Ashley MEEK
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Ashley MEEK

Ashley MEEK 

Unknown South Australian Policeman – Suicide

South Australia Police Force

Regd. #   73719


Rank:  Brevet Sergeant


Stations?, Lock, Cowell – death


ServiceFrom  ? ? ?  to  5 March 2017 = ? years Service





Died on:  Sunday  5 March 2017 about 9.45pm at Cowell Hospital, S.A.


Cause:  Illness – Depression – Suicide


Funeral date:  Wednesday  15 March 2017 @ 10am

Funeral locationGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road Para Vista S.A.


Buried atKibby Gardens, Enfield Memorial Park, Browning Street Clearview

 Memorial at?

Police visit: Lock based policeman Brevet Sergeant Ashley Meek spoke to the Wudinna Senior Citizens at their May meeting.

 ASH is NOT mentioned on the Police Wall of Remembrance  * BUT SHOULD BE

ASH is NOT mentioned on the National Police Wall of Remembrance  *NEED MORE INFO ( checked on 25 August 2022 )


 Funeral location [codepeople-post-map]



May they forever Rest In Peace


The funeral for Brevet Sergeant Ashley Meek, South Australia Police will be held at 10.00am on Wednesday 15 March 2017 at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 388 Montague Road Para Vista S.A. and then at Kibby Gardens, Enfield Memorial Park, Browning Street Clearview for a committal service.

Ashley was a decorated veteran, serving proudly with the Royal Australian Army in both East Timor and Iraq, as well as faithfully serving the people of South Australia.

Despite the incredible outpouring of grief following Ashley’s death, what is abundantly clear is that Ashley was dearly loved by all his family and friends. Described as a champion bloke, we intend remembering Ashley the way that he lived, as a true hero.

Rest easy blue brother… your work here is done.

MEEK, Ashley.
The Commissioner of Police, Mr Grant Stevens, on behalf of all members of the South Australia Police, extends his deepest sympathy and condolences to Ashley’s family, friends and colleagues. Brevet Sergeant Ashley Meek will be sadly missed throughout SAPOL.
Published in The Advertiser on 11/03/2017

Like This Page · March 6 2017 · Edited ·

This is Ashley Meek. Late last night in rural Australia Ashley took his own life. He was the 6th recorded veteran of the last wars on foreign soil to have taken their own life in 2017. Last year 75 Australian veterans took their own lives.

For the last five years, ever since I was taken under the wing of the Australian Defence Force and toured through the war in Afghanistan I have heard one veteran after another, from every tier of Defence, from every part of Australia tell me how difficult receiving help is for them. It is not new news that The Department of Veteran’s Affairs or DVA is a cumbersome and hopelessly ineffective bureaucracy. Young men and women who had served many tours of Afghanistan quietly called them the DVE to me, or Department of Veteran’s Enemies.

For too many years the DVA only counted suicides amongst enrolled Defence Force members as suicides associated with service. The young man I met who was homeless in Sydney last year after serving 5 tours of Afghanistan would not have been counted because he had been discharged in 2012 with PTSD. If Defence had discharged you for psychological illness and you suicided, then your death was not associated officially with your deployment. It was cruel, misleading and wrong.

Now the DVA is pushing for veterans to be administered as welfare recipients under the community services portfolio. I was sitting at my computer last night trying to get my head around what the changes would mean for some of my young friends who suffer from PTSD after their service in Afghanistan. At the same time I was pondering the Legislative Amendment before Parliament Ashley Meek took his own life. DVA is closing the services that they have offered veterans ever since the Vietnam War. Veterans’ Access Network (VAN) offices around Australia have been steadily closing down. Instead of those services veterans will have no option but Centrelink.

Next time a Prime Minister commits tens of thousands of young Australians to war on the other side of the planet I hope that that same Prime Minister assures those young souls that they will be respected, supported and cared for when they return, and that no expense will be spared in their recovery. Otherwise, do not commit our youth to war..

Rest in Peace Ashley Meek

— with Season Bongkoj.

