Edric Norfolk Vaux MORRISSETT
Edric Norfolk Vaux MORRISSET
New South Wales Police Force
Regd. # ?
Stations: Bathurst, Maitland,
Goulburn Districts, 1883 – 1887
Born: 22 June 1830 Norfolk Island, NSW
Died: 26 August 1887
Cause: Illness – Addison’s disease
Age: 57
Funeral: Sunday 28 August 1887 3.30pm
Buried Church of England Cemetery, Goulburn
GPS of grave: -34.74075, 149.74358
Further links: https://dev.australianpolice.com.au/chief-inspector-of-distilleries-officer-1862/

In the course of the day, Edric Norfolk Vaux Morrisset, Esq., was sworn in a Magistrate of the territory of New South Wales.
The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 2 March 1853 page 2 of 6
Mr. E. V. Morrisset, Superintendent of Police in the southern districts, accompanied by Mrs. Morrisset, arrived in Braidwood ( says the Dispatch ) on Monday from Goulburn. Soon after his arrival, the Superintendent ( with Mr. Walter Casey, Sub-inspector ) paid a visit to the gaol, and was highly pleased at the manner in which the prison arrangements are being carried out by Mr. Luke Densy, as well as the extreme tidiness and cleanliness of the cells and the establishment generally. The police barracks were also examined, and every thing found to be in tip-top order.
Southern Argus ( Goulburn, NSW ) Monday 2 November 1885 page 2 of 4
Intelligence from Goulburn.
Mr. E. V. Morrisset, Superintendent of Police and Deputy Inspector-General, died yesterday morning at his residence here. Deceased was son of the late Colonel Morrisset, who, in his time had charge of the convict establishment at Norfolk Island. Deceased filled the position of Police Superintendent at Bathurst and Maitland prior to his appointment to this district, which took place about the end of 1883 shortly after the death of Captain ( Henry ) Zouch.
Deceased was in his 57th year. As an officer he was thoroughly conversant with his duties, and knew how to discharge them, so as to win both the confidence and esteem of his subordinates.
Mr. Morriset had been in bad health prior to his death. The disease which affected him is known as Addison’s disease.
The Inspector-General of Police is expected here by to-nights train.
Evening News ( Sydney ) Saturday 27 August 1887 page 4 of 8
IT is with extreme regret that we have to announce the death of a very able and popular officer of the police force in the person of Mr. Edric V. Morisset, superintendent of the Southern police district, and deputy inspector-general of police, which took place at 4 o’clock yesterday morning at his residence, Goulburn. The deceased had been for some time ailing, but, from the nature of his complaint, it was not thought that fatal consequences would be the result. He, however, took a change for the worse a few days since, and gradually sank until the vital spark departed at the hour mentioned. We may mention that the deceased had been in charge of the North-western district for nearly twenty years, his head-quarters being at Maitland; and during the whole of that lengthy period he discharged his duties, both as a public officer and as a private citizen, in a manner which gained for him universal approbation. Upon the introduction of the new Police Act in March, 1862. Superintendent Morisset, who had previously held the rank of inspector in the Queensland native police, received the commission of superintendent under that law, and since that time up to his death he was an active officer, and administrator of police improvement. Some few years ago upon the death of Captain Zouch, superintendent of police at Goulburn, the deceased received the appointment of Deputy Inspector-General of Police, and was transferred from Maitland to Goulburn. It is sad to relate, in connection with the deceased, that it is only a few months since his brother, Adolphus Morisset, police magistrate at Deniliquin, died.
Superintendent Morrisset had been married for many years, but had no issue, He was about 55 years of age, a native of the colony, and was a son of the late Colonel Morisset, well known in the early days of the colony. The country has sustained the loss of one of our most zealous and intelligent officers by the death of Superintendent Morisset. The deceased was a lover of manly sports, such as horse-racing, hunting, shooting, etc.
Newcastle Morning Herald & Miner’s Advocate Saturday 27 August 1887 page 6 of 12
DEATH OF SUPERINTENDENT MORISSET. – For some time past the state of health of Mr. Edric N. V. Morisset, superintendent of police for the southern district, has been a source of anxiety to his friends. He was suffering from an uncommon disease known as Addison’s disease of the kidneys, and during the past week or two his illness had become so serious that hope of his recovery had been abandoned. We regret to record that the fears entertained of a fatal issue were sadly realised, and that Mr. Morisset passed away at an early hour yesterday morning, at his residence, Marston, North Goulburn.
The deceased gentleman was fifty-seven years of age and had been many years in the public service.
He was born in Norfolk Island, his father being Colonel Morisset of the 48th Regiment, commandant in the island and afterwards police magistrate at Newcastle and Bathurst.
Mr. Edric Morisset entered the colonial service in February 1853, and was commandant of native police in Queensland, at that time known as Moreton Bay and forming part of the colony of New South Wales. On the separation of Queensland in 185 he remained in the service there, and in 1860 was appointed inspector-general of police. About two years afterwards, for climatic reasons, he resigned this post and came to New South Wales, where in March 1862 he was appointed superintendent of police for the western district ; subsequently he was transferred to the Maitland district ; and shortly after the death of Captain Zouch, superintendent of police for the southern district, which occurred in October 1883, he was appointed his successor, a position he retained till his death.
He was married to Miss Lawson, daughter of the late Mr. William Lawson of Prospect, who survives him, but he had no family.
It is interesting to note that Mr. and Mrs. Morisset were brought from Norfolk Island as children by the late Captain Zouch.
Mr. Morisset was brother to the late Mr. R. R. Morisset, police magistrate of Deniliquin, whom he visited in his sickness and whose death a few months ago had a strong effect upon him.
At the time of his death Mr. Edric Morisset was the oldest superintendent of police in the service. He was a somewhat strict disciplinarian, but well liked by the men under his command. In private life, he was unostentatious and charitable. He was fond of sport and a good shot. He was formerly a promoter of the Northern Hunt Club, and tried to inaugurate a similar club here, but failed to enlist general support to the movement.
His funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at the Church of England cemetery.
During the illness of Mr. Morisset his duties have been performed by Inspector Brennan of Yass, who remains in charge temporarily.
Goulburn Herald Saturday 27 August 1887 page 4 of 8
The late Superintendent Morisset.
THE funeral of the late Mr. Superintendent Morisset took place on Sunday afternoon last. The morning was dull and threatening, and shortly after noon rain fell most copiously. Not withstanding this a large company took part in the sad ceremonies. The procession moved from “Marston” about half-past three, being headed by six mounted troopers under the charge of Sub-inspector Casey, Braidwood. The coffin came next, and was borne to the church by six members of the police force. Many tokens of respect in the shape of wreaths were placed upon the shell. Four other members of the police, under the command of Sub-inspector Fenton, and twenty-one warders from the gaol, under Deputy-gaoler Graham, followed the body. Amongst the chief mourners were the brother of the deceased, Mr. H. Morisset; the Inspector general of Police, Mr. E. Fosbery; Captain Battye, Albury; Inspector Brennan, Yass; and Mr. T. K. Abbott, Sydney Stipendiary Magistrate. In the procession were many of the leading townspeople. The Bishop of Goulburn read the opening part of the burial service at St. Nicholas’s, and the procession then proceeded to the C.E. cemetery, where the service was concluded.
