Late of ‘Avoca’, 103 Arthur St, North Sydney, NSW
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ‘P‘ 251
For the purposes of this website ‘P‘ = represents those Police joining Pre 1 March 1862 when NSWPF “Officially” commenced.
Service: Irish Constabulary ( from 1 March 1841 – 24 December 1845, Resigned ) = 4+ years Service,
English Constabulary ( London Police from 11 May 1846 – ? ) = 7+ years Service
Emigrated to Australia, aboard the ship Bangalore, in 1854 aged 32, arriving 13 January 1855 at Port Jackson, NSW.
NSW Police Ranks – Service 1: 13 January 1855 – Constable
? February 1855 – Sergeant
? ? 1857 – acting Inspector
Resigned 11 May 1857 = 2+ years Service
Service 1: NSW Police Force ( Colonial Constabulary 13 January 1855 – 11 May 1857 ) Sydney, Penrith ( for 6 – 7 years ), City Police ( Sydney )
NSW Police Ranks = Service 2: ? – 1882 Sergeant
Service 2: ( Rejoinee – NSWPF ) – ( 4 October 1859 – May 1882 )?, Sgt – Summons Room of Water Police Court, Sydney – Retirement = 13 years Service
‘the below article, dated 2 May 1882, states he rejoined the NSW Police on 4 October 1869 but NSW State Archives has him joining on 4 October 1859 ( 10 years earlier & being born in 1822, not 1823 )
Total of 37+ years Service
Awards: ?
Born: ? ? 1822, Arnay, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland
Died on: Saturday 17 March 1900 at his residence ‘Avoca’, 103 Arthur St, Nth Sydney
Cause: Illness – ?
Age: 77
Funeral date: Monday 19 March 1900 @ 3pm
Funeral location: his residence ‘Avoca’, 103 Arthur St, Nth Sydney, NSW
Buried at: Gore Hill Cemetery, Pacific Hwy, St Leonards, NSW
Grave location: Methodist 1,Path 2, Row A, Plot 148
Grave GPS: 151.187946 -33.822353

Location of grave but no tombstone visible
Additional Information from Gore Hill Cemetery Graves Index:
Tubman, Henry – Age 77, buried 19/03/1900. Other notes: North Sydney.
Tubman, Faith – Age 77, buried 11/11/1926. Other notes: [none]
Welsman, Clifford Robert Henry – Age 18, buried 21/06/1941. Other notes: 67 Dalton Street Mosman.
Welsman, Stephen – Age 55, buried 08/11/1943. Other notes: (Ashes). 67 Dalton Road Mosman.
Welsman, Ethel Frances – Age 73, buried 24/11/1964. Other notes: (ashes). 251 Ben Boyd Road Neutral Bay.
Memorial at: ?
HENRY is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
The Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday 8 January 1880 p 10 of 10
THE FRIENDS of Sergeant TUBMAN are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late beloved WIFE, to move from his residence, 111 Prince-street, a quarter to 2 p.m., THIS DAY, the 8th instant, for the Necropolis.
THE FRIENDS of Mr. HENRY TUBMAN, Sergeant of the Sydney Police, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased WIFE, Maria Anne Tubman; to move from his residence, No. 111 Prince-street, THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON, at a quarter before 2 o’clock, for the Necropolis.
J. and G. SHYING and CO., Undertakers, 719, George-street S.
NSW BDM = 32/1880
NSW BDM = 3317/1900
The Sydney Morning Herald
Tuesday 2 May 1882 p 7 of 10
We learn that Sergeant Henry Tubman, of the City Police Force, is about to retire upon an allowance granted under the provisions of the superannuation Act. It is probably that there are few persons who have had so much experience of the police force, and fewer still who as policemen have been witness of so many stirring events as has Sergeant Tubman. That officer has worn the uniform of a protector of life and property for more than 39 years.
During that period he has served in the Irish, the English, and the colonial constabulary, and been a witness of some of the scenes of strife engendered in Ireland by the agitation for the repeal of the Union, a spectator when O’Connell addressed an assemblage of 150,000 people, one who was armed with a sawback cutlass at the time of the Chartist riots, and a witness of the opening of the first International Exhibition in London in 1851.
Sergeant Tubman joined the Irish constabulary as a constable on the 1st March, 1841, and was first called upon to do duty at proceedings in connection with a general election held at Erldunda. The election lasted three days, and as the question of the repeal of the Union was agitating the people’s minds there was a considerable amount of excitement attended by riotous proceedings.
