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Norman James WATT

Norman James WATT

( grew up in Chinchilla )

Queensland Police Force

Joined Qld Police Force via Qld Police Cadet System 1986 – 1987

Regd. #  ?

Rank:  Senior Constable

Stations:  Dog Squad – death

ServiceFrom  ? ? 1986  to  21 July 2000 = ? years Service

Awards:  No find on It’s An Honour

Born:  ? ? ?

Died on:  21 July 2000

Cause:  Shot – murdered – Alton Downs, Qld

Age:  33

Funeral date:  25 July 2000

Funeral location:

Buried at:  Nerimbera Memorial Cemetery, Rockhampton, Qld

Memorial location:


Norman James WATT - SenCon - Shot at siege - Qld - 21 July 2000
Norman James WATT – SenCon – Shot at siege – Qld – 21 July 2000.  Pictured with his dog – Zeus

[alert_green]NORM IS mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_green]


At 9.22pm on Thursday 20 July 2000 Information was received at the Rockhampton communications room regarding a serious domestic dispute that was taking place on a property at Alton Downs 15kms north-west of Rockhampton.

An ex-serviceman named Royce William Cooper (58yrs) had fired three (3) shots at a friend during an argument at the property.

Senior Constable Norm Watt the dog squad officer on duty was one of a number of police directed to attend the scene. Officers arrived at the property and immediately placed a cordon around the residence.

In the darkness Cooper had exited his house and camouflaged himself amongst bushes in the yard.

At a little after midnight Senior Constable Watt and another officer went to view the house from another vantage point. As Senior Constable Watt moved toward the house a shot was heard and Senior Constable Watt fell to the ground. Fellow officers were unable to safely approach their fallen colleague to render assistance as they were unaware of Cooper’s exact location.

An armoured vehicle from the Rockhampton correctional Centre was summoned and recovered the body of Senior Constable Watt.

The officer was officially pronounced dead at 3.47am.

A post mortem examination revealed that the bullet had severed Senior Constable Watt’s femoral artery causing death within minutes of being hit.

After a seven hour siege Cooper surrendered to police. He was later charged and convicted of murder in the Rockhampton Supreme Court and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Senior Constable Norman James Watt is buried in the Nerimbera Memorial Cemetery Rockhampton.


Cemetery locationGrave location isSect. ROG  Row. 8  Grave 12



Police remember slain dog squad officer

Updated Wed 21 Jul 2010, 3:15pm AEST


A memorial service has been held at Rockhampton in central Queensland to honour a police officer killed in the line of duty.

Today marks 10 years since the shooting death of Senior Constable Norman James Watt.

The 33-year-old dog squad officer was killed while responding to a domestic disturbance on a property at Alton Downs, west of Rockhampton.

Queensland Police Service commissioner Bob Atkinson says Senior Constable Watt paid the ultimate sacrifice and died serving the community he had sworn to protect.

“Norm was many things – a husband, a brother, an uncle, a friend, a colleague, a fine police officer, and with his dog Zeus they were a fine team,” he said.

Mr Atkinson says the bond between dog squad officers and their animals is incredible, and dogs live with their handlers full-time.

“In most cases those officers work alone and most of the time they work through the night alone with their dog, and the bond they form is very close,” he said.

Zeus was retired immediately after the shooting and was cared for by Senior Constable Watt’s wife, until he died of kidney failure 18-months later.

Officer’s family joins march

Widow Anna Watt and her niece took part in this morning’s march from Rockhampton City Hall to the memorial garden at the Rockhampton Police Station.

She was flanked by two dog squad officers with pups-in-training, followed by a large number of Rockhampton police officers.

The Queensland Police Pipes and Drums led the procession.

During the ceremony, family, friends and former colleagues of Senior Constable Watt laid floral tributes under a plaque commemorating his death.

Senior Constable Watt’s brother, Greg Watt said it was an honour to witness the respect shown by colleagues and the community.