Please sign this petition for the memory of Ashley Meek and for the future well being of the thousands of veterans in our communities…/the-honorable-president-and…

Aussie cop takes own life at hospital

By Megan Palin

A South Australia police officer posted “F*** you SA Police” on his Facebook before walking into a local hospital and taking his life in front of medical staff last night.

The man reportedly drove to Cowell, about a 500km drive west of Adelaide, before entering the District Hospital around 9.45pm, reported.

It is not known if the officer was on or off duty at the time of his death.

A brief statement issued by SA Police said authorities were “preparing a report for the coroner following the death of a man at Cowell on March 5”.

“No other persons are being sought at this time,” the statement read.

A South Australia Police spokesperson told they had “nothing further to add”.

Cowell District Hospital has been contacted for comment.

One of the police officer’s colleagues, who asked to remain anonymous, said the man “posted (a) ‘f*** you‘ msg (sic) to SAPOL” on Facebook moments before he died

“The messages said F*** SAPOL and some other comments,” the source said.

The man, who has chosen not to identify, has been described on social media as “a well respected officer, and former ADF member, who will be missed by many”.

“This bloke was and will forever remain a dead set legend,” another person wrote.

“No one saw it coming. We got the watch now brother.”

“We are all better people having known you,” another said. last month reported a lack of welfare support and subsequent mental health crisis within the Australian Federal Police after an agent was believed to take her own life in the Melbourne headquarters on February 7.

The reports prompted several state police officers to also come forward and highlight that a lack of welfare support for work-related mental health issues including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was also a problem in state policing.

“South Australia has just seen one of their officers (take her own life),” one police officer told

The source was referring to constable Sharryne Grant, South Australia’s longest serving female police officer, who died by suicide in Adelaide in October last year.

“Suicide within the ranks is being ignored state wide,” he said.

“Cops can’t speak out, because they are crucified by management.

“(Instead they) suffer in silence.”

Blue Hope director Mark Kelly told the organisation had received “nearly 50 referrals from struggling police since Christmas”.

“We are under the pump trying to meet demand,” he said.

If you have information on issues within the AFP please contact

Where to get help:    ( South Australian Numbers )

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 (available 24/7)

Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7)

Youthline: 0800 376 633

Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)

Whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (1pm to 11pm)

Depression helpline: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7)

If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 000.

Canterbury Support Line: 0800 777 846


We recently lost a friend and colleague to suicide because of PTSD. She left her son and partner behind because she did not get the help she required. We owe it to her 11 year old son and for all the other partners, children and family members left behind by the officers who can see no Light at the end of the tunnel except by ending their lives. It has to STOP.

For too long, management of Australian Police Forces have silently accepted horrifically high suicide rates amongst our troops – Disproportionately higher than the Australian population.

We demand a national Coronial enquiry, seeking answers in a State by State basis.  We want to learn what are the primary stressors amongst our Police, what is/can be done to minimise this, and greater support services for our Police.

F*** You SA Police” – this was the last social media post of a SA cop who tragically took his own life just days ago.

“Suicide and bullying are rife within the police force. I’ve served as a cop in SA for 11 years now – I’ve battled first hand the toxic “suck it up princess” internal culture. It’s destroying, and costing lives.”

“I’m proud of my job, for keeping our communities safe from crime. We lock up murderers, protect domestic violence victims, and remove kids from horrific abuse. But what I’m sick of is the bureaucratic crap, intimidation and abuse of power that goes on internally.

Stop sweeping the fact police are killing themselves under the carpet. This is too important. My colleagues are dying around me. For too long now, management of Australian Police Forces have silently, knowingly, accepted horrifically high suicide rates amongst our troops – disproportionately higher than the Aussie population.”

I am starting this petition on behalf of myself and colleagues who are seeking an enquiry into the cause of suicides by Police in each Australian State.

We need to learn what the primary stressors are among our Police to then decide how to minimise more tragic deaths from happening.

The ‘Thin Blue Line’ is getting thinner –  Please help protect those who protect our community by signing and sharing our petition.

