  I am shocked and saddened by the news that Dickie is sick. I always wondered what happened to him. I always thought I would catch up to him again one day and talk about the old days. He was always such a good guy to be around and he made me laugh. I have some great memories of our time at Kogarah. Shitty, shitty news.
Ford Scarelane:   Shit I only saw him the other week … a true gentleman… always had time for a chat …. that sucks big time …. fuck cancer!!!!
David Longfield #Toby Lindsay
Toby Lindsay David Longfield that’s crap mate
Rebecca Carven:  So sorry to hear this devastating news …. will pray for him and his family. Thank you for sharing xx
Da Vid Mudds:   Such sad news, top bloke, loved working with Dicky in those Kogarah days, thoughts with him and his family.
Carl Reburg: Terrible news. Please pass on my thoughts if speaking with him. Groobs.
Gra Naps:  That is terrible news. Thanks for passing this on. I have some great memories of working with him at Kogarah.
John Green: Sad to hear – such a short time from diagnosis to palliative…! I remember Dick well from Kogarah days and then the Mounties when I was in City East and OSG. Thanks for sharing the information.
Lee Greenstein:  Sorry to hear this need I know the name can’t put s face to him any one got any pics of him
Gregory Moose McMahon: Thanks for the information. I contacted Craig MELVILLE. He is aware. He has spoken to Trish. But does not want to bother here too much. If you get any more news please let everyone now. Ta.
Sandra Parriott Thanks for the update.
John Elfes: Terrible news, please keep us posted.
David Draper Very sad news. Good bloke.



Sadly Dicki passed away during the evening of Thursday 10 October 2019.

Now at peace and out of pain.

May Trish, family and friends accept our condolences.



Dicki also played in the Cronulla / St George Police Football Team in years gone by.

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  1. A fun student to teach at high school. My love and thoughts go to Trish and family xxx

  2. Very sad news, a great bloke and will be sadly missed. We had many laughs at Kogarah with the crew of that time. I was looking for him on Facebook last week, so this news has come as a shock. RIP old mate.

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