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AKA  ?

Late of  ?

New South Wales Police Force – Non Sworn Member

Regd. #  2004237

RankGeneral Assistant Support Officer ( GASO ) – Clerk Grade 1/2


StationsInner West Police Area Command – Newtown Police Stn ( 11 years )

Service:  From 4 August 2008  to 29 September 201911+ years Service

Awards: No Find on Australian Honours

Born: Tuesday 27 May 1947

Died on Sunday  29 September 2019 ( Police Remembrance Day )

Age: 72 yrs  4 mths  2 days

Cause:  Cancer – Bowel

Event location: ?

Event dateSunday  29 September 2019

Funeral date: TBA

Funeral location: TBA

Wake location: TBA

Funeral Parlour: ?

Buried at: ?

Memorial located at: ?


Senior Constable Anthony New and Pam Sutton at Newtown Police Station
Senior Constable Anthony New and Pam Sutton at Newtown Police Station.


Senior Constable Anthony New at Inner West PAC will ride across country to raise money for colleague Pam Sutton, who has battled cancer since 2014. Picture: Monique Harmer
Senior Constable Anthony New ( # 22417 ) at Inner West PAC will ride across country to raise money for colleague Pam Sutton, who has battled cancer since 2014. Picture: Monique Harmer


Senior Constable Anthony New with administrative officer Pam Sutton at Newtown Police Station. Picture: Monique Harmer
Senior Constable Anthony New with administrative officer Pam Sutton at Newtown Police Station. Picture: Monique Harmer


Senior Constable Anthony New at Newtown Police Station rides his bike cross country for his colleague battling cancer.
Senior Constable Anthony New at Newtown Police Station rides his bike cross country for his colleague battling cancer.

PAM is NOT mentioned on the Sydney Police Centre Memorial Wall, Surry Hills – but should be

Funeral location: TBA



May they forever Rest In Peace


Newtown police officer’s 34 day cycle challenge for colleague


When Senior Constable Anthony New offered to cycle from Perth to Sydney to raise money for his colleague Pam Sutton, she initially refused.

But after thinking about the uncertainty she faced with her latest cancer prognosis, she finally agreed.

Ms Sutton has provided administrative support to the officers at Newtown Police Station for 11 years. She has taken most of her sick leave and eaten up much of her super.

“It’ll help me catch up on medical bills … I don’t know what will happen (in the future). It’s a bit of a backup,” she said.

Senior Constable New will set off from South Mole Lighthouse in Fremantle and finish the 4000km journey at the Sydney Opera House 34 days later.

He hopes to raise at least $10,000 when he ‘pedals for pam’.

“It was just out of the blue. He said, ‘I will be riding from Perth to Sydney and I’d like to be able to support you and whatever is going to happen in the future’,” Ms Sutton said.

“It’s incredible that he would do that for someone else.”

“(At Newtown police station) we all get along really well … we’re good friends and we support each other,” she said.

Ms Sutton’s battle with cancer has been long and gruelling.

Since she was diagnosed with stage three bowel cancer in 2014, she has had part of her bowel, liver and lung removed, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and brachytherapy.

The cancer has now spread to her lymph nodes.

“The prognosis is not going to go away. It’s just going to be there. I have a win, I think I’ve beaten it, and then it says ‘hey you haven’t beaten me’ … it’s an ongoing battle between me and the disease and I’m going to win,” she said.

Ms Sutton has grandchildren and three kids in their 30s and 40s, which keep her going.

But work has also been a saving grace, so it’s pressing that she is receiving so much support from her colleagues.

“Coming to work helps. If I didn’t come to work, I think it would be very easy to give into the fatigue. (It’s good) coming to work and having people around me who are so positive. Just to say, ‘How you going?’ or “I’ll carry that for you’,” Ms Sutton said.

Senior Constable New started working at Newtown Police Station around the time Ms Sutton was first diagnosed with cancer.

“She’s just a really positive lady and wants to help out the officers. She’s worked in the station and helped out with counter inquires, she’s good with the public … she’s just a great lady,” Senior Constable New said.

“It makes the ride more important for me … I can ride for somebody and help a work colleague.”

Senior Constable New was a decathlete, a state champion in track and field, in the army reserves, but he said this solo bike ride across Australia is another beast.

