Frank Walter MATTHEWS
Frank Walter MATTHEWS
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ?
Rank: Mounted Constable
Stations: ?, Barmedman Police Stn
Service: From ? to ?
Australian Imperial Force
Regiment: 2nd Light Horse Brigade, A Squadron, 6th Light Horse Regiment
Enlisted: 18 September 1914 ( Rank: Private ) ( 26yrs 6mths old )
Service # 153
Rank: Lance Corporal
Embarkation: 21 December 1914 aboard HMAT Suevic A29
Next of kin: Mrs. Elizabeth. Kearney, mother, Tullamore, NSW & Sarah Gertrude MATTHEWS – wife, Church St, Gloucester.
Religion: C of E
Single / Married: Single
Awards: 1914/15 Star, British Ware Medal, Victoria Medal
Born: ? ? 1888 at Barmedman, NSW
Died on: 17 September 1915
Place of death: ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli Peninsular
Cause: Killed in Action
Age: ?
Funeral date: ?
Funeral location: ?
Buried at: No.1 Shell Green Cemetery, Plot 1, Row B, Grave 9, Gallipoli Peninsular.
Memorial at: ?

[alert_blue]FRANK is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_blue] * NOT JOB RELATED
Funeral location:
2nd Lieutenant Alexander Frank BUSKIN, 6th LHR. Killed in action at Bolton’s Ridge, 17/09/1915.
Trooper William Bradley INGRAM, 6th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Trooper Frank Walter MATTHEWS, 6th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Trooper Lyle Hugh Florian O’NEILL, 6th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Captain Rupert Noel RICHARDSON, 6th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Trooper David Matthew JACOMBS, 7th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Trooper Ernest Ambrose ROBERTS, 7th LHR. Killed in action 17/09/1915.
Just as an aside, his wife applied for a pension in 1918 and was granted a pension for herself and their son, also named Frank Walter Mathews. Frank (Jr) was born in 1915 in the East Maitland District (NSW BDM). At this stage there is no death record of Frank (Jr).
Frank (Sr) enlisted 18/09/1914, killed 17/09/1915 – 364 days. Without getting a birth certificate for Frank (Jr) it is not known whether he was born just before or after Frank (Sr) was killed.
NSW Government Employees Granted Military Leave, 1914-1918
The below link, from the NSW Government Employees Granted Military Leave, 1914 – 1918 has F. W. MATTHEWS, Ordinary Constable of Gloucester; North Eastern District, Gloucester Station, being KILLED in Action at Gallipoli on the 6 September 1915 – being a conflicting date of death from that of the Light website.
The below Citation comes from NRS 4481 Glass negatives ( NRS4481_ST6724P ), plus NRS 10946 Police salary registers [3/2995], SR Reel 1974, plus Police Department Annual Report for the year 1915, in Parliamentary Papers 1915-16, Vol.4, p.635, plus Police Department Annual Report for the year 1918, in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1919, Vol.3, p.603, plus Police Department Annual Report for the year ended 1917, in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1918, Vol.3, p.665.