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Late of  ?

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. #  ‘ Q ‘ 1801

For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )

Rank:  Constable – Trooper

Stations: ?, Cooma ( about 2 years ), Braidwood from 11 April 1870 – Death

ServiceFrom  21 June 1867  to  10 June 1870 = 3 years Service


Born? ? 1842 in Ireland

Died on:  Saturday  11 June 1870 @ 3am

Age:  32

Cause:  Horse riding accident – Fell and crushed under horse.  Coronial Inquest found that the deceased “was accidentally killed by a fall from his horse while in the execution of his duty”

Event location:  3 miles from Braidwood – between Jembaicumbene ( Bell’s Paddock ) & Braidwood

Event date:  Thursday  9 June 1870 just before 5pm

Funeral date:  Sunday  12 June 1870 – during the afternoon

Funeral location:  Roman Catholic Cemetery, Braidwood Cemetery

Buried at:  Braidwood Cemetery in unmarked grave.  Wallace & Cowper St’s, Braidwood

He was buried “close to the graves of the special constable who were murdered at Jinden”

 Memorial located at?




[alert_red]JAMES is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_red] *BUT SHOULD BE





May they forever Rest In Peace


NSWBDM      DEATH:  1870/3052

Coady, James (Trooper) 1870


The Sydney Morning Herald  Saturday 11th June, 1870 – Braidwood, Friday – Trooper Coady, yesterday met with an accident, which, it is feared, will prove fatal. When returning from Bell’s paddock, on duty, his horse fell and rolled over him, seriously injuring his spine. He is now lying in hospital. Coady is a single man.

Evening News Monday 13th June, 1870 – Braidwood, Saturday – Constable Coady, died last night from the effects of injuries sustained by his horse falling and rolling over him. Herald

The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle Wednesday 17th June, 1870 – Dreadful Accident – A very serious and distressing accident occurred to Constable James Coady, stationed at Braidwood, who was riding home from Jembaicumbene on Thursday last with Senior Constable Walsh, when his horse fell with him to the ground and rolled over him. It is supposed that the animal put his foot in a hole. Coady was so severely injured as to be left utterly insensible.

Senior Constable Walsh caught Coady’s horse and rode into town (a distance of about three miles), when Senior Constable Duffy sent out a horse and cart, and Coady was brought into town about eight o’clock in the evening.

DR Gentle was immediately called to attend upon him, but has very little hope of his recovery; his spine being broken in several places. Coady has not been long in Braidwood – about three months. He was formerly stationed at Cooma for about two years. The only relative he has in the colony is a brother stationed at Grafton, we are informed. On Friday the unfortunate young man showed no signs of improvement, and his recovery is considered almost impossible – Braidwood Despatch

(A telegram to SM Herald, dated Saturday, says: Constable Coady died last night from the effects of injuries sustained by his horse falling and rolling over him.)

NSW BDM  – 1870/3052 – James Cody, aged 32 years, Died Braidwood, NSW; buried in unmarked grave Braidwood Cemetery.

State RecordsRegisters of Police – Regd # 1801 – James Coady, Date of birth 1842, Ireland, Appointed 21st June, 1867



Manaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser (NSW : 1862 – 1931), Saturday 25 June 1870, page 3


The accident reported in our ( Braidwood Dispatch ) last issue as having happened to constable Coady on Thursday last, terminated fatally on Saturday morning. The poor young man expired at about 3 o’clock that morning, he having been in a sinking state from the time he was brought home. As we said before, he has only been about three months stationed in Braidwood, having previously been stationed at Cooma for two years. He has no relations in the colony but one brother, who is also in the police force and stationed in the Clarence district ( Grafton ). Deceased during his short sojourn in Braidwood was much respected by the other members of the police force and other persons with whom he had become acquainted. His remains were buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, the funeral being attended by the members of the force and a considerable number of the townspeople. His body was interred close to the graves of the special constables who were murdered at Jinden.

