John Nichol RYDER
John Nichol RYDER
AKA Jack
Late of ?
NSW Police Training College – Penrith Class # 030
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 7465
Rank: Commenced Training at Penrith Police College on 1 September 1952 ( aged 20 years, 10 months, 29 days )
Probationary Constable- appointed 20 October 1952 ( aged 21 years & 17 days )
Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Constable 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Detective – appointed ? ? ?
Senior Constable – appointed ? ? ?
Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 1 April 1968
Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed ? March 1976 ( Liverpool )
Sergeant 1st Class – appointed ? ? ?
Inspector – appointed ? ? ?
Chief Inspector – appointed 23 April 1986 ( I.A. )
Appears in the 1988 Stud Book but not the 1989 issue
Final Rank = Chief Inspector
Stations: 9 Division ( ProCst ), 22 Division ( 1953 )( Fairfield Call box on GDs and later progressed to outfit motor cyclist.
Wagga Wagga ( May 1955 )
21 Division ( July 1956 )
5 Division ( September 1957 )
7 Division CI Duties ( February 1958 )
As a Detective – Stationed at 18 Division, 9 Division, C.I.B. from June 1966 to October 1975 )
10 Division ( – February 1976 )
22 Division – Liverpool Detectives ( February 1976 – December 1976 )
34 Division Detectives – Fairfield ( December 1976 – )
33 Division, 27 Division, ‘D’ District as assistant to the Detective Inspector, ‘J’ District in 1983 as Detective Inspector
Internal Affairs ( May 1983 – Aug 1988+ )( Detective Inspector – Detective Chief Inspector – CI Duties ).
Service: From 1 September 1952 to ? ? 1988+? = 36+? years Service
Awards: Queen’s Commendation for Brave Conduct ( Imperial ) – granted 12 January 1954 for Arrest of an armed and mental man
No other mention found on Australian Honours system
Born: Saturday 3 October 1931
Died on: Tuesday 19 July 2011
Age: 79 years, 9 months, 16 days
Cause: ?
Event location: ?
Event date: ?
Funeral date: ? ? ?
Funeral location: Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium, Plassey Rd, North Ryde, NSW
Funeral Parlour: ?
Buried at: Macquarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium, Plassey Rd, North Ryde, NSW
Grave location: Roman Catholic, Row J8, Plot 0025
Memorial / Plaque / Monument located at: ?
Dedication date of Memorial / Plaque / Monument: Nil – at this time ( September 2020 )
JACK is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
May they forever Rest In Peace
Australian Police YouTube Channel

Back Row ( L – R )
Det SenCon Rodney James KENNEDY, Det Sgt 1/c John Nichol RYDER, Det Cst 1/c Leonard Gordon FOSCHOLO
Middle Row ( L – R )
P.C. Cst 1/c Stephen Keith SMITH, Det SenCon Alan Douglas LEEK, Det SenCon Phillip John CLOSE
Front Row ( L – R )
Det Sgt 3/c Bryan Thomas KENNY, Det Sgt 2/c John Patrick TOOHEY, Det Sgt 3/c Michael Brennan SMITH
NSW Detective Bicentennial book
July 2011: Former Liverpool Police Officer – John (Jack) Ryder passed away aged 79.
He had been retired for some years.
During his Police career in 1953, he was presented with a Queen’s Commendation by His Excellency the Governor of NSW on the
21.5.1954 for ‘Brave Conduct’ when grappling with an offender armed with a knife at Yennora in February, 1953.
In 1957, he was ‘Highly Commended’ for the courage and devotion to duty displayed at Darlinghurst in May,1957, on the occasion of the wounding of Detective Constable 1/c. K. F. Gilmour by and offender who had previously murdered John Brooks and wounded Ruby Brooks.
In 1959, he was commended for powers of observation and good policemanship displayed on four occasions between April, 1958 and January, 1959, including one occasion when he was off duty, in the detection of stolen motor vehicles, resulting in the arrest and subsequent conviction of the offenders concerned.
Signed C. J. Delayney.
Commissioner of Police.
In 1966, he was commended for the role he played in the apprehension at Concord in January, 1966, of two notorious armed and desperate criminals, who had escaped from Pentridge Gaol Victoria, in December, 1965.
Both criminals were subsequently extradited to Victoria and charged with murder and escaping from lawful custody.
Signed N. T. W. Allen. Commissioner of Police.
He was also a member of the Police Emergency Squad.
In 1957, he was awarded the Peter Mitchell Award for obtaining the highest marks in the Constable 1/c. examinations.
In 1964, he obtained the second highest marks in the Sergeant 3/c. examinations.
In 1980, he obtained the second highest marks in the examinations for the rank of Inspector.
Police Service Card State Archives Werrington.
Cited: Liverpool ( NSW ) Police Time Line ( 1788 – 2016 )
February 1976: Former Liverpool Police Officer – Detective Sergeant 3/c. John (Jack). N. Ryder is transferred from No. 10 Division to No. 22 Division – Liverpool Detectives Office. He remains there until December, 1976, before a transfer to No. 34 Division, followed by No. 33 Division, No. 27 Division, and ‘D’ District as assistant to the Detective Inspector, ‘J’ District in 1983 as the Detective Inspector, and in May, 1983 to Internal Affairs as a Detective Inspector on investigative duties. His service card does not disclose his date of retirement.
Police Service Card State Archives Werrington.
Cited: Liverpool ( NSW ) Police Time Line ( 1788 – 2016 )
October 1952: Former Liverpool Police Officer – John (Jack) N. Ryder is sworn in as a Probationary Constable at the Police College at
Penrith and stationed at No. 9. Division.
Prior to joining the Police he was a fitter and turner by trade.
In February, 1953 he was transferred to No. 22 Division and placed at the Fairfield Call-box on General Duties and later progressed to outfit motor cyclist.
He was then transferred to Wagga Wagga in May, 1955.
In July, 1956 he transferred to No. 21 Division,
September, 1957 to No.5 Division, and
February, 1958 to No.7. Division on Criminal Investigative Duties.
As a Detective he was stationed at No. 18 Division, No. 9 Division, and the C.I.B. from June, 1966 to October, 1975.
By 1975 he reached the rank of Detective Sergeant 3/c.
Police Service Card State Archives Werrington.
Cited: Liverpool ( NSW ) Police Time Line ( 1788 – 2016 )
Good job Greg. Keep it up.I do recognize some you pass through the list. Glad my time is a long way off (haha)