“This is the hardest thing I will do but it’s nothing compared to what Pam will go through … if I suffer a little bit of pain out on the road.”

To donate, visit: https://pedalforpam.gofundraise.com.au/




Thin Blue Dot . Pedal for Pam

During the month of September, Senior Constable Anthony New will challenge himself to ride 4000km from Perth to Sydney, all while raising funds in support of his colleague Pam, who is living with cancer. Anthony will set off from South Mole Lighthouse, Fremantle (WA) and aims to finish 30 days later at the Sydney Opera House.

Where is Anthony right now?  Click here to go to Anthony’s live GPS tracker.


Route Dist.
27 days 2,732 183:26 14.9 6,440 6,410
1 Oct 126.1 8:00 15.8 430 678
30 Sep 0.096 7:43 0.0125 2.04
29 Sep 97.67 8:45 11.2 404 502
28 Sep 104 8:11 12.7 690 370
27 Sep 116.8 5:60 19.5 130 332
26 Sep 100.9 6:53 14.7 370 186
25 Sep 72.94 5:29 13.3 128 130
24 Sep 138.2 7:07 19.4 191 112
22 Sep 71.3 2:48 25.5 112 131
21 Sep 79.18 4:26 17.8 127 122
20 Sep 144 7:09 20.1 143 182
19 Sep 184.3 5:51 31.5 42.3 76.7
18 Sep 77.71 8:52 8.77 103 26.8
17 Sep 118 7:20 16.1 15.5 117
16 Sep 89.86 6:57 12.9 83.3 52.6
15 Sep 64.57 3:15 19.8 26.2 51.3
14 Sep 181.7 9:45 18.6 8.7 78.4
13 Sep 87.11 5:19 16.4 56.6 294
12 Sep 101.8 7:20 13.9 334 197
10 Sep 165.5 9:23 17.6 483 615
9 Sep 82.01 7:57 10.3 204 182
8 Sep 105.4 7:49 13.5 227 206
7 Sep 159.8 9:09 17.5 430 343
6 Sep 148.1 8:41 17.1 525 473
5 Sep 107.6 10:51 9.92 1,130 905
4 Sep 7.266 2:27 2.97 50.7 42.7


Keep in touch with Anthony throughout his journey via Facebook and Instagram @thinbluedot . 


Here is Pam’s story:

Pam Sutton is a much loved and valued member with the Inner West Police Area Command. Pam has worked for NSW Police for 11 years as a General Administrative Support Officer.

Pam was diagnosed with Stage 3 Bowel Cancer in January 2014.  She underwent surgery and began her first round of chemotherapy.

Since being diagnosed, Pam has continued to fight a courageous battle.  Pam has endured many rounds of chemotherapy over the years as the cancer was found to have spread to different parts of her body. After Doctors detected cancer in the liver, Pam underwent another operation to have part of her liver removed followed by more chemotherapy.

Further tests revealed the cancer had spread to one of Pam’s lungs resulting in another operation to remove the tumour from the lung.  Another gruelling round of chemotherapy followed. Further tests showed the cancer had spread to lymph node near the heart.  Pam underwent radiotherapy and a particularly intense round of chemotherapy.  The chemotherapy treatment could not continue as Pam’s immune system became too weak for further treatment.  As a result, the chemotherapy treatment was stopped to allow Pam’s immunity to improve. The treatment had fortunately shrunk the size of the tumour, however, when the treatment ceased the tumour grew back.

Recent tests have shown the cancer has spread to the bladder and another lymph node.  Pam has recently started another round of chemotherapy.

Pam has battled this illness for the past five and a half years, and to the amazement of her peers has taken minimal leave during treatment and recovery.  She has continued to show up to work despite everything she has endured and even in times of feeling very unwell and weak due to the chemotherapy treatment. Her dedication, strength and her positive attitude are a wonder to all that cross her path.

Pam’s medical expenses have been ongoing and as anyone could image a huge burden to her.  We’d like to ask anyone who would like to contribute to this worthy cause, to make a donation.