Constable Tubman resigned on the 24th December, 1845, and joined the London police force on the 11th May of the following year. He was amongst those who had to do duty during the period that the Chartists gave so much trouble. As it was thought that the Chartists contemplated a wholesale slaughter of the police force, the constables were armed with sawback cutlasses, and were employed on duty in pairs.
In the year 1854 some difficulty was experienced in Sydney in retaining constables, owing to the attractions which the newly discovered goldfields then presented. The local Government sent to England for a number of men, who had had previous experience as constables, and against whom there were to be no marks for drunkenness. It was also stipulated that any men to be sent to the colony must have borne an excellent character.
Forty-six men were selected, amongst whom was 32 year old Constable Tubman. They came to Sydney by the ship Bangalore, which arrived in Port Jackson on the 13th January, 1855. Three weeks after his arrival Mr. Tubman was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and two years later he was raised to the rank of acting inspector.
Mr. Tubman retired from the force by resignation on the 11th May, 1857, but he rejoined on the 4th October, 1869. For the last five or six years he has hold the position of sergeant in charge of the summons room of the Water Police Court, where his courteous demeanour has secured him many friends.
Sergeant Tubman, who ¡s now upwards of 60 years of age, retires on an allowance of 5s. 10d. per day, which is equal to two-thirds the amount of his daily pay.
We understand that provision has also been made for the immediate retirement of’ Senior-constable John Carton, the trooper who has been stationed at Manly Beach for the last 15 or 16 years.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Wednesday 23 August 1882 p 1 of 14
NOTICE is hereby given that Mr Henry Tubman has been elected in the office of Inspector of Nuisances for Borough.
Geo. L. Coleman
Council Clerk.
21st August 1882
The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday 24 March 1884 p 3 of 12
Persons depositing rubbish in the streets or lanes will be prosecuted.
Inspector of Nuisances.
Council-chambers, March 21, 1884
The Sydney Morning Herald
Wednesday 1 July 1885 p 6 of 16
At the ST. LEONARDS POLICE COURT, yesterday, before Mr. G. W. F. Addison, S.M., J. O. Phillips, summoned by the Inspector of Nuisances for the Borough of St. Leonards, for using on his premises nightsoil brought from elsewhere without permission, was fined 40s., and complainant’s costs £1 11s. 6d., levy and distress, or 14days.
John McClinchy, summoned by Henry Tubman, Inspector of Nuisances for the Borough of Victoria, for obstructing him when acting under the authority of the Nuisances Prevention Act, was fined £3, and costs 7s., levy and distress, or one month.
Anton Ham was ordered to pay 10s. per week for 12 months towards the support of his wife, the first payment to be made at St. Leonards police station on Monday next, with 5s. 10d. costs.
Globe ( Sydney )
Saturday 10 April 1886 p 4 of 8
Mr. Henry Tubman, late Inspector of Nuisances to the Borough of East St. Leonards, has been re-appointed, out of 120 applicants to the position, at a salary of £150 per annum. He was inspector to that borough, and also to the borough of Victoria, at each place receiving a salary of £80 per annum. He will, of course, resign his position at Victoria.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday 19 March 1900 p 1 of 10
TUBMAN. — March 17, at his residence, Avoca, 103 Arthur-street, North Sydney, Henry Tubman, ex-sergeant of police, aged 77 years.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Monday 19 March 1900 p 10 of 10
TUBMAN.—The Friends of Sergeant JOHN THOMPSON are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his late FATHER-IN-LAW, Henry Tubman, ex-Sergeant of Police ; to leave his late residence, 103 Arthur-street, North Sydney, at 3 p.m. THIS DAY, for Gore Hill Cemetery.
TUBMAN.— The Friends of the late Mr. HENRY TUBMAN, ex-Sergeant of Police, are kindly invited to attend his Funeral ; to move from Avoca, 103 Arthur- street, North Sydney, THIS MONDAY, at 3 o’clock, for the Gore Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. P. KIRBY and SON,
7 Elizabeth-st., and 113 Miller-st., N. Syd. Tel., 875.
Evening News ( Sydney )
Tuesday 20 March 1900 p 4 of 8
An ex-senior sergeant of police and a pensioner in the person of Mr. Henry Tubman died at his residence, Arthur-street, North Sydney, on Saturday last.
The deceased, who was well advanced in years, had seen considerable service in the force. There was a large attendance of police officers at the funeral on Monday, the Police Band being also present.
Albury Banner & Wodonga Express ( NSW )
Friday 23 March 1900 p 40 of 40
TUBMAN — At his residence, ‘ Avoca,’ Arthur street, North Sydney, Henry Tubman, ex Senior-sergeant of Police, aged 77 years. Dearly beloved father of Mrs A. H. McEachern, of David street, Albury.
