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New South Wales Police Force


Regd. # ?

Stationed:  Darlinghurst District ( No. 3 Division )

Suicide – firearm

Died:  24 December 1906

27 old

Funeral:  ?

Buried: ?





Peter Hynes, a young constable attached to the Darlinghurst district, has committed suicide. He said goodby to his landlady, and added ” You are the best friend I ever had. ” She asked him where he was going. Hynes replied, ” To eternity, ” and walked off. In a few minutes those in the house were startled by revolver shots, and Hynes was found in the yard with a bullet wound in his head. He died in a few hours.

The Register ( Adelaide )  Tuesday  25 December 1906  page 7 of 12



At the time of his death the constable was stationed at Darlinghurst.





Constable Peter Hynes, connected with the Darlinghurst Station, was found in the back yard of his residence, Bourke-street, at an early hour this morning with a bullet wound in his head. He was taken to St. Vincent’s Hospital and admitted in a very serious condition. Peters, it was stated, had been out all the evening and returned home about   midnight. It was shortly afterwards that he was found in the yard. For the past few days he had been unwell, and was away from duty, but having recovered, he was to have ” reported on ” this morning.

The Sydney Morning Herald                             Monday  24 December 1906                          page 6 of 10





A magisterial inquiry was held this afternoon into the circumstances connected with the death of Peter Hynes, a constable lately attached to No. 3 Station, which took place at St. Vincent’s Hospital on Monday last from bullet wounds in the head, self inflicted, in the yard of his lodgings, Bourke-street, Darlinghurst, a few hours before.

John Healy, a barman, stated that he had occupied the same room as Hynes. About 11.45 on Sunday night last Hynes came home, and, going over to witness, who was in bed, said, ‘Goodbye, Jack ; you are the best friend I ever had, ” and kissed him on the forehead.   Hynes then left the room, and went through the dining-room into the yard. He called out, ” Good-bye, missus, ” and almost immediately, two shots were heard. Healy rushed out to the back and saw Hynes lying in the yard with blood issuing from a wound in the head, and unconscious, a police revolver being a few feet away. Hynes was of a jovial disposition, and although his conduct was peculiar, witness could not believe that he intended taking his life. Healy did not know what caused him to commit the act.

Bridget Coughlan, the keeper of the house in which Hynes resided, stated that he had confided to her that he had an idea he would be mixed up in a divorce case. This preyed upon his mind, and he took too much drink. When he returned home on Sunday nighty she gave him a message that he would have to report himself for duty at once. He had been drinking. He was upset at receiving the message, and when asked if he had any trouble, or been dismissed, replied, ” It is all right, I am going to eternity. ” He then went upstairs, and afterwards witness heard him call out, ” Good bye, missus, ” the words being quickly followed by two revolver shots.

A finding of suicide was recorded.

Evening News ( Sydney )                                        Friday  28 December 1906                               page 5 of 8




The inquest was held by the City Coroner concerning the death of Peter Hynes, 27, a constable of police. Hynes was found in the yard of his residence, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, early on Monday morning, with a bullet wound in the head, and died in St. Vincent’s Hospital the same day.

The evidence of John Healy showed that Hynes was in good health, and attended St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday morning, last. That night he went into Healy’s room, and said, ” Good-bye, Jack, you’re the best friend I ever had, ” and just afterwards made some reverential sign to a crucifix on the wall. Hynes went out, and 30 seconds later he called out, ” Good-bye, missus. ” Then two revolver shots were heard, and on going out witness found Hyne’s lying in the yard with the revolver near by.

Bridget Coghlan said that Hynes had been a boarder at her place for three years. He had told her he was afraid of being, mixed up in a divorce matter. On the night of his death a message came from No. 3 station for Hynes to report himself there, as he had been on sick leave, and was supposed to go back to duty that night. Witness delivered this message to Hynes, who exclaimed, ” It’s all right, I’m going to eternity. ”

A finding of suicide was recorded.

Sunday Times ( Sydney )                                              Sunday  30 December 1906                            page 12 of 20




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