Francis Aloysius METZ
Francis Aloysius METZ
Father of Barry METZ – NSWPF # 20589
Late of Mary Potter Nursing Home, Wagga Wagga
NSW Penrith Police Academy Class # ? ? ?
NSW Police Cadet # 0431
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # 5519
Rank: NSW Police Cadet – commenced 4 January 1944
Probationary Constable – appointed 17 March 1947
Sergeant 2nd Class – appointed 10 September 1968
Inspector 3rd Class – appointed 1 December 1978
Final Rank = Superintendent
Stations: ?, Darlinghurst ( Police Cadet ), 20 Division ( Police Cadet ), Central – 1 Division ( Police Cadet ), Newcastle ( Police Cadet ),
Quandialla, North East District, Eden ( Insp. ) – ( early 1980’s ), Bega ( 1981 ), Liverpool ( 22 Division ) – ( OIC – Chief Insp – 1982 – 1984 ), Wagga Wagga ( 1984 – 1986 ) ( Supt ) – Riverina District – Retirement
Service: From 4 January 1944 to 15 November 1986 = 42+ years Service
Awards: National Medal – granted 29 June 1984 ( C/Insp )
Commended 1964:
Sgt 3/c Francis ( Frank ) A. Metz is commended for the part played in connection with the search & subsequent arrest of 3 offenders, who were involved in the shooting of Constable L. J. Browning ( # 8645 ) at Nowra on the 23rd of November 1964 –
Signed Police Commissioner N. T. W. Allan
Born: 16 November 1926
Died on: Friday 22 February 2019
Age: 92
Cause: ?
Event location: Shalom Place, Mary Potter Nursing Home, Wagga Wagga
Event date: Friday 22 February 2019
Funeral date: Wednesday 27 February 2019 @ 10.30am
Funeral location: St Michael’s Cathedral, 10 Church St, Wagga Wagga
Wake location: ?
Funeral Parlour: Alan Harris McDonald funerals – 6921 4913
Buried at: ?
Memorial located at: ?

Middle row: Dennis Toohey, Kevin Lawler, Frank Parkes, Dick Lascelles, John Eisenhuth, Bob Smith, Ron Bunt
Front row: Jim Pyne, Jock O’Keefe, Fred Aldred, Charlie Crittle, Joe Hall, John Wilson, Ken Donald” width=”510″ height=”317″> Back row, l to r: Bob Day, Ted Cook, Ken Fitzpatrick, Cliff McHardy, Ted Houghton, Frank Metz, Colin Joyce
Middle row: Dennis Toohey, Kevin Lawler, Frank Parkes, Dick Lascelles, John Eisenhuth, Bob Smith, Ron Bunt
Front row: Jim Pyne, Jock O’Keefe, Fred Aldred, Charlie Crittle, Joe Hall, John Wilson, Ken Donald

FRANK is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance
May they forever Rest In Peace
Wagga Daily Advertiser
13 March, 2019
Colleagues remember Frank Metz’s as a distinguished NSW police officer, but his family remember a wonderful husband and a caring father with a dry wit.
Francis Metz, fondly known as Frank, passed away on February 22 at 92 years of age. He joined the NSW Police Cadets on January 4, 1944, and that kicked off an illustrious career.
His wife, Margaret, said they met at Quandialla when Frank was there relieving the permanent officer.
“I was on a bus trip to the Ballinaclash Orchard when a busload of young people went cherry picking,” she said.
“It was raining and we had to go to the pictures, and | from there the rest is history. We were married in 1950.”
Margaret said he was a wonderful husband, father and policeman and she very proud of him in anything that he did.
Son, Robert Metz, said the movement around NSW was a real testament to the frequency of his dad’s promotions.
“Within his police career and with the moves, he eventually ended up a superintendent, the officer in charge of the Riverina District,” he said.
The Metz family moved to Wagga in 1984 for the job and Frank retired in 1986.
“They decided to enjoy their retired life together in Wagga,” Robert said.
“Lots of travel for leisure and for the family.
“While Mum and Dad’s family was expanding, he did everything he could to support his children through their journey as parents.
“Nothing was too much for Dad.”
His daughters Marianne Flowers and Louise McDermott said their father made everything into an adventure.
“He was always getting us to try new things like apples, sultanas and honey sandwiches,” Marianne said.
“When mum was working in the school holidays, dad used to take us off on day trip adventures,” Louise said.
Marianne said Frank taught all the children to stand up for what was right and to be fair and respectful and he had a dry sense of humour.
“He used to say ‘how can I soar like an eagle when I am surrounded by turkeys’,” she said.
Margaret said he dedicated his time and efforts to the Rotary, the Albion Park Bush Fire Brigade, the Retired Police Association of NSW and the Association of Independent Retirees.
“I would also like to thank the police for their contribution to the funeral,” she said. “When they stopped the traffic, I knew he would have loved that. Also, thank you to the staff at the Forrest Centre for caring for him.”
Reprinted from the Wagga Daily Advertiser.
Hi Cal,
A bit of info on Frank Metz, who I clerked for at the newly established Warilla Division. He came up from ( Inspector 3/C ) Bega Division in the very late 1970’s, and took over from Dave Cooper, Inspector 2/C, who opened the new Warilla Division ( Lake Entrance Rd ) as OIC. Dave made Inspector 1/C and moved up to the Blue Mountains somewhere.
In those days a Divisional OIC had to live within the area of his command to get the cheap rental of an “official” Police residence. There were no such “official” Police residences in the Warilla Division for the OIC, as the Division was only established when the new Warilla Police Station was built and opened in 1976, and “official” Police residences were mostly no longer being built for Divisional OIC’s. In fact the whole Government Policy on “official” residences was changing at that time and most “official” residences were reverting to “economic rental” residences, when occupants changed. There were extenuating circumstances in areas where suitable rental accommodation was not available, mostly remote country areas, but any such new residences were “economic rentals”. The one exception to all this were Lockup Keeper residences which remained with the position.
Because Frank wanted to live in Kiama, which was part of the Nowra Division at the time, but also wanted to benefit from the rental of an “official” residence, he managed to get Kiama shifted from the Nowra Division into the Warilla Division. It was a very logical move as Kiama was 10 minutes from Warilla but 30 minutes from Nowra (all with lights and siren) although Nowra and Kiama troops didn’t agree with the change at the time. Frank also wanted to live in Kiama as he was a keen bowler and belonged to the Kiama bowling club.
The new Police Stations at Warilla, Queanbeyan, and Nowra were all built and opened in the same year and I “clerked” at all of them from 1979 to 1982, ending up at Nowra Division in late 1982 (followed Ann Todkill at Nowra). I left Warilla for Queanbeyan early in 1981 where Ross Gorham was the OIC. Dennis Catt was the OIC at Nowra when I started there.
Ian Avery.
Aged 92 years.
Dearly loved Husband to Margaret.
Loving Father and Father in law to; John (dec’d) and Helen, Robert and Margaret, David and Pam, Barry and Elizabeth, Judi, Marianne, and Louise. Proud Granddad, Great Granddad and Great Great Granddad.
‘Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him O Lord’
A Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Mr Francis Metz will be held on Wednesday 27th February 2019 at St Michael’s Cathedral, 10 Church Street Wagga Wagga, commencing at 10:30am.
In Lieu of flowers donations towards Dementia Australia will be greatly appreciated.