Our generous donors and their messages of support

Supporters Amount Message
Lyn McMillan $100.00
Vanessa Quinion $20.00
Michelle Jones $10.00 So sad to hear this. I’d still like to donate. Well done on your ride. Sorry I can’t give more.
Toni Keegan $50.00 Passing on our love to Katie, Chris & Matt and all of Pam’s family, friends and colleagues. Pam was like a second Mum to me growing up as I am a childhood friends of Katie’s. Pam was always there for us, such a strong woman. I am so sad but am in awe of her courage & determination. Lots of love from Toni, Ben, Andie & Nola
Sherriden Mackenzie $100.00 My daughter and i met Anthony on the Nullabor, Pam has her very own Angel pedalling for her.
Brett McDougall $100.00
Ilma McDougall $100.00
John Rylands $10.00
colin whitehouse $30.00 “While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it.” — Samuel Johnson
Anonymous $50.00
Tom Nicholls $20.00
Jason Donnelly $20.00
Nel Gebels $133.45 Sydney City PAC
Sean Howie $50.00 Respect to you, Anthony, and prayers for Pam and her family. May the Thin Blue Line wrap around you all with love and support. Sean, SAPOL Communications
Glen Leechburch Auwers $50.00 Inspirational and a true blue bloody legend. Way to go Newy. Stay safe mate.
Anne Scott $50.00 A remarkable challenge you have taken on. NZ has a beautiful Maori expression, Kia Kaha, which lifts spirits at many difficult times and I believe is perfect for this day. Annie and Vince
Stephen Knight $50.00
Allison Wright $50.00 I’m donating this in my son Callum’s name. He’s found the love of riding and doing charitable work/rides. And to mention his pop, my dad a former NSWPOL officer.
Margaret Stewart $20.00 Keep fighting Pam
Rose Grieve $20.00
Cindy Growcott $50.00 When I’m having a shit day, I’ll think of Pam and yourself…then pull my bloody head in! Inspirational.
Anonymous $10.09
BBM $50.00
OBB Accountants $250.00 Well done Anthony, you are an inspiration.-
cally milnes $50.00 As strong as Pam is, Anthony you are to. Cycle hard , cycle strong you can do it.
Anonymous $150.00
Sharyn Willis $4.90 Anthony, wishing you a safe journey from west to east and may the wind always be at your back. You are going awesome so far. To Pam I hope this fundraiser will give you some relief financially, and that you are feeling okay
Angela Ng $200.00 Pam and Anthony, a Salute from me. Both of you are amazing and inspiring. Keep fighting and keep pedalling!
Nicole & Sophey Lill $100.00 Sending you love, prayers and strength Pam.
Robert Simpson $50.00 You are doing something others can’t even imagine. This is for you Anthony as much as the money is for Pam. Bless you Pam
WAK Consulting Pty Ltd $50.00 I hope the Mucha Adventure girls weren’t too much of a shock to encounter on the road! I said I’d match Mucha Mich’s donation so here it is – Now pedal fast or they’ll catch you again! All the best – wish I was pedalling with you! WAK
Anonymous $50.00
Lynda Stuart $50.00 Hi Anthony! $50 donations from me and my Dad! Dad is a WW2 Veteran 94 and when I told him about you he wanted to give some money! 🙂 Regards Lynda Stuart & David OKell
Rajiv Tarafdar $50.00 Pam and Anthony, You are both wonderful people and have both set amazing examples for all of us to learn from. Good Luck to both of you. Wish you all the peace, happiness and good health.
Monica Miller $25.00
Colette Truscott $100.00 Best wishes to both of you and your families Amazing effect around ??
Sharyn Bolton $50.00
Naomi Mikic $35.00
Graham McDonald $100.00
Jodi & Karl Mikolic $20.00 Was great to meet you, keep up the great work
Jenine Pedley $50.00 Keep on keeping on.
Jennifer HUTCHINSON $10.00
Esteban Moops $20.00 Well done on the ride so far . What you are doing is bloody amazing.
Noela Mcguffie $50.00 Go Pam you can do it
Anonymous $20.00
Brandon Lim $100.00 All the best Pam and keep up the good work Anthony.
Glenda Sims $20.00
