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David Stirling EDGERTON

David Stirling EDGERTON 

New South Wales Police Force

Redfern Police Academy Class 121

[alert_yellow]Regd. #   6691[/alert_yellow]

Rank:  Probationary Constable – appointed 5 June 1950

Senior Constable – appointed 20 August 1962

Senior Constable – retired

Stations?, Bungendore ( 1959 ), Kiama ( ? – 1971 ), Wollongong ( 1971 – 26 January 1981 ) – Retirement

ServiceFrom  ? ? ?pre June 1950  to  26 January 1981 = 30 years Service


World War II

Australian Imperial Force

Regiment:                                       30 Australian Infantry Trg. Bn, Bathurst

Enlisted:                                          From 7 October 1942 – aged 18  Trooper with 2/10 Aust. Commando Squadron

Service #                                         N441138   NX172888

Rank:                                                Sapper / Trooper.  669 days in Aust & 420 days overseas = 1089 days in AIF


Next of kin:                                     David Samuel Herbert EDGERTON, Quamby via Young – Father

Religion:                                           C of E

Single / Married:                          Single.  Employed as Farm Hand

Returned to Australia ?

Description on 7 Oct. 1945:        21 yrs 2 mths old, 6′ tall, brown eyes, fair comp & hair with a mark / scar on left leg

Awards:                                             War Badge ( Returned from Active Service Badge ) # A180104.  This Badge was lost, in Young, NSW, in 1946.  He was reissued Badge # 402644 on 7 July 1959

Discharged:                                      17 December 1945



Police Awards:  No Find on It’s An Honour

Born:  24 August 1924 in Young, NSW

Died on:  Saturday  6 August 2016


Age:  91

Funeral date:  Thursday  11 August 2016 @ noon

Funeral location:  Anglican Church Hall, 1 Terralong Street, KIAMA

Buried at?TBA

 Memorial at?TBA

Enlistment to AIF - aged 18
Enlistment to AIF – aged 18

[alert_yellow]DAVID is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance[/alert_yellow]  *NEED MORE INFO



 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]





May you forever Rest In Peace.


Our May 2016 meeting was in the format of a luncheon meeting, held at the “Shellharbour Club”. No formal business was conducted, with the exception of recognition of recently deceased members and Police. In attendance were Kel and Dawn Schreiber; Keith and Jenny Bennett; Mary Douglas; Sue Good; Patricia Condon; Gordon and Jan Weaver; Lindsay Gordon; Jack and Margaret Gudgeon; Bruce and Margaret Dun and John Mennie.In June, members attended a special morning tea at Blue Haven Nursing Home, Kiama to witness the presenting to our Veteran Member, Dave Edgerton, of a military medal he earned as a member of a commando unit in New Guinea during WWll. The presentation was made by Mr Garath Ward, State member for Kiama. Also in attendance were members of Dave’s family and a number of fellow members of the Blue Haven Community.

Kiama Veteran Member, Dave Edgerton receiving his long overdue WWII medal.
Kiama Veteran Member, Dave Edgerton receiving his long overdue WWII medal.

Kiama Veteran Member, Dave Edgerton receiving his long overdue WWII medal.

Of worthwhile mention is the fact Dave was entitled to the medal and had not received it over all these years. The error came to light when our Chairman Gordon Weaver was visiting Dave at the Nursing Home and on inspecting Dave’s war medals, saw one was missing. Gordon contacted the Department of Honours and Awards, and was informed, Dave was entitled to an additional medal honouring his war service. Gordon then made application for the medal on Dave’s behalf. As a result the award was issued. So arrangement were made for the afore mentioned ceremony. Of further note; Dave is one of only two members of his unit still alive.

Unfortunately Chairman Gordon could not be present at the ceremony as he was in Sydney attending other community business.

Kel Schreiber


Appears in the 1979 ‘Stud Book’ as a Senior Constable but does NOT appear in the 1986 version.  Others, of his Class were 1st Class Sergeants in 1977.  Appears that David might not have progressed past Senior Constable – but NOT confirmed.


The below story is of the same man.




Ron Woodhouse I replaced Dave at Kiama in 1971 when he was transferred to Wollongong. He was a lovely bloke who lived for his days fishing out of Kiama and we remained friends. My condolences to his family and I know he will be sadly missed by his many friends and family. R.I.P Dave “Gone Fishing”




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