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Richard Anthony LAMB

 Richard Anthony LAMB – BM

aka  Dick

( late of Harrington Park, NSW )

New South Wales Police Force

Honorary Life Member of the NSW VRA ( Volunteer Rescue Association )

[alert_yellow]Regd. #  13222[/alert_yellow]

Redfern Police Academy Class 115

Rank:  Probationary Constable –  24 June 1968

Constable – appointed 24 June 1969

Senior Constable – 24 June 1977

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 1983

Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 25 February 1984 – Seniority date = 26 January 1984

Inspector – 1992

Superintendent – 1996

Superintendent – retired 2 July 2003


1968 – 1970 Regent Street then Glebe.

1970 – 1983 Police Rescue Squad.

1983 – 1985 Liverpool.

1985 – 1988 Police Rescue Squad.

1988 – 1990 Police Air Wing.

1990 State Emergency Management.

Sydney Olympics 2000.  Olympic Security Command Sydney Airports Corporation during the Olympics as a Policy and Security Advisor.

2002 – 2003 State Protection Group – retirement

Service Medals :

1977 – Queens Silver Jubilee Medal awarded under the Imperial Honours System for services to the community of NSW.

1978 – Granville Train Disaster Medal in recognition of outstanding service at Granville.

1984 – National Medal.

1994 – First Clasp to the National Medal.

2003 – National Police Service Medal.

2003 – 2nd clasp to the National Medal

Service from  pre 24 June 1968  to  2 July 2003 = 35 years Service



Thiess Toyota Award for Courageous Conduct rescuing a man from the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 

The Thiess Toyota Award was awarded annually for the most courageous rescue of the year undertaken by NSW Police Rescue Operators. This award was later opened up to Officers of the Water Police, the Police Air Wing and Dog Squad


2nd Thiess Toyota Award for Courageous conduct in effecting a rescue


Recognised for his dedication and teamwork in Rescue Operations in Darwin following Cyclone Tracey.


Recognised for his efforts at Granville by being Commended for Courage and devotion to duty by the Commissioner of Police


Senior Constable Dick LAMB, Arthur ACKROYD and Bruce GANE rescued a mentally ill man from the top arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  Arising from this Rescue, Senior Constable LAMB and ACKROYD were awarded a “Bravery Medal” and Senior Constable GANE was awarded the “Commendation for Brave Conduct”.

Senior Constable LAMB’s citation reads:

Be it known that, with the approval of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia, I have awarded the Bravery Medal to Richard Anthony Lamb in recognition of an act of bravery in hazardous circumstances”



“On 28 March, 1979 at around 3pm a man was seen on the upper girders of Sydney harbour Bridge about 80 metres above the roadway.  He appeared to be preparing to jump.  In company with 2 other police officers Senior Constable Lamb climbed up towards him.  Winds at the time were blowing at approximately 70 km/h.  After getting close and when the man was preparing to jump Senior Constable LAMB and one of the other officers seized the man and after a brief struggle he was carried to safety

Senior Constable LAMB displayed considerable bravery in effecting a rescue in such hazardous conditions.” 

Sir Zelman COWAN.

Governor General, Commonwealth of Australia.”


Senior Constable LAMB was awarded his Bravery Medal, received a Commissioner of Police Commendation for Courage and was again awarded the Thiess Toyota Award for Courageous conduct in effecting a Rescue.  All of these were from the rescue on the Harbour Bridge in March 1979.


Senior Constable Dick LAMB BM was again awarded the Thiess Toyota Award for a Courageous conduct and in August, 1981 awarded a Commissioners Commendation for Bravery and devotion to Duty for the rescue in company with Constable First Class JOHN LOWE at the Glen Lea Coal Washery at Narellan of Ross CHIDDY was trapped by the blade of a 60 tonne bulldozer when it fell backwards into a crater that formed when a stock pile of crushed coal collapsed.


Born:  7 October 1946

Died on:  Monday  18 January 2016 during the afternoon – ON the 39th anniversary of the Granville Train Disaster of 1977

Cause:  Bowel Cancer

Age:  69

Funeral date:  Thursday  28 January 2016 @ 1pm

Funeral location:  Gledswood Homestead,

900 Camden Valley Way,

Gledswood Hills ( CATHERINE FIELD ) x of Catherine Field Rd.

Buried at:  Cremated, ashes taken

 Memorial at:  Awaiting notification from family

Richard Anthony LAMB

Richard Anthony LAMB NSWPF Police Rescue Squad

[alert_yellow]DICK is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]





39 years ago today I was with my family on our way to Brooklyn to see my nanna and pop.

We drove up to a bridge in Granville which we normally drive over. Moments before the bridge had collapsed on a busy commuter train.

My dad, Dick Lamb was the first off duty Policeman on the scene, he made the call to triple o to alert our emergency services of this disaster. My mum left him on the scene, returned home to get him his rescue squad overalls where he worked day and night along side his colleagues of the Police Rescue Squad and other emergency services to save the lives so many.

That day, 83 people died and over 200 people injured.

We are so proud of you dad, we love you xx

Jennifer Smith


One of the first people to rush to the scene of the 1977 Granville train disaster has died, one day after the anniversary of the crash.

Off-duty police officer Dick Lamb was one of several volunteers who tried to help those injured when the Mt Victoria to Sydney express train derailed on January 18.

The derailment brought down the Bold St bridge onto the carriages, leaving 83 people dead and more than 200 injured.

Mr Lamb, believed to be aged in his 70s, died from cancer on Tuesday, Granville Memorial Trust president John Hennessey said.

“He was one of the unsung heroes of the disaster,” Mr Hennessey told AAP.

“He was a very brave, humble man and provided great support to all the victims over the last 39 years,” he said.

“We are all in mourning and were saddened to hear of his death”.

Survivors, emergency crews and those who lost loved ones gathered for a ceremony on Monday to commemorate the 39th anniversary of the disaster.

Mr Lamb, who had been battling cancer for the last few months, was unable to attend the memorial.




Email Received on 28 January 2016:

Dear Cal,
Am just home from the funeral and feel totally emotionally drained.
About 200 people turned out, some were family, some friend’s but mostly were former colleagues comprising of Police Rescue, Volunteer Police Rescue and other parts of the police brotherhood.
As Richard’s coffin was carried from the venue, all of these people formed a guard of honour.
Then a Police helicopter did a fly over. As the hearse drove out the Police Rescue Squad truck followed it closely.
I am overwhelmed at the love that was in that room for my cousin. I was not aware of just how courageous Richard was and felt proud to be there.
As promised, I have the program from the funeral and will get my husband to scan it and send it on.
I have also asked for copies of the photo’s that were taken and will forward these when I get them.
Thank you for your interest in Richard.
I remain







12 1980:Senior Constable from the Police Rescue Squad, Marrickville. Bruce Gane, Arthur Achroyd & Dick Lamb.





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One Comment

  1. Never knew Richard but I wish I had. A courageous man who, I have no doubt, rests in heaven. God Bless.

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