Ernest Edward McCROHON
Ernest Edward McCROHON
Late of 14 Keir Avenue, Hurlstone Park, NSW
Grandson to John McCROHON – NSWPF – # ????
Uncle to Victor Harry McCrohon – NSWPF – # 5009
Great Uncle to Vicki Alexis McCrohon – NSWPF – NSWPF – P/W 0123 – Class 120 ( 1964 ) & Rejoinee P/W 0202 – Class 141 ( 1974 )
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ‘Q‘ 9403
For the purposes of this website ‘Q‘ represents those Police joining between 1 March 1862 ( commencement of NSWPF ) – 23 February 1915 ( Commencement of NSWPF current numbering system )
Rank: Probationary Constable – appointed 1 April 1912
Final Rank: Sergeant 2nd Class – Death
Stations: ?, Central Police Station – 1 Division, Belmore ( 1916 ), Regent St – 2 Division, Newtown – 5 Division ( ? – 26 March 1939 ), Wagga Wagga ( 27 March 1939 ‘ Sgt ‘ – ? ),
13 Division, Clarence St Police Station – Death
Service: From 1 April 1912 to 17 March 1944 = 31+ years Service
Awards: No find on It’s An Honour
Born: 21 September 1887 – Barraba, NSW
Died on: Friday 17 March 1944 during the evening
Age: 56
Cause: Collision – hit by train
Event location: Hurlstone Park
Event date: Friday 17 March 1944
Funeral date: Monday 20 March 1944
Funeral location: Rookwood Crematorium
Funeral Parlour: Walters and Son, Dulwich Hill
Buried at: Cremated ?
Memorial located at: ?

the young policeman, who at Newtown a fortnight ago, had a sensational chase after four suspects and about 3a.m. on Saturday, arrested a man who had been behaving in a suspicious manner. On handcuffing his man, after a struggle, he found that he had a revolver in his hip pocket.
ERNEST is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance * NOT JOB RELATED
May they forever Rest In Peace
The Sydney Morning Herald of
18 March, 1944 reported the following double tragedy surrounding the death of Sergeant McCrohon.
Police Sergeant Edward McCrohon, 56, attached to No. 1 Police Station, was killed by a train last night while crossing the railway track between Hurlstone Park and Canterbury stations.
John Whitfield, a railway employee, who was a passenger on the train, collapsed and died as he began to give first aid to McCrohon.
Sergeant McCrohon was on his way home when he was killed.
The sergeant was born on 21 September, 1887 and joined the New South Wales Police Force on 1 April, 1912. He served at Metropolitan Divisions 1, 2, 5 and 13, as well as at Wagga Wagga. At the time of his death he was stationed at No. 1 Division (Central).
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 – 1954),
Monday 20 March 1944, page 8
McCROHON. – The Relatives and Friends of the late Ernest Edward McCrohon ( Police Sergeant, No. 1 Division ), of 14 Keir Avenue, Hurlstone Park, are invited to attend his Funeral to leave our Funeral Chapel, This Monday, at 11 a.m., for the Crematorium Rookwood.
Walters and Son, Dulwich Hill Terminus.
Army News (Darwin, NT : 1941 – 1946),
Monday 20 March 1944, page 2
WHILE CROSSING THE RAILWAY LINES between Hurlstone Park and Canterbury railway stations on Friday night, Sergeant Edward Ernest McCrohon, 56, of the Clarence Street police station was struck by a train, and killed.
When John Whitfield, 62, night officer at the Belmore railway station who was a passenger on the train, alighted to give assistance, he had a sudden seizure and collapsed. He died beside the body of the police sergeant.
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 – 1954),
Tuesday 28 March 1939, page 4
Sergeant E. E. McCrohon, formerly of Newtown, Sydney, took up duty in Wagga yesterday in succession to Sergeant Kidd, who has been transferred to Newtown.
Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 – 1954),
Saturday 23 December 1916, page 5
Mr. H. Richardson Clark, Parramatta coroner, at an inquest at Bankstown on the dead body of a boy named Thomas Adamson, aged 11½ years, who was drowned in a waterhole in Punchbowl, through getting out of his depth while searching for his sister’s shoe, complimented a brave constable.
The waterhole is in a very secluded position, about eight feet in diameter, and very deep, with no shallow approach, so that directly the hole is entered the water, is about six feet deep, and the sides of it are of clay, being extremely slippery.
The Belmore police were informed of the accident, and Constable McCrohon proceeded to the place with all speed.
He there found a man who was fishing for the boy with a rake, whereupon the constable immediately disrobed and took a header right into the hole.
Before he went in the man with the rake warned him against diving in, as it was dangerous, but notwithstanding that the constable dived right in and brought up the child at once.
The evidence at the Inquest was that the constable knew nothing whatever of the waterhole, and had never seen it before, and that after he recovered the body he and Dr. Miller worked upon it three-quarters of an hour to restore life, but unfortunately without success.
Dr. Miller, in his evidence, stated that he thought the conduct of the constable was most praiseworthy, as had there been any rocks or snags or old stumps in the waterhole McCrohon might have broken his neck when he dived in.
The coroner, in finding a verdict of accidental death, said that he had great pleasure in concurring with the opinion of Dr. Miller as to the conduct of Constable McCrohon, and that he would bring it under the favorable notice of the Inspector-General of Police.
Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 – 1954),
Thursday 29 April 1915, page 4
At the Newtown Police Court yesterday, in a case in which Charles Joseph Wall, aged 27, was charged with assault, the evidence of Constable McCrohon was that while he was arresting a man at midnight of April 21, his prisoner resisted, and Wall and others tried to drag the prisoner free.
Finally witness was forced to let the man go, and he then arrested Wall.
Sergeant J. D. Scott said that at the police station Wall accused the constable of having assaulted him. Witness, at his request, looked at Wall‘s mouth, but it was not cut, and there was no sign of blood.
Wall, in defence, said he did not assist the prisoner to escape, all he did was to put his hand on McCrohon and say: ” Constable, let him go quietly. ” McCrohon was then down and was hitting the prisoner as he lay on the ground.
After the prisoner escaped, witness said to the policeman: ” I think you hit that man terrible with the baton. I think it is my place to go up and give evidence against you. ” McCrohon then arrested witness; and in the station he got witness by the mouth and shook him. His mouth was cut, and he was spitting blood.
Sydney Alexander Colls, a barman at the Oxford Hotel, Newtown, said that Wall did not interfere with the constable while the latter was struggling with his prisoner. The defendant was not intoxicated.
Sergeant Moran said he saw no injury. Defendant was shouting and was abusive.
The magistrate ( Mr. Payten ) said that he would not ask for any evidence to be called in rebuttal of the allegations against the police, but as the department might deem it necessary to hold an inquiry, he ordered a copy of the depositions to be forwarded.
In regard to the case itself, he did not think that the probability was that the constable, while violently struggling with his prisoner; could say that Wall was the man who assaulted him when there were other men there too.
No assault was disclosed that would merit punishment.
The case was dismissed.
Other articles involving McCROHON:
Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 – 1954),
Friday 19 December 1913, page 2
The plucky action of Constable McCrohon led to the timely capture of a runaway on the Newtown railway bridge last night. A horse in a spring cart, driven by Clarence O’Loughlan, of 163 Lennox-street, Newtown, bolted from the bottom of the Newtown Tramway Depot yard, and, when heading for King-street, had put on a fine turn of speed.
McCrohon, who was crossing the bridge, noticed the galloping steed, and without hesitation caught the horse’s head as it dashed by. He was dragged a little distance, but brought the runaway to a stop before any harm was done.
Many people were about at the time, and the constable’s bravery was favorably commented upon.
Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 – 1954),
Wednesday 2 July 1913, page 4
Constable McCrohon was in King-street, St. Peters, on June 21, and when he saw Aubrey Harrison, aged 27, urge a dog to attack a horse in a cart he asked Harrison for his name and address. The man refused, and as the policeman closed with him, Harrison called to the dog, and it tore the officer’s trousers.
On the way to the watchhouse the prisoner used indecent language.
At the Newtown Police Court to-day Harrison was charged with offensive behavior, using Indecent language, assaulting McCrohon, and damaging his uniform. He was defended by Mr. L. Gannon.
Harrison denied the truth of the Charges.
The magistrate ( Mr. Smithers ) imposed fines and costs amounting to £7 11s 6d. The option was two months’ gaol.
In regard to a request that time be allowed to pay the magistrate said he would grant seven days to pay in three cases, but as far as the charge of indecent language was concerned he would, if he had the power, order Harrison to gaol.
Filthy language, he said, was the outcome of a filthy mind, and seemed to be part of the nature of a man who used it.
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 – 1931),
Wednesday 4 June 1913, page 14
A few weeks ago Constable McCrohon of the Newton Police, captured a burglar under sensational circumstances, and the total municipal council at the instance of Alderman Lewis, sent a letter to the Inspector-General of Police expressing its appreciation of the bravery of the constable.
At the last meeting of the council a communication was received from Mr. Day stating that he was pleased to know of the council’s views in the matter, which coincided with his own, and he had ordered a favorable entry to be made on the constable’s record sheet.
Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 – 1930),
Wednesday 16 April 1913, page 18
About 2 o’clock yesterday morning Constable McCrohon and Watchman Taylor, who were in King-street, Newtown, noticed two men outside Selig’s pawn office. Being suspicious concerning the men, because of the early hour; the constables went towards them. The men made off immediately, one of them dropping an iron bar about 3 foot long.
They ran down Bucknell street towards McDonaldtown railway station.
Constable McCrohon hurried after the men, calling upon them to stop. They took no notice of his command, and he fired over their heads without effect upon their movements. Three more shots were fired, but the men disappeared and have not been traced since.
An examination of the premises near where the men were first soon showed that nothing had been interfered with.
Birth: 35058/1887
Death: 1489/1944
Very interesting and informative. My family will appreciate this info.
How far back do your records go? as my gg grandfather was appointed in 1836.
Also my father is Victor H McCrohon bn 26/10/1916. I was also in the NSWP Vicki A McCrohon 21/11/49 .
Any info would be appreciated thank you.
Hi Vicki,
I have no information on your GG Grandfather ( John McCrohon at this time, but have just done a Memorial page for your father.
Henry Louis McCrohon was my great, great grandfather. Edward was my great, great Uncle.