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Bruce Earl MAGEE

Bruce Earl MAGEE

Late of Windradyne ( Bathurst ), NSW

aka  Magoo

NSW Police Academy Redfern – Class 110

New South Wales Police Force

Regd. # 12500


Rank:  Commenced Training at Redfern Police Academy on Monday 20 February 1967 ( aged 19 years, 5 months, 9 days )

Probationary Constable – appointed 3 April 1967 ( aged 19 years, 6 months, 23 days )

Constable – appointed 3 April 1968

Senior Constable – appointed 3 April 1976

Sergeant 3rd Class – appointed 27 December 1982

Sergeant 2nd Class – Retirement


Stations:  Police Trainee – Monday 20 February – 2 April 1967

Randwick GD’s – 3 April 1967 – 11 March 1971

C.I. Duties – 12 March 1971 – 23 April 1983

Licencing – Redfern Police Stn – 24 April 1983 – 10 March 1984

Instructor – NSWPF Academy, Goulburn – 11 March 1984 – 20 April 1989

Bathurst GD’s – 21 April 1989 – 19 April 1993

Parramatta ( 1970’s ), Blacktown Detectives ( 1976 ), Fairfield Detectives ( late 1970’s )


Retirement / Leaving age: =  45 years, 6 months, 8 days

Time in Retirement from Police: 24 years, 11 months, 14 days

 ServiceFrom  20 February 1967  to  19 April 1993 = 26 years, 0 months, 27 days  Service


Awards:   National Medal – granted 22 April 1983 ( Det SenCon )

1st Clasp to National Medal – granted 30 April 1993


Born:   Thursday  11 September 1947

Died on:   Monday  5 March 2018 @ 1.13am

Age:  70yrs  5mths  22days

Cause:   Leukaemia

Event location:   Bathurst Base Hospital

Event date:  Monday  5 March 2018 @ 1.13am


Funeral date:   ? ? ? ( the funeral will be a “private family” funeral but there will be a Memorial Service at a latter date – TBA )

Funeral location:   ?, “probably” Bathurst Anglican Church, 3 Church St, Bathurst where he was a member

Funeral Parlour: 


Buried at:   ?

 Memorial located at:   ?



BRUCE is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance *NEED MORE INFO



May they forever Rest In Peace

 Bruce Magee
It is with deep sadness that I advise Sergeant Second Class Bruce Earl Magee, Registered No. 12500, Class 110 passed away at 1.13am this morning at Bathurst Base Hospital. His family were with him and requested their thanks to all those that have passed on their thoughts in respect to Bruce.
There will be a private funeral, and there is to be a Memorial Service at a later date, that date will be advised when it is known.
I remember Bruce as a Detective Senior Constable at Fairfield ( 34 Division ) Police Station back around 1977 – 79.
He was a really nice and approachable bloke.
May you forever Rest In Peace Bruce.
Greg Callander
5 March 2018

Bruce Magee
Former Detective Sergeant who has investigated and prosecuted the full spectrum of criminal offences over a distinguished career with the NSW Police. He has continued this work in the private sector, both as investigator and teacher. He has extensive experience of the Human Relations framework within Local Government where ongoing exposure to the area broadened his already extensive H.R knowledge and skills.
Director – Em-Four Pty Ltd

Bruce Earl MAGEE

Bruce Earl MAGEE
Anglican News   November 2013   Vol 36 No. 7

A tribute to a special friend Sergeant Bruce Magee

The generosity of ones wisdom, is a statement of kindness, never surpassed in the history of time. When one of patience and understanding, pauses to advise and direct young people, and point them in the right direction, its a true sign of humility and caring. Over the years this man has nurtured the careers of hundreds of young Police Officers, at the Goulburn Police Academy, and on behalf of these Police Officers, serving and retired, we say thank you for your interest, for your patience, and your guidance and your friendship and your knowledge; and for just being the man you are. Yes Bruce Magee, you have made a difference in the lives of many of these young Trainees at the Academy, always encouraging them daily to reach beyond their goals, and to strive to be respected, and to be a competent Police Officer, within your community. I thank you Sir, and salute you for your fine Service.

Bruce attending as a special guest at the Police Academy ten year reunion in 1994.

Bruce Earl MAGEE - 30 April 1994


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  1. Bruce was a lecturer at the academy when I went through in 87 and he later transferred to Bathurst where I was stationed. He was a good bloke and always assisted the young ones. RIP Sge. I enjoyed your war stories.

  2. Classmate of mine. Received a phone call this morning to the effect he had Leukaemia and had lapsed into a coma. Happy go lucky guy, great company. All the richer for having known him. Rest in Peace Bruce. Condolences to family. John Crowley

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