John Lindsay MARSH
John Lindsay MARSH
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ?
Rank: Constable 1st Class
Stations: ?, Glenn Innes ( 5 – 6 years ), Gloucester ( 10 months ) – death
Service: From 8 January 1930 to 9 November 1943 = 13+ years Service
Awards: ?
Born: ? ? 1909
Died on: Monday 9 November 1942 about 2pm
Event location: southern end of Church St, Gloucester
Death location: at MVA scene
Cause: Motor Vehicle Accident, Police bike & sidecar – Rider
Age: 33
Funeral date: Wednesday 11 November 1942 @ 2pm
Funeral location: St James Church of England, Maclean
Buried : Maclean General (Anglican).
Cameron Street, Maclean.
Anglican, Section C, Row CC, Lot 13
GPS: -29.466111, 153.201944
Memorial at:

Maclean General (Anglican). Cameron Street, Maclean.
[alert_green]JOHN is included in the NSW Police Honour Roll.[/alert_green]
On 9 November, 1942 Constable Marsh was riding a police motor cycle outfit in Church Street, Gloucester. The cycle collided with a post, overturned and threw the constable to the roadway. As a result Constable Marsh suffered a fractured skull and despite being taken to hospital, died the same day.
The constable was born in 1909 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 8 January, 1930. At the time of his death he was stationed at Gloucester.
The Dungog Chronicle Friday, 13 November, 1942 page 3 of 4
A distressing fatality occurred in the southern end of Church Street, Gloucester, on Monday afternoon, when Constable John Lindsay Marsh was thrown from his motor cycle and received severe head injuries from which he died within a few minutes. The occurrence happened about 2 p.m., just at a small culvert almost in front of the home of Mrs. J. West, Sen. The constable left town and was on his way to Ward’s River on official duty. A few minutes before he was at the motor garage of Mr. A. Grahame and in excellent spirits. Mr. Jack West, who saw the happening from his home, said Mr. Marsh seemed to be doing something to the gears of the cycle. It suddenly veered to the left-hand side of the road way and the wheel of the sidecar struck the guide post of the culvert. The rider was thrown into the air and in falling his head appeared to come in contact with the hard road. The machine overturned, also, and skidded partly under the injured man. Constable Marsh was unconscious when help arrived, within a short space of time, but passed away without regaining consciousness, some fifteen or twenty minutes later. In addition to his parents, widow and son, the deceased is survived by four sisters: Mrs. Boon and Mrs. Moses, of Kogarah; Mrs. William S. Friar, 19 Boyce Street, Taree; and Mrs. Farlow, of Maclean.”
Born – 5214/1909 Father = Walter Mother = Barbara A MacLean District
Married 1932 to Sheila Daphne MARSH nee THOMAS in Narrabri, NSW – born 1912
Death – 26323/1942 Father = Walter Mother = Barbara Ann
Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 – 1954), Wednesday 11 November 1942, page 2
Lower River Native To Be Given Police Funeral AT MACLEAN TO-DAY.
First-class Constable John Lindsay Marsh, who was killed while on duty at Gloucester on Monday afternoon, will be accorded a police funeral at Maclean this afternoon.
This will be the first police funeral held in the Grafton district for many years. Fifteen police in charge of Inspector B. H. Baxter, of Grafton, will attend the funeral.
Constable Marsh, who was a native of the Lower Clarence, had been stationed at Gloucester for nearly a year. On Monday afternoon he was riding a motor cycle along the main road on the outskirts of the town when the machine skidded on some rough road and crashed into a post, throwing Constable Marsh heavily to the ground. He received severe head injuries from which he died about half an hour later before he could be removed to hospital.
The body was taken to Taree and put on the train for Grafton. It was taken from Grafton to Maclean yesterday afternoon for the funeral at Maclean at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
Constable Marsh, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marsh, of Palmer’s Island, are well-known residents of the Lower River, was born at Maclean 33 years ago, and joined the New South Wales police force about 13 years ago. He was stationed al places in the north-west of the State and at Glen Innes, and went to Gloucester about a year ago. During the time that he was stationed at Gloucester he proved a most efficient officer and won the esteem and affection of a very large circle of friends, who were deeply grieved to learn of his tragic death.
As Constable Marsh had been killed on duty it has been decided that he be given a police funeral, and Inspector Baxter, whose district the funeral will take place, has been instructed to arrange for this. Police from Grafton, South Grafton, Ulmarra. Maclean. Brushgrove, Lawrence; and Harwood Island, will be in Maclean for the funeral this afternoon. They will march ahead of the hearse, and at the cemetery will form a guard of honor. Some of them will also act as pall-bearers.
Gloucester Advocate (NSW : 1905 – 1954), Tuesday 10 November 1942, page 2
Shocking Accident,
A distressing fatality occurred in the southern end of Church Street, Gloucester yesterday afternoon, when Constable John Lindsay Marsh was thrown from his motor cycle and received severe head injuries from which he died within a few minutes.
The occurrence happened about 2 p.m., just at a small culvert almost in front of the home of Mrs. J. West, Sen. The Constable left town and was on his way to Ward’s River on official duty. A few minutes before he was at the motor garage of Mr. A. Grahame and in excellent spirits.
Mr. Jack West, who saw the happening from his home, said Mr. Marsh seemed to be doing something to the gears of the cycle. It suddenly veered to the left-hand side of the road and the wheel of the side-car struck the guide post of the culvert. The rider was thrown into the air and in falling his head appeared to come in contact with the hard road. The machine overturned, also, and skidded partly under the injured man.
Constable Marsh was unconscious when help arrived, within a short space of time, but passed away with out regaining consciousness some fifteen or twenty minutes later. The Ambulance, from Taree, was sent for immediately after the happening and on its arrival the body was conveyed from Mrs. West’s residence to Howard’s funeral parlour.
An inquest into the cause of the accident and death will be held.
Constable Marsh had been stationed in Gloucester for the past eleven months. He succeeded Constable Jack Casey when this officer was transferred to Glen Innes. He was an extremely likeable officer and had gained the goodwill of all sections of the community. He was of a happy disposition and displayed same in the course of his duty, and in the spending of his leisure hours.- To us he seemed the type that might genuinely be termed a good sport, and gave evidence of the trait in a man’s make-up that makes for this quality on a number of occasions, both in and out of Court.
During the past few months, whenever Constable Marsh had an hour or two away from the more serious duties of his job, he spent same in the garden and grounds at the Police Station. The trim and well-kept appearance there tell more plainly than words of his gardening ability and the. pride and pleasure shown in’ its doing.
Genuine regret will be general at this popular officer’s sad and sudden passing.
Mr. W. T. Howard . took the body to Taree by, hearse, last evening to be conveyed, later to Maclean, where Constable Marsh’s parents live.
Deceased will be accorded a Police funeral.