gary Merryweather $100.00 You are a great man for doing this ride for Pam
Leslea Smits $50.00 Keep fighting Pam we are all with you xx Anthony your are a true hero xx
Anonymous $30.00
Anonymous $35.00 Such an amazing effort!
Michael Bartley $50.00
Claire Cortellazzi $20.00
Anonymous $20.00
Angela Nicholson $50.00
Stephen Varhegyi $50.00 Good on you Cuz. It’s a wonderful cause and an incredible effort. Very proud of you.
Nikki O’malley $50.00 Stay positive. xxx
Zoe O’Rourke $10.00 Good on you! Great to see colleagues supporting each-other
Mel Phillips $50.00 What a huge mission to take on and for such a great cause! You can do it! From your favorite DSU-er 🙂
Kegan Pereira $50.00 All the best mate
Anonymous $50.00
Chris Herbert $25.00
Ana Shersby $20.00 Wonderful cause. Sincerely hope dear Pam continues to fight, she can pull through!
Janelle Di Giglio $30.00
Caitlin Dunton $20.00
Mandy Eagles $10.00
Dmytro Chornyi $10.00
Sam Bazzi $50.00 Well done on supporting such a great cause.
Debra Gray $50.00 Such a selfless commitment. Wonderful purpose
Louise Hughes $50.00 Lovely to see someone make sacrifices to help another in need.
Anonymous $100.00
Melissa Gole $50.00 Good on you Anthony!. I showed Donna from those left behind your thin blue dot and she’s following you now too :).
Anonymous $50.00 We met at Frasers Range the world would be a better place with more people like you.
Anonymous $25.00 Wishing you strength, good health and happiness Pam!
Sharon Sneddon $50.00 Inspiring and totally selfless! You got this Newy ????
Mike Shelley $30.00
Hine HunuHunu $50.00
Karen Bevan $100.00 Go well, you can do it
Pete Leong $50.00
Chris Christian $20.00 Good on ya mate, nice to meet you today in Coolgardie, all the best for the rest of your trip, from the Coolgardie cops?????
Damien Welsh $25.00 Super human effort. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous $25.00 You’re an inspiration to us all! X
Erica Cassidy $10.00 What an amazing thing to do. Watching the Thin Blue Dot map progress and thinking about you and hoping you stay safe.
Melissa Carlsson $30.00 Goodluck! Such an amazing thing to do for someone. The world needs more people like you!. Sending love to Pam – I know Im not giving much – I wish I could give more. I truely whole heartedly hope you get to see your granchildren grow up!. Xxx
Lou Driscoll $20.00 What an inspiration you are Anthony! All the best for the ride x
Aron Toundjel $50.00 You’ve always got a smile on your face Pam despite all you’re going through. We’re all here to support you in any way we can 🙂
Frank Quattrone $100.00 Keep going Sprocky, you can do it.
Anonymous $35.45
Anonymous $51.00 God bless you both.
Stephanie & Neale Breden $50.00 Pam Sutton – our best wishes with your health challenges ahead. . Anthony New, and Police Legacy , Thin Blue Dot & Richard McDonald – Thank you for all you’re doing to assist in raising monies for Pam Sutton.
Carolyn King $10.00
Graham Maranda $200.00
Diorne Lia $50.00 We are right behind you mate. I plan to ride the final leg with you into Sydney then buy you a beer ??
Anonymous $20.00
Chris Chow $50.00 Keep this legs going Sprocky
Sean Heagney $20.00 You’re a wonderful human! Glad to count you amongst my mates. Stay safe and enjoy the journey. Good onya for doing this for Pam!
Katherine Brennan $20.00 All the best Anthony, what an amazing thing you’re doing. Pam I wish you well, I’ve heard lovely things about you from my mum Anne who used to work with you.
Val Muir $56.15 best wishes Pam, good luck Bob
Anne Johnston $20.00 Amazing Anthony – wishing you well on the ride and stay away from those B-doubles. Pam, you are an inspiration and such an amazing person. You always helped in my ‘moments of need in CP’ and I feel I have now made a lovely friend. Miss you and wishing you well xx
Anonymous $25.00
Thomas Harvwy $50.00
Shaun Davies $20.00 Much respect Anthony, enjoy the journey
Damen Jones $100.00