Commissioner Bob Atkinson says Senior Constable Watt was one of three Queensland police officers killed in the line of duty in the past ten years.

Police march for slain police officer Norm Watt, Rockhampton, July 21st 2010 - 10th anniversary
Police march for slain police officer Norm Watt, Rockhampton, July 21st 2010 – 10th anniversary
The Queensland Police Pipes and Drums led the march to remember Norm Watt.
The Queensland Police Pipes and Drums led the march to remember Norm Watt.
Floral tribute
Floral tribute
Touch Stone, National Police Memorial, ACT.
Touch Stone, National Police Memorial, ACT.



Policing in Queensland has long been a respected and valued profession but it is also an inherently dangerous one. This fact was tragically highlighted with the deaths of
two serving officers this year. The untimely deaths of Senior Constable Norm Watt and Senior Constable Dave Shean brings to one hundred the number of serving Queensland police officers who have died in the performance of duty. A tribute has been included in this Annual Report as a mark of respect to these two officers and to acknowledge the terrible loss felt at their passing by the Service, their families and friends and by their police colleagues who supported them throughout their careers.
Senior Constable Norman James Watt
The newly built Dog Squad facility in Brisbane has been named the Norm Watt Complex as a tribute to Senior Constable Norman James Watt.
Senior Constable Norm Watt was shot and killed while attending a domestic violence incident near Rockhampton on 21 July 2000.
Senior Constable Watt’s operational career began in 1987 with a posting to Rockhampton. During his career, he proved himself to be an able and reliable officer serving in a variety of positions within the area including small stations, the CIB and the Rockhampton Traffic Branch. Senior Constable Watt was also commended by the then Central Region Assistant Commissioner for his work as an undercover operative during Operation Breaker in 1990.
He was commended on a number of other occasions for good police work and was the recipient of many letters of appreciation from politicians, fellow police officers and
members of the public. As the Adopt-a-Cop at Parkhurst State School, Senior Constable Watt earned the respect of the school community and his efforts were recognised by the then Police Minister, the Honourable Terry MacKenroth MP.
Norm was promoted to Senior Constable, Rockhampton Dog Squad, on 21 February 1994. Together with police dog Zeus, he attended a wide variety of operational matters including the incident that tragically ended his career. The dedicated service which Senior Constable Watt provided to the people of Queensland is well summed up in the words of the then Police Commissioner, Jim O’Sullivan, who, when dedicating the Norm Watt Complex, described Norm as “an officer who made the ultimate sacrifice in his role to serve and protect the community … and whose sacrifice will not be forgotten.”
Senior Constable Watt will be sorely missed by his family, friends and colleagues and by the community he so ably served.

15 years may have passed, but Norm is still alive in our hearts

Senior Constable Norm Watt

Senior Constable Norm Watt with PD Zeus

Police across the State will take a moment today to remember Senior Constable Norman James Watt who died whilst on duty in Rockhampton fifteen years ago.

At 9.22pm on Thursday July 20 2000, officers were called to a hobby farm at Alton Downs, west of Rockhampton, after reports that a serious domestic dispute was taking place during which a man had fired three shots at a friend.

Senior Constable Norm Watt, a member of the Rockhampton Dog Squad, was also called to the scene with his dog, PD Zeus.

Officers arrived and began to put a cordon around the residence. It was just after midnight when a shot was heard and Senior Constable Watt was seen to fall to the ground.

Senior Constable Watt was pronounced dead on Friday July 21 at 3.47am. After a seven hour siege the offender surrendered to police and was later charged with murder and found guilty.

Senior Constable Watt was buried in the Nerimbera Memorial Cemetery Rockhampton and is remembered as a dear friend, a dedicated officer and a ‘stand up’ guy.

Fifteen years may have passed but to those who knew Norm, he is still alive in our hearts.

After Norm’s passing, Police Dog Zeus lived a happy retirement with Norm’s partner and passed away from old age a few years ago.



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