An inquest was held upon the body at the Police Station on Saturday afternoon, before the Coroner and a jury of twelve, when the following evidence was taken :-

Francis Duffy deposed :- I am senior- sergeant of police Stationed at Braidwood. I knew the deceased, James Coady. He was a foot constable, stationed here since the 11th April last. On the 8th instant I directed him, with senior constable Walsh, to proceed the following morning in the execution of warrants. I told him he could either ride my horse or that of constable Bragg, as we would both be engaged at the Police Court next day. Constable Bragg, who was present, said, ” Yes, Coady, you can take my horse if you wish. ” Coady replied, ” I will take the sergeant’s. ”

On the morning of the 9th senior constable Walsh and deceased left here about 9 o’clock. Both were mounted. The deceased was riding my horse. A little after 5 p.m. senior constable Walsh returned to the station and informed me that constable Coady‘s horse ran away with him, fell, and rolled over him, and that he was lying by the side of the road between here and Jembaicumbene. I at once proceeded on foot, and found deceased lying a little way off the road, about four miles from here on the road to Bellevue. Deceased was lying on his back. He was moaning very much. There appeared to be some vomited matter about his head and face, and he smelt very strongly of spirits. At first I thought he was lying in a very drunken fit. On raising him to a sitting posture, he moaned and said, ” Oh, my back ” I spoke to him. He knew me and mentioned my name. His face was cut and bleeding, and I then knew that he was seriously hurt.

Before leaving Braidwood I had given directions for the police dray to follow me. It arrived while I was there, and we had deceased conveyed to the Police Station without delay, where Dr. Gentle attended him the same evening, I believe about 4 o’clock.

James O’Brien deposed :- I am a storekeeper, residing at Bellevue. I saw deceased, James Coady, on Thursday last, about 3 p.m. I saw him first at my store, and we went across the road to Mrs. McManus’ public-house, which is directly opposite. Mrs. McManus is a connection of mine, and I act for her when she is away. On this occasion I went behind the bar and shouted for deceased. He had a nobbler of whiskey. He stopped some little time talking, and then went away. He appeared to me to be sober when he came and seemed sober when he went away. Senior constable Walsh was with him. He could have had some grog before he came over to my store. He came there to get change of a cheque, I think it was a £10 cheque. He wanted me to change it, and take out of it the price of some refreshments he and constable Walsh had had previous to coming over to me. He had nothing after he had the whiskey. The day was a very cold one. The deceased was dressed in the ordinary police uniform, and had no over coat. He left at a canter.

Constable Walsh was about one hundred and fifty yards before deceased, whose horse was very restive while he was mounting. He did not seem a first class rider, and Walsh‘s horse having gone on made his hone restive. He had a revolver in his belt when he went away. It was about ten minutes after I treated the constables that they started.

By the Jury:- They both tried to mount at the same time, but Walsh mounted and rode off quicker than the other. I did not see the constables arrive.

William Walsh deposed :- I am a senior constable of police stationed at Braidwood. I went out to execute some warrants on Thursday, 9th instant. We went to the Chinese Camp, at Jombaicumbene, and arrived there about 10 a.m. We remained at the Camp about five minutes, and then proceeded to a locality known as Moreing’s Flat, where the Chinamen we were in search of were supposed to be. When we got there they had left. We searched the claims and the hut, as I was informed they had been there a short time previous. We then went back to Bell’s Paddock, to a Chinamen’s camp there. I waited there while a Chinaman went to look for those we were in search of. He could not find them. I then wrote a note to Senior constable Stapylton, informing him that there were warrants out for these men, and that they were supposed to be at Major’s Creek. After that, hearing that the men were back in the house we first searched; we went back, but could not find them, as they were not there. We then went towards Braidwood.

We stopped at Mrs. McManus’s public-house at Bellevue, as constable Coady wished to see Mr. O’Brien. Mrs. O’Brien asked us if we would have some dinner. We had some bread and cheese and a glass of ale each. We then went across the street to the store. Constable Coady had some conversation there. I was then going away when Mr. O’Brien asked us to have a drink before we went, as it was very cold. We each had a glass of whiskey, and started for Braidwood.

About a mile and a half this side of Mr. O’Brien’s, constable Coady’s horse went into a gallop. I pulled up, and he pulled in in three or four hundred yards. About three miles and a half this side of Mr. O’Brien’s we went to have a trot. I was trotting, and he was cantering. He kept on the old road, and I went down a new track. The roads are about forty or fifty yards apart. I looked across and saw the horse rising up and Constable Coady on the ground in the middle of the road. I followed and caught the horse and brought him back. I asked the deceased if be was hurt. He did not speak. I bathed his head with water which was close by. I again asked him if he was hurt. He said ‘Yes.’ I asked him where; he said his back. I lifted him on his feet and found he could not stand. He did not try to stand. I laid him down, and kept bathing him. With the assistance of some teamsters who came up I put him on the horse, but he said he could not ride, that his back was broken. I took him down, and carried him about thirty yards off the road to a small ridge. I rode into Braidwood as quickly as possible for assistance, and he was brought in in the police dray.