Vaughan Wilkinson $200.00
Alex Liouthakis $50.00
Rochelle Blue $50.00 You are amazing!
Tony Kenny $100.00 Wishing you all the Best Pam. Good luck Anthony great work!
Jim Duignan $30.00
Vince Moschella $180.00
Lorraine Curtain $20.00 The power of team support and love …
Tim Archer $20.00 Hats off to you Senior Constance New! Having been an avid dot watcher following Rupert Guinness on the IndiPac, I look forward to following your progress. You are being extraordinary.
Tracy Doran $20.00 Best wishes – must be great to have such great colleagues
Anonymous $50.00
Nick Vernem $20.00
Sandy Kryzius $40.00 Amazing and inspirational Anthony, good luck and stay safe… i will look forward to following your journey.
Cheryl James $100.00 Safe riding!
Amanda Mcdonnell $5.00
Anonymous $10.00 ??
Anonymous $50.00
Anonymous $5.00
Warren Cunningham $250.00 I don’t know you guys but I read your story on FB and I’d like to help. Im sending Pam positive thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and the strength to fight on and win the battle – and Im sending best wishes to Anthony for a safe and successful cycle trip, what a beautiful thing your doing for your workmate ??
Alice C $5.00
David Hodgkinson $25.00 Good luck!!!
Marilyn Burton $100.00 It’s the least I can do. Good luck!
Vanessa Hadley $100.00 You are an inspiration! Keep fighting xx
Anonymous $25.00 Thank you for this great effort.
Anonymous $5.00
Mitch McGrath $50.00
Chris Sutton $100.00 Anthony – wholehearted support from the Melbourne Suttons for your thoughtful, magnanimous act. Ride well, and the best of luck! From Kit, Asher, Miki and Chris Sutton.
Cameron McDougall $100.00
Rupert Guinness $50.00 Ride well, strong and safe Anthony … may Pam’s fighting spirit be with you all the way! All the best to you and Pam.
Edward Younger $100.00 Great cause Sprocky. You and Pam are both on challenging journeys and I’m praying both end in happiness and success. Best wishes Ed.
Stephen Flanagan $100.00 Wishing Pam all the best. Good luck, safe travels on the ride Anthony.
Kirk McDougall $109.00 Thanks Pam for looking out for me when I was young, may you find peace and happiness in all that you do. The grueling West to East bike journey emulates your own exhausting/painful journey over the past years. Kirk, Ruth and our children.
Cristina Faraone $54.50 Pam, you have inspired me to never give up! You have such an amazing drive to keep on going even when you feeling crook. I’m so glad to have met such a beautiful soul such as yours. Anthony, best of luck out there in the wilderness. You’ll learn alot about yourself, that’s for sure. Just remember it’s only a matter of time, you’ll eventually get to Sydney to kick your feet up and have a well deserved drink!
Anonymous $50.00
Natalie South $32.70
Ken Thompson $54.50 Will be following your epic ride Anthony. & have posted this link to my FB page along with a call to donate. We’re all lucky to have people like you in our lives. Take care.
Kate Sutton $1,090.00 Thank you Anthony for doing such a wonderful thing for our Mum! She means the world to us and we cant thank you enough> Mum you are awesome!
Robyn Hutchinson $54.50 Adding to many reasons to love you, You’re such a courageous fighter Pammy and we love you all the more for it xxx Thanks Anthony, such a caring legend x
Susan Frankham $163.50 Good luck Pam!
Kerrie Killen $54.50 Wishing you all the best Pam xx Great stuff Anthony!!
Aman Sareen $54.50 Always wishing you the best Pam! You’ve touched all of our hearts one way and another. You’re one in a million!
Tania Holmes $54.50 Wishing you a safe journey across the country Newy. You’re doing an amazing thing. To my beautiful workmate Pam, we are all behind you and love you lots ??
Wendy & Lloyd Kornelson $109.00 That’s a huge battle Pam, keep fighting. Well done Anthony, you really are a legend!
Jane Moschella $109.00
Lauren Procter $50.00
Andrew Davidson $32.70
