Mark Edward Dyett FORD
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Mark Edward Dyett FORD

Mark Edward Dyett FORD 

Late of ” Collingwood ” Kenwyn Street, Hurstville – formerly of Orange, NSW

Nephew of Dr. Frederick Thomas West Ford, police surgeon of Melbourne, Victoria


New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # Q‘ 1010

For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1 March 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )


Rank:  Probationary Constable – appointed 18 August 1862 ( aged 20+/- )



Stations?, Rylstone pre 1868 ( Senior Constable – 1868 ), Police Camp – Tambaroora ( SenCon 1869 – 1870 ), German Town – Hill End ( Sgt – 1874 ), Wollongong ( Senior Sergeant 1877 ), Bourke ( Sub-Inspector ),  Orange ( Inspector )


ServiceFrom  ? ? 1862  to  ? ? about 1901 – retired on Pension




Born? ? 1842 in England

Died on:  Sunday  26 November 1911 at ” Collingwood”, Kenwyn St, Hurstville, NSW


Age:  70


Funeral date:  Tuesday  28 November 1911

Funeral location:  Church of England, Orange, NSW


Buried at:  Church of England Cemetery, Orange, NSW

Grave Location:  C of E, Area – Old; Sect: A, Number 350

 Memorial at?


Mark Edward Dyett FORD
Mark Edward Dyett FORD – NSWPF – Died 26 Nov 1911


In Loving Memory of Edna Keaquick Rose FORD, beloved wife of Mark Edward Dyett FORD. Died 18 July 1896, aged 47 years.<br /> The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.<br /> Also Mark Edward Dyett FORD, Died 26 November 1911, at Hurstville, in his 70th year.
In Loving Memory of Edna Keaquick Rose FORD, beloved wife of Mark Edward Dyett FORD. Died 18 July 1896, aged 47 years.
The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
Also Mark Edward Dyett FORD, Died 26 November 1911, at Hurstville, in his 70th year.



MARK  is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO


Funeral location ?



The Sun ( Sydney )
Thursday  7 December 1911    p 6
Retired Inspector of Police Mark Edward Ford, whose last post was at Orange, has died at Hurstville, aged 70 years. When in the service he was of the type that is always popular. He never allowed the officer to submerge the man, and consequently was greatly admired by the men under his control. In his day he was a splendid horse man, and went through many trying experiences in carrying out his police duties In the Interior.

Mark Edward Dyett FORD
Mark Edward Dyett FORD – NSWPF – Died 26 Nov 1911


Mark Edward Dyett FORD
Rear of main photo of Mark Edward Dyett FORD – NSWPF – Died 26 Nov 1911

Truth ( Sydney )
Sunday  3 December 1911    p 10
Mr. Mark Edward Dyett Ford, formerly inspector of police at Orange, died at Hurstville, and was buried at Orange on Tuesday. He was 70 years of age, a nephew of Dr. Frederick Thomas West Ford, police surgeon of Melbourne. He joined the force in Sydney in 1862 as a full private, was sergeant at Hill End in the good old days of the Hill, and was subsequently promoted to a sub-inspectorship. He retired on pension about ten years ago.

The Orange Leader –
27 November 1911
Death of Mr Mark Edward James FORD.
The death occurred at Hurstville yesterday of Mr Mark Edward James Ford, who was inspector of the police force at Orange for a number of years, at the age of 70 years.
His wife died at Orange in July, 1896, the body will be brought to Orange by tomorrow morning’s mail train, and the remains will leave the Church of England School-room at 11am for the Church of England Cemetery.  Mr F. Ford has charge of the mortuary arrangements.
( Note on headstone has his name as Mark Edward Dyett Ford. )
He lived at ” CollingwoodHurstville.  Electoral Roll – 1930 – Ford, Mark Dyett – Kenwyn Street, Hurstville – Inspector of Police

Queanbeyan Age & Queanbeyan Observer
Tuesday  21 November 1916     p2
Wedding of Mark Mirion Ford – son of Mark Edward Dyett FORD & Mary Evelyn RICHARDSON in Queanbeyan


The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday  18 May 1868    p1

The inhabitants of Rylstone, in praise worthy appreciation of the services of the above meritorious officer, have just presented him with a purse of upwards of £25, and an address engrossed on vellum, and signed by the donors. The address reads as follows :

” To MARK EDWARD DYETT FORD, Senior Constable.

The undersigned, inhabitants of Rylstone and neighbourhood, have much pleasure in presenting you with the following testimonial of their appreciation of your very efficient services as a public officer, in putting down crime, in this district.”

The signatures, with the sums attached follow, and from the amount (£25 5s. 6d.), it need hardly be said that some modest sums have been given, showing that the esteem this officer is held in is not alone confined to the wealthier class of the community. We have repeatedly had occasion to allude to the activity, zeal, and intelligence of senior-constable Ford, and when a selection was made from the whole of the police force of men to hunt down Clarke’s gang, Senior-constable Ford was chosen among the first. For his sake, we wish the testimonial had had a wider range, as the appreciation of his services is not confined to the district of Rylstone.

Illawarra mercury ( Wollongong )

Tuesday  6 June 1882    p 2

Acting Sub-Inspector Mark Edward Dyett Ford ( late of Wollongong and now of Bourke), has been gazetted a Sub-lnspector, a promotion which many friends in this district will be happy to hear of.


New South Wales Government Gazette
Friday  8 June 1877   P 2251   Issue # 185

THE Bench of Magistrates at Wollongong, have this day appointed Senior-sergeant Mark Edward Dyett Ford, Inspector of Weights and Measures for the District of Wollongong.


Court House, Wollongong,

4th June, 1877.




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