Bernard Joseph John DOWLING
Bernard Joseph John DOWLING
New South Wales Police Force
Horse Accident
22 old
Death: Reported as 11 January, 1882 but grave stone indicates he died on 19 January 1882.
On 11 January, 1882 the constable was riding near Milroy Station, Brewarrina, when his horse bolted and threw him against a tree. He landed across the saddle and was then dragged some distance. Unfortunately Constable Dowling had received severe injuries and despite being treated by a doctor, he passed away the following day.
The Maitland Mercury reported on 14 January, 1882 that “Yesterday evening while mounted Constable Bernard Dowling was riding near Mrs. Whitmarsh’s on Milroy Station, his horse bolted with him and ran him against a tree. He was thrown across the saddle and dragged some distance. A messenger came in for the police and doctor. Dowling was still insensible when the messenger left which was about an hour after the accident. Senior Constable Steele and the doctor left here about midnight.”
The constable was born in Ireland about 1860 and was a single man. At the time of his death he was stationed at Brewarrina.
Launceston Examiner newspaper, Thursday 2 February 1882, page 1 of 4
DOWLING – Near Brewarrina, N.S.W., Bernard J., son of the late W. P. Dowling, of Launceston, aged 22 years.
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In Memory
Bernard Joseph John
born at
Launceston Tasmania
July 17th 1883
Died Jan’ry 19th 1882
5 April 2014: From Ken Medway, Beyond Courage Facebook page:
We recently visited Brewarrina and located the grave of Bernard Joseph John DOWLING who died in January 1882 as a result of a horse accident.
According to his headstone he died on 19 January and was 22 years old being born on 17 July 1859 at Launceston.
GPS Location 29 58′ 10S / 146 50′ 46E
Old Catholic Section right over on western fence
Beyond Courage Page 69.
A thorough search of the cemetery failed to locate the grave of John Charles DONOVAN aka DONAVON who is also recorded as being buried there. Inquiries with Brewarrina Shire revealed that all records were destroyed some years ago so his precise whereabouts will probably never be known.
From Cal: “See Yackandandah Times story article attached to the death of John Charles DONOVAN. Body re-interred in Yackandandah Cemetery, Victoria, pre 27 January 1922.”
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