James OXLEY $21.80
Meropi Papadopoulos $21.80
Elizabeth Gardner $5.45
Tania Madgwick $54.50 Big hugs to you Pammy! Your strength is amazing. Anthony you are a legend!
Anonymous $597.00 Many thanks to all the staff at Inner West PAC that donated at the half yearly on 23 July 2019 – $597 raised.
Rick STACEY $500.00 I’m often thinking of you Pam, keep fighting. You’re loved by so many people. <3
Tina Shepley $150.00 Hi Pam! Katie told us about the wonderful ride across Australia Anthony has planned and the support that it will offer you. We’re thinking of you often, and wish Anthony all the best on his journey. Lots of love, Tina & Owen
Daniel Watson $59.73
Anonymous $54.50 A very worthy cause! Hope the cycle goes very well and all the best to Pam.
Tina Davies $32.70
Mel Ryan $250.00 Pam, I have recently met you and before even knowing your situation I felt a strong sense of good in you. I am truely saddened to hear this news about your long fight. Remarkable woman. God bless x
Andrew Tajsic $21.80
Alan Lau $20.00
William Sites $50.00 Best wishes Pam, good on you Anthony.
Rhett Douglas $20.00
Aaron Sainsbury $109.00 You’re a legend, Newy. This will be as good for you as it will Pam. Go well, mate and keep safe.
Skye Stromquist $50.00 Good luck Anthony on this adventure! Such a wonderful thing to do for our Pammy! Pammy keep fighting strong! We ?? You xx
Nick Duggan $54.50 Good on you Anthony!
Marion Smith $109.00 Pam, you are an amazing woman putting up a mighty fight. Love Marion.
marco iglesias $21.80
Amy Gerrish $5.45
Simon Smith $54.50 Keep up the strong fight Pam x
Antoinette Maroun $54.50 You’re a legend Pam! x Go Anthony!
Anonymous $100.00
Adam Packer $54.50 Thinking of you Pam x. Newy what a machine!
Micaela Hagan $50.00 You are amazing Pam!
Nat Bull $54.50 Keep up the fight Pam!
Natalie Barber $50.00
Peter Haydon $109.00 Go hard Sprocket!!
Susan Gilbert-Davies $100.00
David Turner $54.50
Ann Logan $109.00 My daughter works with Pam, what a wonderful lady & safe travels to Anthony ??
Liz Cook $100.00 Anthony what a wonderful thing to do for Pam.
Louise Logan $100.00 We love you Pam! Good luck Anthony, you’re an absolute legend! xxx
Donal Keenan $20.00 Good on you and best of luck.
Sian Morgan $54.50 Ride like the wind mate!
Holly McFadden $54.50
Jaimie Reardon $21.80
Michael and Alexandra Reid $21.80 From our family to yours Pam.
Narelle Dickson $109.00
Tim PETERS $21.80
Chelsie Richards $54.50
Hayley Corben $250.00 Sending love your way Pammy xxx
Will and Prue Ingall $272.50 Pam, you’re a trooper and we hope this helps in some small way.
Lucy Nipperess $16.35
Natalie & Daniel Campisi $54.50 Pam, You are a beautiful person with a big heart, keep up that fighting spirit. Much love Nat x P.S Keep safe on your ride Anthony New 🙂
Sharni Edwards $21.80 You are an inspiration – keep fighting the good fight – from a fellow GASO x
Katie Oregan $54.50 Wonderful thing you’re doing Anthony! Fingers crossed we raise a significant amount for our one and only Pam!!
Alisha Hobbs $54.50
Renee Bradford $109.00 Pam you are an inspiration!
Ingrid Reilly $54.50 Best of luck Newy – what a wonderful thing to be doing for our very special Pam !
Mel Vanderwall $100.00 Awesome cause…thank you!
Sarah Huggins $109.00 Wishing you all the best x
robert midei $10.90
Stephen Weston $32.70
Ilma McDougall $545.00 Love and courage to you Pam and Antony may the wind may be at your back for the entire 34 days! Love from Auntie Ilma.
Norman Wagener $250.00 Always happy 4 you.
Richard McDonald $50.00 Great Job Anthony!
Rod, Kathy,and Harrison Wagener $272.50
Beth McDougall $109.00 Pam is my cousin and you’re right she has shown such strength and courage. She is an inspiration to me. I am so glad you are doing this for her!
Robbie Lay $50.00 Pam, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this tough time! But I know you will battle through!
Raised so Far