Cross-examined by the jury :- We had had a glass of grog about five hours before we went to O’Brien‘s. It was at Miller‘s, close to the Chinese Camp to which we first went. There was no appearance on the deceased as if he was at all affected by grog before we began to trot. He was a very poor rider. The horse did hot appear as if it had bolted with him at the time he was thrown. It had bolted with him the previous time. He had trotted with me in the morning when we first went out. All we drank at McManus‘s was a glass of ale and a glass of whiskey each. The road was very rough where the horse appeared to have fallen on deceased. I came to the conclusion that the horse must have rolled over deceased when I saw the saddle marked with the earth. The bar of the bit was bent on the near side, as if the horse had fallen with his head on the ground. There was earth on the bit. The bit produced is the one I speak of. It is bent on the off side. There was some red earth on the horse’s head, on both sides, when I caught him, as if he had rolled over. There were some men breaking stones about a mile or a mile and a half from where the accident occurred. I saw no men nearer. I was not riding with deceased when we passed the men breaking stones. As we passed the men the horse bolted a second time. Deceased appeared to be trying to pull him in. I pulled up, and called to deceased to do the same. The horse galloped pretty smartly when he bolted, but was not at full gallop. He rode with a double-bridle, but I think he used the check rein. When the horse bolted in the morning I was in front. This was before we called at Miller‘s. He did not fall off any of these times, although the horse was galloping quick. I do not think he was rider enough to manage that horse. He waited for me when he pulled up after passing the stone breakers. We went a mile before we again commenced to canter. I was abreast of deceased when his horse fell. I only saw deceased have one glass at Miller‘s; he could have had another glass without me seeing him. I only saw deceased take one glass of ale and one glass of whiskey at McManus‘s. I now recollect that Mrs. O’Brien served him with a glass of brandy or something else before the ale. I saw not the slightest effect of grog upon him after we left McManus‘s. Deceased said that his horse was so lively that he almost jumped from under him. I consider the horse a quiet one. When I went with deceased I told him to bring his revolver and handcuffs with him. When I searched about deceased I found the handcuffs and ammunition pouch, but not the revolver. Deceased told me yesterday morning that he must have dropped the revolver where he fell. I found two belts on deceased when I searched him, but no revolver.

Dr. Gentle deposed that be believed the cause of death was the fracture of the spine. He had no hope of the recovery of the deceased from the time he first saw him. A fall from a horse would cause such a fracture, which might make man vomit.

The jury returned a verdict that deceased was accidentally killed by a fall from his horse while in the execution of his duty.




Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 – 1893), Thursday 1 July 1869, page 2


( From the Manning River News, June 26. )

ACCIDENT AT TAREE:- A rumour has been current for some days past that *Senior Constable John Coady was thrown suddenly to the ground a few nights since by coming in contact with a clothes-line stretched across the Court-yard. He was much bruised by the fall, but is again in the discharge of his ordinary duties.


*It is probable, that SenCon COADY ( in this article ) is the brother of Constable James COADY





Illawarra Mercury (Wollongong, NSW : 1856 – 1950), Friday 4 September 1868, page 2

Telegraphic Intelligence.

Thursday evening.


The fearful results of drunkenness are shown in the following paragraph, taken from the ‘Monaro Mercury ‘ of Friday last : — ‘We never witnessed in Cooma so painful a spectacle or so deplorable an instance of the effects of drunkenness as that brought before the Police Magistrate on Tuesday last. A woman, named Rudd, aged about 30 years, and apparently a strong able person, appeared before the Bench, as an idle and disorderly character.

From the evidence given in support of the charge it would seem that the woman was arrested by sergeant Lenthall, assisted by Constable Coady, in the Market square, on Monday, she then being in a state of intoxication, her daughter, Catharine, sitting near to her.

Both mother and daughter were conveyed to the lock-up, and the police, being aware there were other members of the family, proceeded to where the woman had been in the habit of camping, a short distance from Cooma; Here the officers found a miserably constructed shelter composed of rags and boughs, seated outside of which was the oldest girl, Eliza Rudd, comfortably enjoying a pipe of tobacco, a child about three yearn of age, in a shocking state of filth, lying on the ground close by; within the hut, if it could be so called, they discovered the boy, James Rudd, and to judge from his appearance, soap and water or any cleansing process was an litter stranger to him, and had been so far a considerable time past. The children, together with what few articles of clothing that could be seen, were taken to the lookup.

The case of the children formed the first committal in Cooma under the Industrial Schools Act.





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