Bruce William TARRANT
Bruce William TARRANT
aka Tubby & Tarro
( late of Tanilba Bay, NSW )
New South Wales Police Force
NSW Police Redfern Academy Class # 109
Regd. # 12305
Rank: Commenced Training at Redfern Police Academy on Monday 31 October 1966 ( aged 23 years, 4 months, 9 days )
Probationary Constable – appointed 12 December 1966 ( aged 23 years, 5 months, 20 days )
Constable – appointed 12 December 1967
Constable 1st Class – appointed 12 December 1971
Senior Constable – appointed 12 December 1975
Appears in the 1989 Stud Book as a SenCon
Final Rank: Senior Constable
Stations: North East District ( 1967 ), Newcastle, Carrington, HWP ( Cyclist ) at Scott St, Newcastle ( ? – June 1969 ), Gunnedah HWP – Cars – Sept 1972 – ), PCBC Gunnedah – ( Police Citizens Boys Club ), Lake Macquarie PCYC ( Police Citizens Young Club 1979 – ) – retirement
Service: From pre 12 December 1966 to ? ? ? = ? years Service
Awards: National Medal – granted 22 April 1983
1st Clasp to National Medal – granted 27 August 1992
Born: Tuesday 22 June 1943
Died on: Tuesday 3 May 2016 at Mayfield Aged Care, NSW
Cause: Illness – Heart failure after battling Ischaemic Heart Disease and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia for about 10 years.
In 2014 he had successful surgery for Bowel Cancer and major heart surgery.
Age: 72 years, 10 months, 11 days
Funeral date: Wednesday 4 May 2016
Funeral location: ?
Buried at: Cremated ( A private cremation took place. There wasn’t an official funeral or public notice as per his wishes )
Memorial at: Tubby’s Ashes will be scattered on a farm at Burren Junction where he liked to go shooting.

BRUCE is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO
Due to an accident he had while in the Highway Patrol, he was always on pain killers and for more than ten years he has been using morphine patches, the prolonged use of these medications had a detrimental effect on his health this, coupled with his lifestyle, contributed to his early death.
Bruce had been ill since around August 2015 and had a bleed on the brain and surgery in September 2015.
Unfortunately Tarro had a few setbacks since that time and needed 24/7 care and was placed into the Mayfield Aged Care & Wallsend Nursing Home.
May he forever Rest In Peace.
Some work ‘history’ of Tubby from Gunnedah:
His stint on the motorcycles ended in June 1969 in Newcastle, when a VW failed to give way to Bruce when he was dispatched to a bank hold-up (hoax). He spent four months in the Mater Hospital in Newcastle and returned to work full-time the following year in highway patrol cars.
He transferred to Gunnedah in September 1972 as the only Highway Patrol officer in the town, about a year later he transferred to the PCBC to become the assistant constable at the Gunnedah Police & Citizens Boys Club and shortly after he was made the Officer in charge.
He lobbied for a better site for a multi-functional club and plans were drawn up for the new PCYC on the Gunnedah Showground, before the building was finished Bruce was offered a transfer to Newcastle to build another club in the Lake Macquarie area.
In 1979 we returned to Newcastle and Bruce commenced the task of raising funds and planning the new club. This task was achieved with support from local businesses and a very strong committee and the new club was opened by the then Prime Minister the Honorable Bob Hawke AC on 1st October 1983.
Bruce continued to run the club until his retirement due continued complications from the motorcycle accident back in 1969.
Info: Mary Tarrant
A childhood friend of Bruce, comments: Although Bruce and I ( Anthony Stevens ) were never stationed together, we were both good childhood friends living in Whitegates, Wallsend and attended school together in Newcastle.
6 July 2020
I have just come across this page due to searching other things. Bruce was my first Boxing Manager at Lake Macquarie PCYC, a long with my trainer James Boyle. Bruce took me aside one day and told me to live a full life and not to become a looser, I was a kid of 15 years and fought a few comp fights by then and was going through a hard time of grief with the loss of my mother and hard times at school. Bruce’s words stayed with me to this day and funny enough I had tried to live with this in mind.
I was saddened to hear of his passing and wished I had known of this at the time.
Thank you Bruce, RIP
I used to volunteer at the Lake Macquarie PCYC and it was at Windale. Was there for yrs and he was a great person and mentor to me and got to see his marriage to Debbie.
After he retired from the PCYC, the club had gone down hill and it is very rarely open on school holidays and the only thing they have there now is Bingo.
It use to have a lot of sports in there.