Beverley Ann MORONEY
Beverley Ann MORONEY – wife of Ken
New South Wales Police Force
Stations: ?, Liverpool, Cabramatta, Lismore, West Wyalong
Service: From ? to ?
Awards: ?
Born: ?
Died on: Sunday 24 May 2015 during the p.m.
Cause: Breast Cancer
Age: ?
Funeral date: Monday 1st June 2015
Funeral location: St Pauls Catholic Church, John Street, Camden @ 2.30pm
Buried at: Camden General Cemetery, Cawdor Road, CAMDEN

Funeral location: [codepeople-post-map]
On behalf of Former Director of NSW Police Legacy Ken Moroney;
“Dear Friends,
On behalf of Michael and Kim, Peter and Ruth and Andrew and Melissa and our seven grandchildren, may I take this opportunity to thank each of you for your kind and thoughtful comments regarding our dearly loved wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother, Beverley. I have been asked over recent days what my best memories are of Bev and the words grace, dignity, and an inner peace immediately come to mind. We will miss that spontaneous laughter, that genuine ability to care for all around her and that dogged determined mind that any task that had to be completed, had to be completed well.
Over the recent years, months and weeks we have watched the great struggle she faced always with cheer and more concern about the welfare of the medical and nursing staff who were caring for her. That was Bev.
Bev had three loves in her life; her family, the NSW Police and her much loved Ronald McDonald House where she felt humbled at being able to do something, anything to help kids and their families who were suffering from illnesses. The boys and I are indebted to many serving and retired colleagues for their kindness towards Bev.
Whilst we are the poorer for her passing, we are the richer for having known her”.
Ken Moroney
A mass service will be held at St Pauls Catholic Church, John Street, Camden on Monday 1st June 2015 at 2:30pm. A Committal service will be held at 4pm at Camden General Cemetery, Cawdor Road, CAMDEN.
At Beverley’s own request, please wear a splash of colour.