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Laurence ALPIN

Laurence or Lawrence ALPIN

Late of  ?

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ????

Rank:  Constable

Stations: ?, Casino, Richmond Gap – Death

ServiceFrom  ? ? ?  to  17 February 1928 = ? years Service

Awards:  No find on It’s An Honour

Born? ? ? at Griffith, NSW

Died on:  Friday  17 February 1928

Age:  27

Cause:  Drowned

Event location:  Kyogle District, NSW

Event date:  Friday  17 February 1928

Funeral date:  Wednesday  22 February 1928 @ 11am

Funeral location?

Buried at?, Presbyterian portion, Casino Cemetery,

 Memorial located at?



[alert_yellow]LAURENCE is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO





May they forever Rest In Peace


Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 – 1947), Saturday 18 February 1928, page 9


SYDNEY, February 18.

Constable L. Alpin was drowned in Grady’s Creek, in the Kyogle district, through slipping off a log when crossing the creek.




Kyogle Examiner (NSW : 1912; 1914 – 1915; 1917 – 1954), Friday 24 February 1928, page 2

Funeral of Constable Alpin.

The funeral of the late Constable Alpin, who met his death at Grady’s Creek on Friday last, was held on Wednesday, the remains being taken

to Casino for interment. The Rev. Rogers read the Presbyterian burial service. There was a large attendance of the public while representatives of the police also attended. Deceased’s three brothers arrived on Tuesday night.

The District Coroner ( Mr. W. Amess ) concluded the inquiry on Wednesday, when a verdict was recorded that death was due to injuries received while deceased was struggling in the water.




Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 – 1954), Thursday 23 February 1928, page 4


KYOGLE, Wednesday.

At the inquiry into the death of Constable Laurence Alpin, held at the Court House to-day, the coroner

( Mr. William Amess) found that the constable died at Upper Grady’s Creek, near Kyogle, on 17th February from the effects of injuries accidentally

received on that day through falling into Grady’s Creek while it was in a state of flood and being struck by

obstacles in the creek.




The below article begs the question as to whether Constable Alpin was “On Duty” whilst assisting Constable Peterkin, and others, to remove the obstruction from the footbridge”     Cal


Kyogle Examiner (NSW : 1912; 1914 – 1915; 1917 – 1954), Tuesday 21 February 1928, page 2

Grady’s Creek Fatality.


The circumstances surrounding the death of Constable L. Alpin on Friday at Upper Grady’s Creek, were related by his confrere, Constable Peterkin, on arrival at Kyogle on Saturday afternoon. The lamentable tragedy cast a gloom over the railway settlement, where, although he had a difficult task as officer-in-charge, deceased exercised the duties of his position with tact and skill.

With Constable Peterkin and Mr. J. Doak and others, deceased was essaying to free the traffic log placed across the stream, of timber washed down by the flood. This log was used as a footbridge, and to make it safer for foot traffic a wire had been erected to serve as a handrail. Deceased and Constable Peterkin and Mr. Doak were standing on the log, and in freeing a heavy piece of timber the later swung round and hit the wire, pulling the posts to which it was secured out of the ground. Constable Alpine was plunged into the rapidly flowing stream; his companions more fortunately escaped. Deceased was a very powerful swimmer, and little anxiety was at first felt for his safety. He was seen to grasp a floating log upon which he floated until, apparently thinking he could make the shore, he released his support and struck out. The current, however, was too strong, and he was swept among a number of tea. trees.

At this time Constable Peterkin, who had run across from the first crossing to the next, saw deceased struggling feebly as if he had been injured. The current was running so swiftly that although Constable Peterkin had only a hundred yards to run, from one crossing to another, deceased had disappeared by the time he reached the point.

The alarm was at once given, a crowd of helpers quickly explored the banks of the creek for deceased. Meantime camps farther down the creek had been advised of the happening by telephone and were asked to watch at the crossings.

Ultimately the body was found about three quarters of a mile down stream, pinned under a huge log. Only a hand was visible at the time, and this kept disappearing under the water.

It took fourteen men to remove the log before the body could be extricated.

Constable Peterkin and others then formed the opinion that deceased had not been drowned, and that he had received fatal injuries while being swept down the stream.

When the body was medically examined later at Kyogle the skull was found to be fractured. However, Mr. Harris ( ambulance officer stationed at Richmond Gap ) and other men with first aid certificates worked for two hours trying to restore animation, but without success.

The course of the stream in its higher reaches, is studded with rocks and huge boulders, while the flood also traversed thickly timbered country. Doubtless deceased collided with a stone or log and sustained the injury which was the immediate cause of death. On Saturday, a party was organised to bring the body to Kyogle. Stupendous difficulties faced the undertaking owing to the flooded creek.

The road, which crosses the stream 26 times in 13 miles, was impossible even if the creek was fordable. It was decided to carry deceased to Risk and from thence a vehicle could travel to Kyogle. The party set out at 11 o’clock on Saturday for its strenuous walk across the hills. At times hands had to be linked to climb precipitous slopes, while the men occasionally were waist deep in water. They eventually arrived at Risk at 4 p.m. utterly exhausted. The river was 4 feet over the bridge at Risk, and here again a human chain had to be formed to get the body across. With the stream running very swiftly it was a hazardous undertaking, but was accomplished without mishap. Mr. Moss ( driving one of Messrs. Green Bro’s. lorries ) transported the party to Wyangarie, where the river was crossed with the aid of the railway flying fox, and so on to Kyogle by car. Too much praise cannot be given those who participated in a dangerous and extremely arduous undertaking. Food for the party was provided at Hackett’s and King’s boarding houses between the Gap and Risk; Miss Hennessy, in charge of the telephone, did yeoman service, and was assisted by Mrs. Grieve, at the Risk end, in warning people along the route and asking for assistance when the grim task of transporting the body was commenced. The carrying party consisted of Messrs. Tom McManus, Stan Gibson, Mat Leo, Col. Keightley, M. Carlton, Bill Harding, Carl Farrawell, Arthur Fraser, Ted Turner, Alex Morad, W. McAlpine, J. O’Connor, snr., and jnr., Sam Zammett, Jack Heath, Jack Wilson, Dan Higgins, J. Borg, A. Howard, H. Thompson, — . Evans, Robert Hayden, Jim Morris, Alan Hobday, Ernest Green, J. Johns J. Burke, Barney Rolfe, Graham Bros., Gordon Graham, A. Archer, D. McLean, Jim Doak, Bob Hobday, R. Maslen, J. Grieve, with Constable Peterkin in charge.

The Coroner commenced an inquiry at the Court House yesterday morning, when the evidence of Constable Peterkin and Mr. C. Keightley, school teacher, Upper Grady’s Creek, who was an eye-witness of the occurrence was taken. Their statements were on the lines given above.

The late Constable Alpine was 27 years of age, and was a native of Griffith, where his people reside. He was an efficient and popular officer, and his untimely death is universally regretted.

The funeral will be held to-morrow at 11 a.m.


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