Albury Banner & Wodonga Express ( NSW )
Friday 30 March 1900 p 24 of 40
The subject of the appended paragraph from Sydney paper was the ‘father-in-law of Mr. A H. McEachern, of Albury ; — Henry Tubman, an ex-police sergeant, died on Saturday at North Sydney at the age of 77 years. The deceased appears to have been ill for a considerable time, and had had consequently a protracted confinement to his house. A few years ago Mr. Tubman filled the office of inspector of nuisances to the East St. Leonards Council, and about the period of the amalgamation of the Council he was one of the unsuccessful candidates.
The funeral on Monday was attended by several members of the local police force.
Tubman joined the Royal Irish Constabulary when 18 years of age, thence he passed to the London Police. In 1854, the Government of New South Wales called for volunteers from the London Police, and Tubman was one of those accepted. He came here in the ship ‘ Bungalore,’ in company with the present Superintendent Reid.
Being a steady and zealous officer, he rose in the force, and became inspector about the year 1856. He was transferred to Penrith, and after six or seven years’ service, returned to Sydney until May, 1882, when he retired on a pension.
The deceased was a native of Arnay, County Fermanagh, Ireland.
He leaves a widow and four children.
- “He leaves behind a widow & 4 children”. This shows that me ‘may have’ remarried after the death of his wife, Maria Anne Tubman, in January 1880, whilst living at 111 Prince St.
The ‘second wife’ may ‘possibly be’ Faith TUBMAN who either died on, or was buried on, the 11 November 1926 in a grave next to Henry. Methodist 1, A, 149 of Gore Hill Cemetery, NSW.
The Methodist ( Sydney )
Saturday 28 April 1900 p 4 of 12
The St. Leonards circuit has recently lost by death two of its most venerable church members. The first to lay down the burden of life was Mr. Thomas Swinger, ……….
The next to be removed Henry Tubman, from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant, was Mr. Henry Tubman, one of the oldest members of the St. Leonards Church, and a trustee for the Parraween property. He died at his residence in Arthur Street, North Sydney, on Wednesday, 17th. March, in his 78th. year, and his body was laid in the grave in the beautiful cemetery at Gore Hill, on Monday, 19th. ultimo.
For six long months he was afflicted, but his fortitude and submission to the Divine will were unfailing. He loved prayer, reading of the Scriptures, and the visits of Christian friends. In the last hours of his life he suffered greatly, death was hard work to him physically but his faith did not fail him. His lips were often seen to move in prayer, and the Lord in whom he trusted fulfilled his promise and did not leave nor forsake him in his mortal struggle.
Mr. Tubman was a retired sergeant of the Police Force of the Colony, having joined it upwards of 40 years ago, and was at one time a well known member of our church in the Bourke Street and York Street circuits. He had resided at St. Leonards for the past 18 years.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Tuesday 3 April 1900 p 1 of 10
In THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES – Probate Jurisdiction. – In the Will of HENRY TUBMAN, late of North Sidney, in the colony of New South Wales, Gentleman, deceased.- Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the late Will of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to FAITH TUBMAN and HUGH ABERCROMBIE, the Executor named in the said Will, and all notices may be served at the office of the undersigned.
THOMAS J. DICKSON, Proctor for the Applicants,
127 King-street, Sydney.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Saturday 16 March 1901 p 1 of 18
In Memoriam.
TUBMAN.-In loving remembrance of our dear husband and father, Henry Tubman, who died 17th March, 1900, at his residence, 103 Arthur-street, North Sydney. Inserted by his affectionate wife and children.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Tuesday 17 March 1903 p 6 of 10
In Memoriam.
TUBMAN.—In loving remembrance of our dear husband and father, Henry Tubman, who died March 17, 1900. Inserted by his affectionate wife and children.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Saturday 18 March 1901 p 10 of 20
In Memoriam.
TUBMAN- In affectionate remembrance of our dear husband and father Henry Tubman, died 17th March, 1900. Inserted by his affectionate wife and children.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Saturday 16 March 1907 p 12 of 24
In Memoriam.
TUBMAN.-In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Henry Tubman. who died March 17. 1900, at North Sydney. Inserted by his affectionate wife and children.
The Sydney Morning Herald
Thursday 1 April 1909 p 6 of 12
McEACHERN.— March 22, 1909, at Manly, of Bright’s disease, Rebecca Emily Estella, dearly loved third daughter of Archibald H. and Rebecca McEachern, of Albury, and granddaughter of the late Henry Tubman, Esq, of North Sydney, aged 23 years.
( Interred at Rookwood. )
NSW BDM Death Ref: 3317/1900 Died at St Leonards.