NSW Police Force
8 hrs

Senior Constable Anthony NEW &amp; Pam SUTTON.

To all those who have been following Senior Constable Anthony New’s #Pedal4Pam journey, we have some sad news.

It is with a very heavy heart that our Inner West Police Area Command family said goodbye to Pam Sutton on Sunday 29 September 2019.

Pam had bravely battled cancer for five and a half years and will always be remembered as the kind-hearted, vibrant soul that she was.

For all those who have donated to #Pedal4Pam and NSW Police Legacy, we thank you. The money will be donated to Pam’s family.

Anthony – Thin blue dot – is currently over half way through his 4000km bike ride across Australia and we know Pam would be extremely proud of his efforts.

Rest in peace Pam ????

If you’d like to learn more about the #Pedal4Pam ride, visit https://www.facebook.com/nswpoliceforce/videos/357455705202363/

If you’d like to donate, visit https://pedalforpam.gofundraise.com.au/…

  • Sharon Lee Guggrty   Sad news. Rest in Peace Pam ????????
  • Raeleen Tuckwell   RIP beautiful lady my heart and prayers are with your family and friends ????
  • Janelle Di Giglio   Such sad news ????
  • Allan Shalless RIP Pam . Thoughts to the family and Pam’s Police Family.
  • Kim Butt So sad
  • Gayle Tatana R.I.P. Pam????
  • Briety Dorahy Beautiful lady
  • Angela Georganti R.I.P…..
  • Jason Donnelly; Cancer, such a horrid thing that touches so many. I’m sure Anthony is riding through some pain right now, both in his legs and in his heart but i’m also sure that Pam will have had such positive days knowing she meant so much to so many. Push those legs and peddle strong Anthony. May she rest in peace ????
  • Ko Kioloa R.I.P.Pam
  • Ambi Doll   Rip Pam☹️
  • Dawne Brooks
  • Jackie Walsh   Rip Pam… sending condolences to family and friends. Xx
  • Wendy Jackson-walford   I am so sorry for your loss. my thoughts and prayers go to her family and friends. may she rest in peace.
  • Helen David   R.I.P ????
  • Anne Sayles   Condolences to her family and colleagues. Thank you to Anthony for his amazing efforts ????????????????????????????????????
  • Doreen Nugent   thinking of her family at this sad time
  • Carol Georgiou   RIP….may she RIP…
  • Linda K. Junee   Very sad, RIP Pam. ????
  • Maria Demasi   Condolences to the family ⚘⚘⚘⚘
  • Maureen Heydon Heydon   Oh how sad prayers and thoughts are with your family
  • Shell Miller   Awww no that’s so sad. R.I.P and condolences to Pam’s family, both blood and Blue. ????
  • Cheryl Willemsen

  • Vera Burgic   Cancer is a horrible illness.
    Condolences to your family and friends.
    Pam Rest In Peace.
  • Judy Copelin   Gone But Not Forgotten
  • Pauline Vanderwolf
  • Kerri Douglas   Love, light and peace to Pam, her family and her brothers and sisters in blue. Anthony thank you for your amazing commitment and efforts to raise money for Pam and her family you are a true friend and a wonderful person. Xxxx
  • Kelly Wilkinson   Oh no 🙁

    F*ck Cancer.

  • Lincoln Briffa   My condolences to her family and friends
  • Carol Mckechnie   RIP Pam ???? Condolences to family ❤️
  • Megan Riviere   RIP condolences to family friends and colleagues!
  • Kevin Campbell   Rip Pam and condolences to all your family and the inner west police community
  • Lynette Hayes Foy   RIP Pam
  • Heather Goulding

  • Barbara Finch   May she RIP
  • Lyndall Stokes   Rip pam
  • Lynette Hayes Foy   Condolences to all the family and friends
  • Chantelle Grace   RIP ????????
  • Rosemary Gibbard   Very sad to hear. Condolences to all who knew her. ????
  • Michelle Reid   RIP ????
  • Diane Barnes Watt   Still very proud of you Anthony.
  • Rosemary Sacco   So sorry to hear R.I.P Pam
  • Christine Dixon   ????????????????????????????????????
  • Mary Al Ali   Sarah Madrajat   ???? harom
  • Joanne Stanwell   ????R.I.P. Pam.
  • Julie Gleeson   Rip Pam my condolences to the family ????????
  • Pamela Martin   Rest In Peace Pam . Condolences to your family and friends . ????
  • David Aitken   Very sorry for your loss know how you feel ????
  • Annie Gee   RIP ????
  • Linda Ward   RIP
  • Rita Martens   Rip Pam Condolences to your loved ones ????????
  • Margaret Porter