This petition will be delivered to:

  • Australian State Coroners
  • Federal Minister for Justice
    Michael Keenan MP
  • SA Minister for Police
    Peter Malinauskas MLP
  • Qld Minister for Police
    Mark Ryan MP
  • NSW Minister for Police
    Troy Grant MP
  • Vic Minister for Police
    Lisa Neville MP
  • ACT Minister for Police
    Mick Gentleman MLA
  • Tas Minister for Police
    Rene Hidding MP
  • NT Minister for Police
    Michael Gunner MLA
  • Minister for Police; Road Safety; Training and Workforce Development; Women’s Interests
    Hon. Liza Harvey MLA


Gawler soldier honoured

20 July 2016

MARCHING in the French National Day Parade and Western Front commemorative services, Sergeant Ashley Meek honoured fourth-generation cousin – and Gawler soldier – Lance Corporal Stewart Grigg last Thursday.
Sgt Meek, who has strong family connections in the Gawler area, serves in the 10th/27th Battalion, Royal South Australia Regiment, and recently embarked on a month-long trip, joining the army contingent for the French National Day Parade.
“The experience was extra special due to having a family history and connection within my unit to the battles in France,” Sgt Meek said.
“Getting to escort the colours, which my family fought for, was the icing on the cake.”
Gawler-born L.Cpl Stewart Grigg was enlisted in the 27th Battalion on February 4, 1915, and was awarded three medals for his service – the 1914-1915 Star, the British War Medal and a Victory Medal.
He served in Egypt, Gallipoli and the Western Front, where he was killed in action during the battle of Agincourt on March 26, 1917.
“Although his remains are yet to be found, his memorial is located at Villers-Bretonneux in France and I intend to visit this site one day,” Sgt Meek said.
He said the trip was a chance to pay his last respects to the late L.Cpl Grigg.
During the Western Front commemorations, he was part of the firing party during the reburial ceremonies.
“It is a very big honour to have been selected as part of the army contingent for French National Day Parade, and, in particular, to go to the Western Front and participate in the commemorative events taking place there,” he said.
In the wake of the recent terrorist attack in Nice, France, Sgt Meek said Australian troops remained “positive”.
“We are here to do a job and pay respect to our forefathers, but France, as a whole, is quite vigilant,” he said.
“The hospitality of the French people and the army has been great.”
Sgt Meek will return home later this month.

150 at Lock Dawn Service

IN sombre silence, more than 150 people gathered in the cold pre-dawn to commemorate Anzac Day at Lock.

After an Anzac Day introduction by Neil Cummins, Noel Siviour shared three short extracts from the 2/48th Battalion records.

Noel’s father, Lindsay Siviour, was in the 2/48th Battalion.

National serviceman Richard Cummins spoke of the charge of the Light Horsemen at Beersheba. His wife’s grandfather, Cliff Cabot, was in the 3rd Light Horse Regiment that served in Palestine.

Local Lone Scout Kendall Meyers beautifully recited the poem For the Fallen.

Mark Siviour, who served in East Timor and the Solomon Islands, spoke of Thomas Currie Derrick, known as Diver Derrick, who received the Victoria Cross for his assault at Sattelburg, New Guinea in 1943.

Brevet Sergeant Ashley Meek shared Ben Roberts-Smith’s heroism in Afghanistan during 2010 for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross.

Ashley Meek also read out the Ode of Remembrance, which was followed by the haunting bugling of Doug Monks’ Last Post.

There was one minute of silence and then as Reveille was played, Brevet Sergeant James McFarlane raised the flag.

Reverend Sue Ellis of the Lock Uniting Church led the gathering with the Lord’s Prayer.

Before she read the Soldier’s Prayer, she spoke of Martin Andrews, a former priest, who was a stretcher-bearer for the Medical Corps.

Councillor Malcolm Hancock laid a wreath on behalf of the Elliston District Council.

Lone Scouts, Australian military, CWA and family members also laid wreaths and flowers in remembrance of the fallen and the ceremony closed with prayer and the benediction by reverend Sue Ellis.

LADS (Lock and Districts Services) president Wayne Hodge thanked all for attending and then the club provided a cooked breakfast for all.


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