  • Warwick Saunders   Rest in Peace
  • Diana Redgwell   My condolences to you , Pam and her family
  • Denny M Campbell   thoughts go to the family and friends
  • Mart Jen   Stuart Owen,  this was the lady you were talking about today?
  • Stuart Owen   Mart Jen yeah mate. Sad news
  • Mart Jen   Stuart Owen extremely, cancer sucks!
  • Lorraine Jones   Bloody cancer 🙁
  • Kim Gascoigne   R.I.P Pam.
  • Chris Murray   Rip pam, love to family, great work anthony, all would be behind you…
  • Leanne McClenaghan   Condolences to all friends and family of this beautiful soul. She has touched the lives of so many- even the Facebook followers who have been following the remarkable journey that Anthony is on. Rest In Peace Pam. ????
  • Pat Sanderson

  • Mary Koorey   god bless RIP
  • Rebecca Walsh   Allie Reeves
  • Daniela Parramatta   Condolences
  • Amanda Forti   Rest peacefully Pam ????????
  • Pauline Ringland   RIP …
  • Sherrill Weidenbohm   So sad
  • Jude Daw   So sad ????????????????????????????
  • Kerrie Melchior   So sad, my sincere condolences ????????
  • Anne Burgin   Condolences from my family to Pams .RIP
  • Jilly Crilly   Very sad to hear of Pams passing, condolences to her family and work colleagues. R.I.P ????
  • Maggy Fletcher   Oh how sad I am sure she would be with Anthony all the way my thoughts and prayers are with family and friends God bless you all xoxo
  • Sally Scott   RIP.????
  • Carmen Hinton   RIP beautiful lady xxx Sincerest condolences to family and friends and now in the arms of the Angels xxx Great job Anthony, we are all with you on this journey
  • Lesley Joan Dunne

  • Christine Mcclean   May Pam now RIP she was a trooper
  • Marlene Kheir Cham   May she Rest In Peace
  • Nod Sone   RIP Pam.
  • Toni Watson   ???? so sad …. Condolences to her family and friends ????
  • Gwen Vink   RIP FLY WITH THE ANGELS ????????????
  • Iris Joy   RIP ???? PAM
  • Lynne Foreman   RIP
  • Margaret Hornby   ❤️❤️❤️ RIP
  • Bradley Wingard   Not sure if I should heart react or cry react… so sad to here but great work team!
  • Suzana Federer   Bradley Wingard me too…
  • Noelene Oxford   Very sad news, may you RIP Pam ????
  • El Simon Rest In Peace. Thoughts and prayers with all her loved ones. ????????
  • Carol Woods   I have been following Anthony on his amazing bike ride.
    He is so Awesome doing this for Pam
    So Sad to hear of her passing
    RIP Beautiful Lady
    Prayers and Hugs
  • Kevin Burness   Rest in Peace dear lady
  • Dan Johnson
  • J Anne Weterings   So very sorry….may she rest in peace
  • Mounira Batach   RIP ???? PAM
  • Daisy Martin

  • Adele Aniol   R.I.P.,Pam❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Leanne S Cleary   RIP Pam thoughts & prayers to her loved ones. Anthony you are a Champion ❤️
  • Lacey Waterfield   Beautiful capture. Very sad to hear this.
  • Geoffrey Smith   Sad sad story but the “pedal ” continues and will help the family. G
  • Janine Collins   Awww sweet heart r.i.p. Hun
  • Colleen Gobbe   Condolences to her husband,family and friends .Soo sad May she rest in the arms of the angels ????????????
  • Dawn Rath   Rest in peace dear lady
  • Donna Petrovski   Rest In Peace, Pam. ❤️
  • Margaret Maher

  • John El-Chappo   RIP Pam – a lovely lady and very sad news. Well done though Newey ????
  • Deb Anderson   Almost home ????????????
  • Lena Walczuk   Rest In Peace Pam
  • Reggie Channing   Alex Bush
  • Alex Bush   Reggie Channing such a lovely person to work with.






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